Benazir Bhutto assassinated.

Started by HUSNAA, December 27, 2007, 06:42:23 PM

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Just switched on the TV and was greeted with this awful news of the death of Benazir Bhutto. I am shocked to say the least, but I always thought that she was cutting it a bit too fine, with her being so outspoken about the taliban and alqaeda, and the fact that she supports Musharraf indirectly, despite her standing against his impostion of martial law on that nation. Kai Allah Ya Jikan ta ameen. Su kuma fanatics din da su kai carrying out this heinous crime, Allah Ya tona musu asiri. Just today, a teenager was aprehended with some explosives at the rally in Rawalpindi. The assassins must have had a contingency plan in case the teenager couldnt blow himself up.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Amin to your prayers.  Amma this woman killed herself,
because she knew that her life is a target in Pakistan
not even by the government but also those groups of
gentle-guys who agrees that women should not lead
(you know what i mean).

She escaped the first attempt when she came back
from exile and she receives calls threaten her to resign
for her own sake, but she thinks the media will stop

These guys are really tough, they believe in what they
are doing.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Inna lillahi wa'inna ilaihil raju'un....
Ashe ajaline yayi kira, shiyasa tana zaman zamanta for years ta tashi ta tafi..... Allahu Akbar!
Kuma as U said Husnaa, Bakinta! she just couldn't stop talking shit..
Kuma Ita da Musharraf dinma bawani abuta sukeba... Ohh!
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!

sheriff 05

This news is really sad. For me the first thoughts and deepest condolences goes to the family and children of those killed. It seems from all the reports i have been reading that people have conveniently forgotten that she wasnt the only one killed in this act. All the police officers, body guards and well wishers affected by the blast were human beings like her excellency. and even though they were not presidential material, they were people, dearly loved by someone or with wives and children who are feeling this tragic loss in manners we can only imagine. May Allah have mercy on them all and make their hereafter better than their lives in this world.

I wonder what will become of Pakistan? here is a country which aside religious variations is all but the same with India and is very much capable of achieving the very greatness for which India is on the verge of. but gradually it is falling apart. I'm sad because lives are being destroyed and families are being ripped apart. and I am also sad because irrespective of the final outcome, the future of this country (pakistan) is being written with the blood of its own people.

Pakistan very much like Afghanistan is fast becoming a battle ground for two global extreme ideologies, who will win? Only the Allmighty knows. But for people like myself, regardless of who wins, I will remain sad, and I will always feel that the price of this war is most definately far too high.


May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace, Amin.

It was a tremendous loss not only to Pakistan but all over the world.
Life is like a flower; more exquisite and precious when shared with others.

dan kauye

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I was napping when the news broke on FOX,which's what I been watching all morning.This's incredibly sad on so many levels.They've killed the ONE hope left for Pakistan.To say that this makes me overwhelmingly despondent is a a gross understatment.Bhutto had this coming though.Hard luck mixed with bad timing,a time when politcal vulnerability is at an all time high in Pakistan.So many questions,very few answers.Allah ya ji kanta.

Husna,cud you please elaborate on the reason as to why you thought Bhutto in an undercover Musharraf advocate?
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke


I am dumbfounded.

From the archive of her interviews i heard,she said she didn't believe a true muslim could attack/kill her because true muslims don't believe in attacks against women and that any true muslim who kills a woman will Burn in hell.

Burn in Hell they will whoever killed her.
May her soul rest in piece and may the culprits be punished.

Many believe the extremists that she had always critisized are behind the attacks. Allah wadan naka ya lalace.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: dan kauye on December 27, 2007, 11:54:26 PM

Husna,cud you please elaborate on the reason as to why you thought Bhutto in an undercover Musharraf advocate?

Well maybe not quite an undercover advocate, but Musharraf and Bhutto liked and respected each other despite everything. Remember her return to Pakistan was brokered by a deal with the US acting as middleman between her and Musharraf. He, Musharraf needed support from political leaders less inclined towards the taliban and alqaeda factions after the ousting of the chief judge and that debacle at the red mosque. Between Bhutto and Nawaz Shariff, she was the lesser of the two evils and less of a threat presumably to his government. I do remember a speech she made in an interview before  her return ( I think) to Pakistan in which she supported Musharraf unequivocally on his face off with the red mosque clerics. I remember not feeling  very much disposed towards her support of the brutal way Musharraf suppressed the insurgency at the red mosque. She came out and protested at the imposition of martial law, but one thing was glaringly clear before that, and that was that almost all the leading political opponents were hunted down and jailed or put under house arrest at the time. Imran Khan had to flee temporarily I think, but he was still jailed nevertheless. But Benazir was never touched at all. The least one could expect was that she would be put under surveillance for suspected dissident activities which let's face it all opposition leaders are accused of. She could have just sat tight and not voiced any opposition to the martial law since it didnt seem to have affected her negatively, but in all honesty she had to come out and show some form of opposition otherwise she wouldnt have been taken seriously and also it would show that she really was in cahoots with Musharraf.
Then when Musharraf declared elections were going to hold in January 2008, Nawaz Sharrif wanted to boycott the elections, but Bhutto on the other hand showed her willingness to participate in the election campaign which derailed Nawaz's plans of protesting against Musharraf's not wanting to step down as head of the country's military regime unless he could be assured of being elected as president before hand. Maybe Benazir was thinking that if they all boycotted the elections, it would be a giving away the presidency of the country to Musharraf at any rate because with or without an  opposition vote, the elections would still be considered valid.
Anyway, Musharraf's handling of Benazir was much more genteel and gentle than his handling of her male counterparts. That also could have something to do with the US support both enjoy. That is why I thought that there was some behind the scenes understanding between the two of them.   
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


This is really really sad. I refuse to speculate on her relationship with that bastard musharraf. I wished it was him they assasinated, not her. The fools :'( Oh, what made her come back? She shouldn't have, seeing her the country is at the mo. It was too naive of her to believe she would be safe. Who's responsible? At this point, I'm not discounting anybody, from the obvious suspects - Al-qaeda -, to the Americans, and musharraf himself.


Alquaeda has claimed responsibility. I heard it on the news some moments ago.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: HUSNAA on December 28, 2007, 09:29:07 AM
Alquaeda has claimed responsibility. I heard it on the news some moments ago.

What did they say was their reason for the assasination?
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: Dan-Borno on December 28, 2007, 09:43:29 AM
Quote from: HUSNAA on December 28, 2007, 09:29:07 AM
Alquaeda has claimed responsibility. I heard it on the news some moments ago.

What did they say was their reason for the assasination?

Assalamu alaikum,
FBI is claiming that it sources linked the Murder to Alqaeeda....... While i think those who wants Musharri and himself are the likely persons responsible. Allah (SWT) ya jkanta da sauran dukkan Musulimi- tun daga Annabi Adam (AS) har zuwa Tashin Qiyamah-amiyn.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Yes, EMTL, FBI is only claiming.  Al-qaeda is a credible
organisation and cannot narrow itself to Pakistan politics
only.  I heard rumours that its an islamic organisation that
took this attack who vowed that woman will not lead
Pakistan no matter what it will cost them.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Mustapha Abu Alyazeed, an al qaeda leader in Afghanistan has claimed in a telephone interview with some news weekly paper that he ordered the attack.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Regardless of the politics that may have gone on behind the scenes Benazir Bhutto represented Pakistan's great opportunity to deny power to evil fanatics whose savage response to anybody who disagrees with them is to blow them up. I am encouaraged by the sensible posts on Kano Online on this evil deed. The people who murdered a brave woman and countless other innocent people in the name of religion do Islam huge damage.
I am heartened by our reponse in Scotland where Moslems and Christians are together offering up prayers for Benazir Bhutto and for Pakistan.
It's about time that people everywhere understood that Moslems and Christians worship the same God and that continuous fighting between them means that the good that both religions preach is being completely lost. Such is particularly true in Nigeria.