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Shaking Hands With a Woman (Non-Mahra)

Started by Muhsin, November 01, 2007, 03:33:53 PM

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Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Shaking Hands With a Non-Mahra
October 21st, 2007

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Firstly, it is prohibited to shake hands with a woman if there is fear of provoking sexual desire or enjoyment on the part of either one of them or if there is fear of temptation. This is based on the general rule that blocking the means to evil is obligatory, especially if its signs are clear. This ruling is ascertained in the light of what has been mentioned by Muslim jurists that a man touching one of his mahrams or having khalwah (privacy) with her moves to the prohibited, although it is originally permissible, if there is fear of fitnah (temptation) or provocation of desire.

Secondly, there is a dispensation in shaking hands with old women concerning whom there is no fear of desire. The same applies to the young girl concerning whom there is no fear of desire or temptation. The same ruling applies if the person is an old man concerning whom there is no fear of desire. This is based on what has been narrated on the authority of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) that he used to shake hands with old women. Also, it is reported that `Abdullah ibn Az-Zubair hired an old woman to nurse him when he was sick, and she used to wink at him and pick lice from his head. This is also based on what has been mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an in respect of the old barren women, as they are given dispensation with regard to their outer garments. Almighty Allah says in this regard: "As for women past child bearing, who have no hope of marriage, it is no sin for them if they discard their (outer) clothing in such a way as not to show adornment. But to refrain is better for them. Allah is Hearer, Knower." (An-Nur: 60)

Allah explains that there is no sin on the old barren women if they decide to remove their outer garments from their faces and such, so long as they do not do it in a manner in which they would be exposing their beauty wrongly.

Here the object of discussion deals with other than these two cases. There is no surprise that shaking hands with women is haram (unlawful) according to the viewpoint of those who hold that covering all of the woman's body, including her face and the two hands, is obligatory. This is because if it becomes obligatory to cover the two hands, then it would become haram for the opposite sex to look at them. And, if looking at them is unlawful, then touching them would become haram with greater reason because touching is graver than looking, as it provokes desire more.

But it is known that the proponents of this view are the minority, while the majority of Muslim jurists, including the Companions, the Successors and those who followed them, are of the opinion that the face and the hands are excluded from the prohibition. They based their opinion on Almighty Allah's saying, "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent ..." (An-Nur: 31) So where is the evidence on prohibiting handshaking unless there is desire?

In fact, I searched for a persuasive and textual proof supporting the prohibition but I did not find it. As a matter of fact, the most powerful evidence here is blocking the means to temptation, and this is no doubt acceptable when the desire is roused or there is fear of temptation because its signs exist. But when there is no fear of temptation or desire, what is the reason for prohibition?

Some scholars based their ruling on the action of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) on the day of the Conquest of Makkah. When he wanted to take the pledge of women he said to them, "Go, for you have given your oath of allegiance." But it is known that the Prophet's leaving a matter does not necessarily indicate its prohibition, as he may leave it because it is haram (forbidden), makruh (reprehensible), or because it is not preferable. He may also leave it just because he is not inclined to it. An example of this last is the Prophet's refraining from eating the meat of the lizard although it is permissible. Then, the Prophet's refraining from shaking hands with women (other than his wives) is not evidence of the prohibition, and there should be other evidence to support the opinion of those who make shaking hands absolutely prohibited.

However, it is not agreed upon that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) refrained from shaking hands with women to take their oath of allegiance. Umm `Atiyyah Al-Ansariyyah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported another narrative that indicates that the Prophet shook hands with women to take their oath of allegiance. This is unlike the narration of the Mother of the Believers `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) who denied this and swore that it had not happened.

It is narrated that `A'ishah, the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), said, "When the believing women migrated to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), they would be tested in accordance with the words of Allah, 'O Prophet! If believing women come unto thee, taking oath of allegiance unto thee that they will ascribe nothing as partner unto Allah, and will neither steal nor commit adultery nor kill their children, nor produce any lie that they have devised between their hands and feet, nor disobey thee in what is right, then accept their allegiance and ask Allah to forgive them. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.' (Al-Mumtahanah: 12)" `A'ishah said, "Whoever among the believing women agreed to that passed the test, and when the women agreed to that, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said to them, 'Go, for you have given your oath of allegiance.' No, by Allah, the hand of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) never touched the hand of any woman, rather they would give their oath of allegiance with words only." And `A'ishah said, "By Allah, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) only took the oath of allegiance from the women in the manner prescribed by Allah, and the hand of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) never touched the hand of any woman. When he had taken their oath of allegiance he would say, 'I have accepted your oath of allegiance verbally.'" (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

In his explanation of the saying of `A'ishah, "No, by Allah, the hand of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) never touched the hand of any woman ..." Al-Hafizh Ibn Hajar said: she swore to ascertain the news as if she (`A'ishah) wanted to refute the narration of Umm `Atiyyah. It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Hibban, Al-Bazzar, Al-Tabari, and Ibn Mardawih that Umm `Atiyyah said in respect of the story of taking the oath of allegiance of women, "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) held out his hand from outside the house and we (the immigrating women) held our hands from within the house, then he said, 'O Allah, bear witness.'" In another narration reported by Al-Bukhari, Umm `Atiyyah said, "... thereupon a lady withdrew her hand (refrained from taking the oath of allegiance)..." This narration indicates that they (the immigrating women) took their oath of allegiance by shaking hands. Al-Hafizh said: we reply to the first saying that holding out hands from behind a veil is an indication of the acceptance of the allegiance even if there was no shaking of hands. As for the second narration, withdrawing hands indicates the postponement of accepting the pledge of allegiance or that taking the pledge of allegiance happened from behind a veil. This is supported by that narration of Abu Dawud on the authority of Al-Sha`bi that when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) wanted to take the pledge of allegiance of the immigrating women he brought a garment and put it over his hands saying, "I do not shake hands with women." Furthermore, in his book Maghazi, Ibn Is-haq is reported to have said that when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) wanted to take the pledge of allegiance of the immigrating women, he would dip his hands in a vessel and a woman would dip her hands with him in the same vessel.

Al-Hafizh Ibn Hajar said: it is possible that taking the pledge of allegiance happened on more than one occasion. Sometimes, it happened without touching hands by any means, as narrated by `A'ishah. Another time it happened that the women's oath of allegiance was accepted by shaking their hands with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), as narrated by Al-Sha`bi. A third time it happened that they dipped their hands in the vessel as mentioned by Ibn Is-haq.

The most correct view seems to be that it occurred on more than one occasion, if we realize that `A'ishah talked about taking the pledge of allegiance from the immigrating women after the Truce of Al-Hudaibiyah, while Umm `Atiyyah talked about what seems to be the oath of allegiance of the believing women in general.

By transmitting these narrations, I mean to clarify that the evidence of those who are of the opinion that shaking hands with women is prohibited is not agreed upon, as is thought by those who do not resort to the original sources. Rather, there is some controversy concerning this evidence.

Furthermore, some contemporary Muslim scholars have based their ruling concerning the prohibition of shaking hands with women on the Hadith narrated by Al-Tabari and Al-Baihaqi on the authority of Ma`qil ibn Yassar that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "It would be better for one of you to have himself stabbed on the head with an iron needle than to touch a woman that is illegal for him."

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


to differentiate between male and female hands, especially when one is passing something from behind a hijab like a screen, it was advised that the women should use henna to decorate their hands and differentiate it from a man's hand, so that any man accepting something from a hand whose owner is not immediately visible knows whether it is male or female hand.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum



Well, thr thread is too long, I suspect, but I think it'll still be of importance.

Something really disgruntle evoked me search for that topic subject as one of my friends comfronted me, telling me that he saw, with his korokoro eyes, one of the people I always respect and honor shaking hands with a female, and non-mahar to him. I really recieved the story with conspicous sadness because it's something I had never imagined could have happened but it did at last. Allah ya kyauta.

It seems from your few words Gogannaka and Husnaa that it makes sense despite the fact it's not full, some lines are deliveratly excluded because the composer of the board could not afford carrying it all. It has a maximum capacity of 2000 characters.

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: HUSNAA on November 02, 2007, 06:11:52 AM
to differentiate between male and female hands, especially when one is passing something from behind a hijab like a screen, it was advised that the women should use henna to decorate their hands and differentiate it from a man's hand, so that any man accepting something from a hand whose owner is not immediately visible knows whether it is male or female hand.

But i thought it would be better if one doesn't know if the hand is a female's or not.That way sha'awa maba za ta shigo ba.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment