Obama: 'I'm not a Muslim, I'm against Hamas and Arabs, and I'll protect Jews'

Started by Muhsin, February 07, 2008, 01:16:13 PM

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Dan Borno, what exactly makes Obama a failure? I am surprised at your comments. There are many of us African Americans here battling White Obama haters who are fighting tooth and nail to discredit him and poison the minds of their ignorant conservative bases in rural America, the Appalachian region, and around the so called Bible belt South. I have had very passionate and spirited town hall type debates with racist White people and other republican (and won by the way) who from day one, have had their agenda which was to damage Senator Obama's image in an effort to destroy his chance in this just concluded primaries.

You should reason properly sometimes before you express yourself. Senator Obama represents something that generations of black Americans and even black people all over the World yarned to see. Just 40 years ago, blacks could not vote in this country. Blacks were denied civil rights, but because of the fight and sacrifice of giants like Dr. King, Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks, and a host of other black activists, African Americans have gained giants strides in this country.

Now, we have witnessed history when the son of an African Economist from Kenya, becomes the first black to win the Presidential nomination of a major party. To commonize such a feat is noting but that same colonial and crab mentality that is ever so prevalent amongst us Africans. We should be proud of this moment in black history. You on the other hand are being a hater. When a black person rises in the face of monumental odds, or even without odds, we should be happy for that brother or sister.
Here you are referring to the distinguished senator as a failure. Are you insane? Obama has attended the most prestigious academic institutions in the World, graduating with top honors. He was a successful attorney in Chicago suburbs. He contested and won state senate seat in Illinois. He ran for US Senate, and won. Now, he's the leader of the democratic party beating the Clinton machine. You call that a failure? You ought to be quite and say nothing else. Senator Obama right now is considered even by Republicans as the one of the greatest Orators of our time. His words alone is changing the mindset of a a generation...something that has not been seen in a long time.

We need to really educate ourselves and rid ourselves of the slave mentality that still keeps some of us thinking that Whites are better and superior. Goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


QuoteWe need to really educate ourselves and rid ourselves of the slave mentality that still keeps some of us thinking that Whites are better and superior. Goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

King, this is false attribution. Dan Borno's comments about Obama didn't make sense to me either, but there's nothign to suggest that it was the product of an inferiority complex.


Quote from: King on May 14, 2008, 01:58:47 AM
don't read unnecessary meanings into my posts. I just call it like I see it, and yes, the issues I comment on may be sometimes controversial, or issues people shy away from. Like I said before, my views may be different from everyone else's, but that is fine also. I do not expect everyone to agree with me and vice versa. Just take what I write at face value.  

King is ur above statement only APPLICABLE to you?
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Yea, my words. Difference is, I explain my position very thoroughly. I don't just make a no-brainer comment and expect people to buy into it because it is my opinion. When you blatantly refer to a history making icon like Obama as a failure, without explaining your premise for this ludicrous label, it tells me you are way off base buddy.

Lionger, what else can it be? He endorses Hilary who by the way ran negative campaigns all the way, but expressed extreme negativity towards an African-American whose message is hope and upliftment. To say colonial mentality is not at play here is denying the obvious simply because it was stated. I take real issue with that. Failure? Dan Borno, try gaining admission first and then attend Columbia University and Harvard Law School while paying for your education. Try accomplishing that first. Then graduate from those two schools with honors, and then begin community activism. Then run a successful law practice and teach law at University of Chicago. Then try running for State Senate and winning. Then try being the guy that delivers a keynote address at the Democratic national convention. Then try running for US Senate and winning. Thereafter try sponsoring common sense legislation like control of conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds.
Try sponsoring legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel.
Above all, try being the first minority to win the Presidential nomination of the democratic party.
You call that a failure?  ???  ::)

sheriff 05

Wow, very nice summary King.. I'll be tempted to think you were on his campaign team...


ANALYSIS-"Obama-mania" sweeps Africa, but could he deliver?
Mon Jun 9, 2008 4:19am EDT

By Andrew Cawthorne

NAIROBI, June 9 (Reuters) - In Kenya, they name babies after him and quaff "Senator" brand beer in his honour. Global TV networks camp outside his grandmother's rural home.

In Uganda, a town has renamed a street "Obama Boulevard".

And in Nigeria, militants even called a brief ceasefire in praise of the U.S. Democratic presidential nominee.

"Obama-mania" has been sweeping through Africa all year, but the euphoria hit new heights when he clinched his party's ticket last week to run for the U.S. presidency in November.

