What are you reading today?

Started by Muhsin, December 06, 2007, 10:57:20 AM

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Another Dan Brown masterpiece; Deception Point. Just start reading it yesterday, so can't say much about it. But its very nice, suspenseful and excelently crafted.


Have you finished with The Da Vinci Code? I yesterday went to Post Office to get it but luck wasn't with me. I ended up getting that other one I mentioned above. Maybe...
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Yes Muhsin i have finished the 'Da Vinchi Code'.
It was sooooooo interesting and gripping.
It is claimed that the book is blasphemous with the story claiming that
Jesus had a wife,Mary Magdalene and they even had a child.

I went to the post-office some days back and saw the Book.Maybe if you
go there these days you might get it.But i promise you if you start reading
it you wouldn't want to drop it.

Now i'm reading John Grishams 'The last Juror'
Just one page na karanta nayi bacci and i haven't had time to continue.

Wai ina UmmuT ne?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


I perfectly well know that Da Vinci Code is one hell of an unputdownable novel but I haven't yet read it. But I'll soon, inshaAllah. I myself saw it today but... :o

Am reading Ahamad Kurfi's Baron. Just start today...very interesting, sincerely.

Ummutameem has been absent for very long, yes Gogannaka. Wish and pray whereever she's been, she's doing good.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


I just finished reading a novel written by an Australian guy from Kogarah (Fateez should know him) called Clive James, the book was his first novel called Unreliable Memoirs...lol very funny piece of novel, infact one of the most funniest novel, it was written around the early or late '80s, it was his autobiography on his life from birth to immediately after college. Any one came across the book?
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Have never come across any of his novels nor his name even, Muda.

Whitechapel Mary by Sally Worboyes. She's a Scotish femenist writer. And the novel's very touching, sympathetic and reviving about a young orphan lassy named Mary (as in the title) that...get it and read. I got it from BUK liberary.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


I have finally finished 'the last juror'.
It was an excellent piece.I had places where i sat alone in the room and was laughing like one psycho.It had a lot of humour.

The end nearly made me weep.

Now i'm about to start another John Grisham....na manta sunan dai.Amma da da ganin shi zai yi dadi.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Sighs of Desire by Wale Okediran. He's a medical doctor and also a novelist. Surprised, huh! Just started it yersterday.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Muhsin finally ka samo the partner....one of his best.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it to the last page.

Tell us your opinion when you finish....i wish UmmuT was here.

I'm also reading one of Grisham's- 'the Broker'.
Its so gripping.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Quote from: gogannaka on April 15, 2008, 11:37:29 PM
Muhsin finally ka samo the partner....one of his best.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it to the last page.

Thats absoluletly true, Goga.

QuoteTell us your opinion when you finish....i wish UmmuT was here.

InshaAllah. And I also really wish so.

Quote from: *~MuDa~* on April 16, 2008, 11:03:01 AM
Quote from: Muhsin on April 05, 2008, 12:06:50 PM
And the novel's very totching,

Did you mean touching?

Senior Mod, I have corrected it. Thanks.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Guys, let me share this labari with you! I have always wanted to have my own library that i began buying books and keeping. Some of the books got lost after borrowing them out and people always fail to return them and i find it hard to ask for any back. Yeah i know, it is that bad. How i wish i could say no for once. Yes,that has always been my wish. That 'no' that never came out of me. Annoying. I was having close to 50 books. All very nice books. I even began buying romantic books (not a big fan)  to feel in the spaces. All of the romantic books never came back to me unfortunately. I had to start all over again. Heartache.
Now i have less than 10 books. Still determined to get my library done. I went shopping yesterday. I came across a book. The Intruders. Looked nice. Decided to buy it. After all, i have not read anybook for some time now. Was busy. Ill now have something to read while on the tube or during breaks at work. Nice. Really nice.
Started reading yesterday night. Today,we had a full house. That was great but i wanted to read my book. I went to my room and closed the door. Began to read. This book is wicked! Really nice. Then someone knocked on my door. Told him to get in. It was Mathew. Nice chap. We began chating, then he asked me what book that was. I told him. Even before he said he wants to read it too, i offered to give it to him when i am through. Typical me. Always hanging myself by myself. But then he said no. He has exam to write soon. Maybe after the last paper but then he said to me:
'I never knew you read books'.
I told him i do. Then he said, Margo (our Jamaican friend who left for her country some months ago and who happens to read books so much and also happens to have a library of her own with nice books) has left all her books behind (they share a flat). She has left all her books and told him to take them all. He has no need for them so he was going to take them to the charity. Said if i want, i can have them all. Subhana Lillah!! you cannot imagine how i felt. I jumped up with great joy and guess what, all the books are actually in my garage, that my sister let him keep some stuff in there and all the books are in a huge box. All i need to do is get the key and the books are mine. I am soooo happy! This is one of the most happiest moments in my life. He said there are over one hundred best sellers in there and he has taking some to his house which he has no use for. He is gonna bring them all to me. I told him to bring EVERYTHING! Charity begins at home and home is me.
All the books are in very good condition. Some have not even been read yet accordibng to him because Margo made the order and she left before they arrived. I have not even checked the books yet! I am soooo excited. I will do that tomorrow. Ill tell you what kind of books i find there. Amazing!! I have my dream library right at my door step! Now all i need to do is work on my 'no' for a change. Eehhuuuuu!!!!!!!
Born To Bee Great


Quote from: Bee on April 18, 2008, 11:14:58 PM
Charity begins at home and home is me.

Quote from: Bee on April 18, 2008, 11:14:58 PM
I have not even checked the books yet! I am soooo excited. I will do that tomorrow. Ill tell you what kind of books i find there. Amazing!! I have my dream library right at my door step! Now all i need to do is work on my 'no' for a change. Eehhuuuuu!!!!!!!

Congrats Bee.We're still waiting to hear which kind of books you got.
It was really nice of him to give you all those books.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Hurray!!! Congrats Bee. Wish it were me who got these books. But I'll be borrowing so...hahaha if I could. LOL ;D ;D ;D

I too always, as I once told Konan (ladymerciful), dream of owning a liberary. But I know with times some day I'll have one, inshaAllah. Things happen margically-like at times. Just like our great Bee...may be I too would get books as sudden as this.

Wallahi due to exam thats knocking at our doors, am still reading that Grisham's The Partner. I barely read ten pages a day. Surprised! They unexpectedly posted our exam timetable. Nobody was expecting it. Pls...put me in your prayers because notwithstanding the fact we haven't covered our syllabus, the ASUU are, probably, going for a week warning strike next week. Gosh!

Nigeria! :o
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.



What I'm reading today: This Charming Man ~ Marian Keyes

Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! Finally got my hands on it!
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain