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Quote from: gogannaka on October 03, 2008, 09:00:38 PM
BKGZ,ni ma duk nayi irin wannan kare Shekarau din.
Infact har a board din nan ma haka,some of my friends even think i have something gaining from Shekarau and it would surprise you to know that  stopped listening to freedom radio's Kowanne Gauta because of those illicit rantings na yan siyasa musamman ma 'yan PDP.

But fact remains fact BKGZ, Shekarau lacks the Vision to take Kano forward.He lacks the vision to rightly place Kano where it is supposed to be as the most populous state in Nigeria.
In terms of monthly federal allocation, apart from the Niger Delta states,Kano gets the highest allocation from the federation reserve.

You talk about Kano being the most populous state,i am sure you are aware how the population has outstretched the infrastructure. A visionary leader would have since created satellite towns or new cities better than the existing one. As the most populous state in Nigeria,how many houses has the Shekarau administration successfully built and handed over? The only ones i am aware of are some 12 units in Kumbotso-zawachiki area.Haba don Allah,13 million inhabitants and they build 12,kai lets say ma 100 houses. Find out how many Borno,gombe,jigawa etc have built.
Even kwankwaso built the mariri and zawachiki estates that had more than 300 units combined.You can say that they were non qualitative but still,half a bread is better than none.
So BKGZ, YES, Kano should (should have) built new cities since. They don't have to depend on monthly allocation for God's sake,the PPP is the fastest growing developmental approach now.That is what abuja,kaduna,lagos and everyone(but Kano) is opting for.

Regarding the internally generated revenue,isn't is laughable that Kano being the commerce center of northern nigeria generates a meagre amount. The leaders of lagos have a vision. They harnessed their potentials,being the biggest IR earner, they digitised their revenue collection in such a way that multiple taxation as well as siphoning govt revenue by revenue collectors was avoided.Go and see how they do their motor vehicle license.Abun mamaki wai sai Bauchi state ce take son ta yi implemanting such a system.

Shekarau yana tituna quite alright but with the pace of devt,he should do more.
Rufin asirin shi daya da aka fara triplization project din nan cos what is the essence the cars have doubled and the roads remain as the were.These roads were planned to take a certain number of vehicles but now that number has been quadrupled so don ka wani gyara titi you are not solving matters.You are just subjecting the streets to more stress,ask the civil engineers.

Kai i better stop.
My friend came over for sallah from Adamawa,he hadn't been to kano for like 4 years. He told me he saw physical changes in all the states he passed through except Kano.He didn't see any new change in banda the 'one side bigger than the other side' titin gidan gwamna and the new TV at the silver jubilee round about.
Allah ya kawo mana cii gaba wannan gari.

Back to the thread topic.
Supreme court ruling is on the 23rd.
Buhari says yar'adua has never called him or contacted hm since he became president.

Goga, what you have to understand is that every state has its own areas of priority. If kaduna or lagos or wherever decides that newcities or housing estates is what they need, must that apply to kano as well? I mean, yes, Kano, like most cosmopolitan cities, needs new structures as far as housing is concerned. But should that be the priority of the govt? If I may ask you, how would you rank portable drinking water, roads, education and health against building new cities?' That's what you should consider before making comparism with other state's paper projects. I'm still surprised at how've become bessotted with other states' paper visions! In dai irin wadannan ne, ka manta shekarau had similar or even better-sounding projects, even before some governors start to think of them? Ko ka manta da International World Market, Kano Economic City Project, The IT Centre, etc? Ba irinsu bane kake ji wadansu gwamnoni suna fada, kana jin dadi kana cewa suna da vision? Now, the Niger State government has declared 2009 as the "Water Year", meaning they would embark on provision of portable water. Yanzu zaka ce sune suke da vision, ba shekarau ba, ko? I'm sure if Shekarau has attempted railroad rehabilitation, or newcity, people would've complained, saying he has no vision, since Kano's problem is water and dilapidated roads ::) Ko ba haka bane?