The positive symbolism of seeing a man with an African father nearing the world's most powerful position is obvious.

"The fact today whites can choose a black man as their candidate is a mental revolution in the United States," Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade noted.

But beyond the feel-good factor, there are doubts as to whether Barack Obama could bring tangible benefits to Africa if he enters the White House.

Millions on the world's poorest continent hope the Illinois senator can deliver on aid, trade and heavyweight political support. But many are also warning against over-expectations.

For a start -- obviously -- he may not actually win.

"All this celebration could be premature ... his presidency is not a done deal yet," Kenya's Daily Nation newspaper reminded a nation exulting at his nomination.

Obama's late father was Kenyan, and on a trip here two years ago he was feted like a rock star. But apart from visits to his ancestral roots, Obama does not have a particularly strong track record of interest in Africa, analysts say.


So being black and having a Kenyan dad are no guarantee he will hoist Africa up Washington's list of global priorities.

Like others, Ugandan columnist Timothy Kalyegira took note of Obama's decision to make his first post-victory speech to a pro-Israel lobby group rather than "adoring" black Americans.

That, he said, "should open the eyes of those who imagine that Obama is going to advance black interests or those of Africa ... Prepare to be greatly disappointed by Obama."

Few realistically expect Africa to compete successfully with issues like Iraq, China and the Middle East be it Obama, or Republican candidate John McCain, who takes the White House.

Richard Dowden, director of the London-based Royal African Society, predicted "business as usual" from Washington towards Africa even if Obama wins. Recent policy on Africa has been dominated by counter-terrorism, oil supply and humanitarian aid.

"Obama's rise has obviously given Africa more self-confidence, which is great," Dowden said. "But it is not as if he has any particular knowledge of Africa or great contacts.

"Remember too that he backed the Farm Bill which was very damaging to African trade interests, whereas McCain did not."

And while Africans are used to leaders who wield huge individual clout in their nations, a U.S. president has plenty of checks and balances despite leading the global superpower.

"Because of the history of Big-Manism in Africa, Africans think of presidents as omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent ... In contrast, the American presidency is a highly circumscribed office," Kenyan columnist Makau Mutua said.

"Obama may change the pigmentation and racial identity of the person of the president. But does that mean anything? ... Africans and black people the world over must curb their enthusiasm about what an Obama presidency can do for them."


Obama's fellow Democrat Bill Clinton was massively backed by black voters and even dubbed by some an honorary "African-American", but his legacy to Africa is ambiguous.

Some might say it is most remembered for the failure to stop Rwanda's genocide, and an ignominious military exit from Somalia.

Despite being less popular globally, President George W. Bush received some acclaim on his recent trip to Africa, particularly for U.S. funding to fight AIDS.

"Let it not be forgotten that it is he (Bush) who appointed the first black secretary of state. It is also he who has been putting pressure on dictators in the world, especially in Africa and Asia," Kenyan resident Harrison Ikunda wrote in one of a stream of letters to newspapers debating the Obama phenomenon.

"A warning shot to Africa: Obama may be good for Africa, but first and foremost he is an American. He is unlikely to jeopardise American interests to pursue others."

While the debate is almost always cast in terms of what Obama might do for Africa, a major investment push by China and others on the continent has Washington worried.

And there, resource-rich Africa has influence.

"Africa is receiving concerted interest from other powers, including China, India, and Japan," said Mark Schroeder, of U.S. think-tank Stratfor. "Africa will not give a free pass to Obama, despite the heritage and symbolism, and risk losing out on billions of dollars worth of competing investments."

Despite such caveats, nothing can deny Africans a moment of glory in Obama successes so far.

From his grandmother's village in western Kenya to the fan clubs sprouting all over Africa, the cheers are loud and long.

"We are elated, he's one of us!" cousin Moses Obama told Reuters in another long day of interviews at Kogelo village.

"When he eventually succeeds, his joy will be our joy." (Additional reporting by Diadie Ba in Dakar, Daniel Wallis, Donna Omulo and Jack Kimball in Nairobi; Editing by Daniel Wallis and Matthew Tostevin)

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.

Jack Fulcher

Well, I've got to admit that Obama is quite a sensation in the US.  He's like a rock star and the kids just seem to love him.  The big question, however, is can he win a general election?  The primaries tend to bring out the extremists of each party, so is Obama too liberal for mainstream America?  I personally would have preferred Hillary (of the two), but she and her husband made enemies too easily.  I suspect that this means that McCain might win in November.  He's OK with me, too, and he's not as conservative as Bush and that crowd.  This will be an interesting election.  Jack