Incidently, I was at the Tamburawa Water Works during sallah just to see the place, and believe me you can't help but be impressed by the work done there. It is a gigantic project or international standard. Kuma an fara anfana da shi, tunda wurare da yawa sun fara samun ruwa. At least unguwannin mu are beneficiaries. While the process still goes on.

As for your friend that came from Adamawa and said he didn't see development, problem is people mistake development for only physical structures. And mind you, Kano is not like his state or other smaller states that a few physical structures stand out clearly for all to see. I bet if a census would be taken for the number of roads built within a metropolis in the northwest, the ones built by shekarau are better and more. Amma ai sun bace saboda yawan garin. You can build 4 roads in Yola and everyone see them the moment they enter town, while you can build 50 roads in Kano and they become "invisible". Dambu in yayi yawa, baya jin mai ;D

So to cut it short, i'm not saying Shekarau has excelled. I'm not saying he's infallible. I believe he has failed in some areas, just like it is my bbelieve that he done really well in other areas. I believe there are lots of work still to be done. What irks me is when people condemn outrightly, without any apparent reason but because either shekarau basu shiri da buhari, ko kawai yaji ana fadi ne, ko shi dan pdp ne, ko dai wani abu daban. If you want to criticise him, by all means do that as is your right. But lets be practical and intellectual in our analysis, not streetman's argument.


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on October 06, 2008, 02:07:49 PM
Goga, what you have to understand is that every state has its own areas of priority. If kaduna or lagos or wherever decides that newcities or housing estates is what they need, must that apply to kano as well? I mean, yes, Kano, like most cosmopolitan cities, needs new structures as far as housing is concerned. But should that be the priority of the govt? If I may ask you how would u rank portable drinking water, roads education and health against building new cities?'
It should be in the same category of priority as roads water etc. Who ever said a government should have only one concern on its agenda?

Quote from: BKG
  I'm sure if Shekarau has attempted railroad rehabilitation, or newcity, people would've complained, saying he has no vision, since Kano's problem is water and dilapidated roads ::) Ko ba haka bane?

Lol ba haka bane! since muhalli is just as important a consideration as drinking water and roads etc

Quote from: BKGIncidently, I was at the Tamburawa Water Works during sallah just to see the place, and believe me you can't help but be impressed by the work done there. It is a gigantic project or international standard. Kuma an fara anfana da shi, tunda wurare da yawa sun fara samun ruwa. At least unguwannin mu are beneficiaries. While the process still goes on.

Aha! Now we know the cause for such adulation and support for our erstwhile tunnel vision gov

Quote from: BKGAs for your friend that came from Adamawa and said he didn't see development, problem is people mistake development for only physical structures. And mind you, Kano is not like his state or other smaller states that a few physical structures stand out clearly for all to see. I bet if a census would be taken for the number of roads built within a metropolis in the northwest, the ones built by shekarau are better and more. Amma ai sun bace saboda yawan garin. You can build 4 roads in Yola and everyone see them the moment they enter town, while you can build 50 roads in Kano and they become "invisible". Dambu in yayi yawa, baya jin mai ;D

If friend from Adamawa were to find Kano a tsabtace, it'd go some way to making the place look more developed, that is considering cewa gov Shekarau ya tabuka roads and etc. However, datti ma is enough to camouflage any effort na gyara that any govt does. Kuma Kano is infamous a yanzu for shara etc. So what is the govt doing about that? Naji wani wanda yake da ruwa da tsaki a al'amarin na cewa wai sun hada kai da kafa da kamfanonin da suke yin ledojin, za a rika recycling din ledojin. So in the meantime, za su employing YARA (!!) :o suri ka bi suna tsintar ledojin. That would generate an economy for the kids and their parents or something to that effect. Needless to say, I AM SHOCKED! Isnt this a form of child exploitation? The other implication of this is that these kids za su rika bi bola bola suna tsintar ledoji. I know it happens at the present moment, but I am under the impression its one of the things that is frowned upon. Besides, hasnt anyone considered the health hazards inherent in such a venture for the children? Wai why is it that ppl dont think things thro ne, when they bring up such hair brained solutions? Why not properly employ ppl and pay them a regular salary to do this work? Wa'yansu iyayen yaran will welcome such such an employment,becos it helps them to maintain the kids and keep them from being the ones employed to do such awful things. Haba! >:(

Quote from:  BKGSo to cut it short, i'm not saying Shekarau has excelled. I'm not saying he's infallible. I believe he has failed in some areas, just like it is my bbelieve that he done really well in other areas. I believe there are lots of work still to be done. What irks me is when people condemn outrightly, without any apparent reason but because either shekarau basu shiri da buhari, ko kawai yaji ana fadi ne, ko shi dan pdp ne, ko dai wani abu daban. If you want to criticise him, by all means do that as is your right. But lets be practical and intellectual in our analysis, not streetman's argument.

Without apparent reason? Lallai u have a short memory BKG! What about the senseless waste of money on Hakimai? Wouldnt that money have been better spent on somethings? and dont no one give me that jizz about tafi da ayukkansu. The total sum of ayyukan su doesnt justify the stupendous waste of resources especially when kids still sit on the dirt floors and have no window shutters in their classrooms and when u have kids jammed packed into a class meant for 40 students at the most. Sannan kuma u get some clowns saying that it was becos Shekarau had made ilimi sa available in Kano that u have 100 pupils to a class.. such dribble.... tssuii >:( >:( >:( >:( 
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Hey ladies and gentlemen, don't distract away my
thread from its original content.  We are talking about
the Old Retired Janar not Shekarau.

Did you hear the latest news on Janar?  the guy is out
for a show, he is trying to initiate a new party since
from all indication he has lost hope in the supreme
court and his party ANPP will not give him ticket.

this is a big mistake, kuma su Galadima ne suke ta zuga
shi.   I doubt much if this new party will ever bring a
single seat, even at ward level.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: HUSNAA on October 06, 2008, 03:54:12 PM
It should be in the same category of priority as roads water etc. Who ever said a government should have only one concern on its agenda? 9
And whoever said Shekarau's govt has only one concern?

 Lol ba haka bane! since muhalli is just as important a consideration as drinking water and roads etc
Wrong. The issue of housing is not so much of a problem in Kano as water and roads.

QuoteAha! Now we know the cause for such adulation and support for our erstwhile tunnel vision gov
To karya ne ruwan? Mun gani kuma mun sha!! Ai zahiri ne ba badini. Of course dole in yaba masa. Don yayi abinda gwamnoni dabandaban suka kasa yi. He made significant progress towards solving a more than 30 years problem as far as we are concerned. Ba za muyi butulci ba. Duk wanda yayi mai kyau dole ne mu yaba masa. Ba boyo, ba nuku-nuku, ba nunkufurci!

QuoteIf friend from Adamawa were to find Kano a tsabtace, it'd go some way to making the place look more developed, that is considering cewa gov Shekarau ya tabuka roads and etc. However, datti ma is enough to camouflage any effort na gyara that any govt does. Kuma Kano is infamous a yanzu for shara etc. So what is the govt doing about that?
Good. One of the areas that I confess Shekarau has failed.  Ni gaskiya nake fadi.

QuoteWithout apparent reason? Lallai u have a short memory BKG! What about the senseless waste of money on Hakimai? Wouldnt that money have been better spent on somethings? and dont no one give me that jizz about tafi da ayukkansu.

I gave some of the reasons ppl hide behind to justify their senseless attack on him. And, eh, you can't runaway from the fact that our traditional rulers play significant roles in our lives. They are the ppl closer to us. In most cases they are the first points of solace and comfort in times of crisis. You would be amazed if you hear what they're paid. Some (from mai unguwa to dagaci) earn something like N200, while some earn just N7000 per month! Yet these are the people we run to when our kids get missing, when rigimar aure ta cakude, ko ta gona, ko rigimar fadace-fadace, da dai makamantansu.  So, if the governor deems it fit to buy vehicle for them so be it. You and I may not agree with it. We may not agree it is justifiable. But these are political times. I have since learned to take the good with the bad. Some states did it before kano, while others have since did the same thing like The FCT, Zamfara state, Nassarawa state. You know why? Because it came to light that the provision for such is always being made in all the local governments budgets to the tune of N5million per district head, on a yearly basis. Of course the  cars would not be bought, while the money will just disappear. Every year. So the governors (those that implemented) decided to buy and stop the manipulation in the LG budget. Amma da yake Shekarau shi ne karkatacciyar kuka mai dadin hawa, shi kawai ake ta zagi kullum. Sauran jihohin ba ruwansu. Koda yake abinda muka fi iyawa kenan a Kano - kushe da batanci a koda yaushe.


Quote from: Dan-Borno on October 06, 2008, 04:15:09 PM
Hey ladies and gentlemen, don't distract away my
thread from its original content.  We are talking about
the Old Retired Janar not Shekarau.

Did you hear the latest news on Janar?  the guy is out
for a show, he is trying to initiate a new party since
from all indication he has lost hope in the supreme
court and his party ANPP will not give him ticket.

this is a big mistake, kuma su Galadima ne suke ta zuga
shi.   I doubt much if this new party will ever bring a
single seat, even at ward level.

Sorry DB ;D

I share your view about Buhari. Whatever party he form, or joined, ba za'a wanye lafiya da shi ba. Because he's that type of person that believes only him is honest and sincere, while his words and deeds should be wahayi.  So woe betide whoever disagrees with him. And to make matters worst, he's surrounded by clowns like Galadima and glorified area boys like Haruna Danzago. These are the people that enstranged him from the party and caused all the intra-party problems, especially in Kano, his acclaimed stronghold. I'm surprised that someone like him should be surrounded by such guys, kuma duk abinda suka gaya masa dashi yake aiki. Wato ma in ya zama president irin su Danzago da Buba Galadima ne Kitchen Cabinet :o ;D Allah ya kiyaye.


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on October 06, 2008, 05:35:29 PM
So the governors (those that implemented) decided to buy and stop the manipulation in the LG budget. Amma da yake Shekarau shi ne karkatacciyar kuka mai dadin hawa, shi kawai ake ta zagi kullum. Sauran jihohin ba ruwansu. Koda yake abinda muka fi iyawa kenan a Kano - kushe da batanci a koda yaushe.

To ni ai shi kadai nasani. Ko kuwa ni yar jihar jigawa ce ko zamfara?

PS muna son janar din mu duk yadda yake, Haruna Danzago, Galadima, warts and all. Long Live Janar Buhari! Sai kayi! Yr word is law! Ur essence a prerequisite! Yr presence a cure for sore eyes!
Buhari! Buhari!Buhari! Buhari!Buhari! Buhari!Buhari! Buhari! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: HUSNAA on October 06, 2008, 06:45:38 PM
Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on October 06, 2008, 05:35:29 PM
So the governors (those that implemented) decided to buy and stop the manipulation in the LG budget. Amma da yake Shekarau shi ne karkatacciyar kuka mai dadin hawa, shi kawai ake ta zagi kullum. Sauran jihohin ba ruwansu. Koda yake abinda muka fi iyawa kenan a Kano - kushe da batanci a koda yaushe.

To ni ai shi kadai nasani. Ko kuwa ni yar jihar jigawa ce ko zamfara?
Does it even matter? Ke yar Katsina ce da kika makale wa Buhari? :D Su kansu katsinawan sun dade da watsar da shi.

QuotePS muna son janar din mu duk yadda yake, Haruna Danzago, Galadima, warts and all. Long Live Janar Buhari! Sai kayi! Yr word is law! Ur essence a prerequisite! Yr presence a cure for sore eyes!
Buhari! Buhari!Buhari! Buhari!Buhari! Buhari!Buhari! Buhari! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Tut tut. ::) Now who's guilty of adulation? ;D


DB, tell us what happened then at court?

I don't understand that big question mark avatar above?

Wallahi I barely listen to news these days because of exams. Though I heard of an interview with The General conducted by BBC Hausa's reporter Nura Ringim at KD. I pity the man. He still thinks he can win at the court. LOL...an irony.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


DB sorry make you give us chance make we air our views.
BKGZ ka san kuwa motocin har da yan majalisar tarayya da na jiha ya sai wa.
4.5 mill X (24+44).
Pls if you have anyway da nima zai sai min motar to ka taimake ni.I would love to have one.I'm serious.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: gogannaka on October 09, 2008, 12:37:09 PM
BKGZ ka san kuwa motocin har da yan majalisar tarayya da na jiha ya sai wa.
4.5 mill X (24+44).

So you think that's a new, absolutely exclusive phenomenom? This practice is new only in Kano, that's why people here find it strange. In most states, people don't even bat an eyelid cos its being going on since the inception of this "democracy". Case in point, Katsina state. Anan har ma da kwamishinoni da ire-irensu aka saiwa motocin. I'm not saying buying cars for 'yan majalisa is right, because I'm sure they have their Vehicle Allowances. This is very different from buying for traditional/district heads.

Quote from: gogannaka on October 09, 2008, 12:37:09 PMPls if you have anyway da nima zai sai min motar to ka taimake ni.I would love to have one.I'm serious.

;D ;D ;D Haba mutumin, abin har da tsokana? In kura na maganin zawo.......


Read this interesting piece about Shekara's jeep...


What makes me wonder much is the number of these jeeps that according to the writer were given away. He says: "Ibrahim Shekarau to dish out 122 flashy cars to traditional title holders of various status and notable politicians in the state." Is that true?
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Buhari bashi da team now.
He is surrounded by like 9 people who used to enjoy life in those days but who are struggling to be in the lime light once again. That TBO is his major obstacle.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


GGNK, i never say you shouldnt air your view, kashiga hankalinka
ko kuma in fallashe ka in front of Bakangizo -

Just like what BakanGizo said, these cars Shekarau bought is nothing
compared to other expenses that are far less important to the
masses.  and sometime, its not anything that these media houses
say that one will stick to.  Government has so many ways of doing things,
it is not necessary that people must be told details of government
businesses - may be Shekarau entered an agreement with a bank to
supply these vehicles to be paid in years without directly affecting the
economy and purse of the State while the beneficiaries enjoy these
cars at the same time.    Everybody knows the kind of role our
traditional rulers play in our present day Nigeria, they deserve even
better than what shekarau did, i think i wouldnt enjoy seeing the
Shehu of Borno riding an old unserviceable car to an international

Other Governors should emulate Shekarau and find a means of acquiring
better car to our traditional rulers.

Shiyasa irinsu Husnaa suke son Buhari, because he still thinks the traditional
rulers are nothing .......
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


If I am not mistaken, Oct 23 has been scheduled for the day
both parties are going to adopt their briefs of argument at
the Supreme Court where Buhari and Atiku are challenging the
legitimacy of this government.  On that day, the supreme
court is going to (may be) announce a definite date for its

The Supreme Court will upheld the election of Yar'adua and
proves it legitimacy - this will brings us to the end of the old
Janar's boasting that the election will be cancelled or he will
be declared winner of the election.

When this case is over, I advise you give this man PTF to
handle so that he will not be a problem when your TAZARCE
comes. ;)
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak