Guidelines on women working outside the home

Started by bamalli, February 14, 2008, 12:26:39 PM

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Guidelines on women working outside the home

Praise be to Allaah.


The basic principle is that a woman should remain at home, and not go out except for necessary purposes. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

"And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance"

[al-Ahzaab 33:33].

Although this is addressed to the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), it also applies to the believing women. It is only addressed to the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) because of their honour and status with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and because they are examples for the believing women.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Woman is 'awrah, and if she goes out, the shaytaan raises his hopes (of misguiding her). She is never closer to Allaah than when she stays in her house." Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan and Ibn Khuzaymah; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Shaheehah, no. 2688.

And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said concerning a woman's prayer in the mosque: "Their houses are better for them." Narrated by Abu Dawood (567) and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.


It is permissible for a woman to go out of her house for work, but that is subject to certain conditions. If they are met, it is permissible for her to go out. They are:

-         That she needs to work in order to acquire the money she needs, as in your case.

-         The work should be suited to the nature of woman, such as medicine, nursing, teaching, sewing, and so on.

-         The work should be in a place that is only for women, and there should be no mixing with non-mahram men.

-         Whilst at work she should observe complete shar'i hijab.

-         Her work should not lead to her travelling without a mahram.

-         Her going out to work should not involve committing any haraam action, such as being alone with the driver, or wearing perfume where non-mahrams can smell it.

-         That should not lead to her neglecting things that are more essential for her, such as looking after her house, husband and children.

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen said: The field in which a woman works should be only for women, such as if she works in teaching girls, whether in administration or technical support, or she works at home as a seamstress sewing clothes for women and so on. As for working in fields that are for men, this is not permissible for her because it requires her to mix with men, which is a great fitnah (source of temptation and trouble) and should be avoided. It should be noted that it is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "I have not left behind me any fitnah that is more harmful to men than women; the fitnah of the Children of Israel had to do with women." So the man should keep his family away from places of fitnah and its causes in all circumstances. End quote.

Fataawa al-Mar'ah al-Muslimah (2/981)

If these conditions are met in your work, then there is nothing wrong with you doing it in sha Allaah.

We ask Allaah to grant you a righteous husband, for He is able to do that.

And Allaah knows best.


its true women  should not go out of their homes if its not necessary but looking at the curret situation alot of women have to work either to help themselves, their kids, parents or siblings, but still they should observe the islamic code of dressing and also manners and choose a job that wont endanger their faith


kash abeeda, you don spoil the talk when you
mentioned the word "but looking at the current
situation", i think all is in order, even during those
days, women have excelled in so many spheres
of business.

so long as zaki kare kanki from what Islam prohibits
ai shi kenan.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


        I do not know weather it is stated in the Qur'an or Hadith but if it is not,i totally disagree with the second point.I do not think there is any work that is suited to the nature of a woman as long as she abides by the islamic rules.What if she is she is not good at sewing or knows nothing about the medical world?What if she is only good at what most men can do like say banking(using it as an example)and she has to work to help the entire family and that includes the husband?
       I'd love to know how teaching,medicine,nursing sewing and so on are suited to the nature of a woman as oppose to banking,architecture,engineering etc(i repeat,as long as she abides by the rules of islam)?Can someone give me the answer please so i dont go against what Allah says.
Born To Bee Great


Amma fa i feel very happy da abin da  da ka fada gara arinka yi musu nasiha irin wannan..


Quote from: Bee on February 19, 2008, 11:59:09 PM
        I do not know weather it is stated in the Qur'an or Hadith but if it is not,i totally disagree with the second point.I do not think there is any work that is suited to the nature of a woman as long as she abides by the islamic rules.What if she is she is not good at sewing or knows nothing about the medical world?What if she is only good at what most men can do like say banking(using it as an example)and she has to work to help the entire family and that includes the husband?
       I'd love to know how teaching,medicine,nursing sewing and so on are suited to the nature of a woman as oppose to banking,architecture,engineering etc(i repeat,as long as she abides by the rules of islam)?Can someone give me the answer please so i dont go against what Allah says.

kuna ganinta nan, she is an extremist when it comes
to women should go or not go to work.  haba Bee, i
we have concluded this, me nene na kuma a kawo
miki ayan alkur'ani ko hadisin Manzon Tsira.  Ai
wannan kuma yayi tsanani ai.  just relax and enjoy
your pay every month, just be mindful to your duties
to Allah, be modest in your dress and speeches, shike
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


DB if you examine the second point critically it implies that a woman
cannot work in a society like ours.

I personally have a problem with these kinds of Fatwas.
In islam haram is haram.Babu wani kwaskwarima da za'a iya yi.
Haka ma halal.

I, for long, have been expressing reservation about the way women are protrayed
by most of the ulama's as Awrah. It goes far to the extent that sun zama kamar
kazanta (dirt). Yes it is true that when women expose their body indecently the
male counterpart will find it attractive.That is why the religion gave them dressing
ethics and it is the same religion that gives the males 'looking' ethics.
They way they portray the thing is like this: Its a man's world.
Like women are a mistake.

One thing that they also do when giving out fatwa's is selecting the particular
ayats of the Qur'an and ignoring the remaining.Or in the case of the hadith they
select a particular phrase.In all the situations they hardly tell you the incidence
that led to the revelation of the ayat(s) or hadith.They most at times highlight
the direct translation of the ayat(s) or hadith.
In the case of Ahzab 33:33 below, read it from verse 30-34.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: Dan-Borno on February 19, 2008, 10:31:26 PM
so long as zaki kare kanki from what Islam prohibits
ai shi kenan.

Let me be candid to my females sisters both at KanoOnline and outside; that you hardly do more especially at their working stations. Wallahi some things they do is apparently unmentionable and and deeply dishearten. Just like banks, as mentoned Ms Bee. You yourself, I wholeheartedly believe, the number of those that abide by Islamic rules and at the same time working at banks minuscule in comparison those that don't. Don't be schocked....simply remember or rather think of a beautiful woman as marketer. And she's given a stipulated time/dates to bring so so number of costomers if not...she'll do EVERYTHING to bring these costomers. And that means doing what? Don't even think of something Islamic my good people. This si one example, and there are many more.

Quote from: gogannaka on February 20, 2008, 01:33:46 PM
DB if you examine the second point critically it implies that a woman
cannot work in a society like ours.

I personally have a problem with these kinds of Fatwas.
In islam haram is haram.Babu wani kwaskwarima da za'a iya yi.
Haka ma halal.

I, for long, have been expressing reservation about the way women are protrayed
by most of the ulama's as Awrah. It goes far to the extent that sun zama kamar
kazanta (dirt). Yes it is true that when women expose their body indecently the
male counterpart will find it attractive.That is why the religion gave them dressing
ethics and it is the same religion that gives the males 'looking' ethics.
They way they portray the thing is like this: Its a man's world.
Like women are a mistake.

One thing that they also do when giving out fatwa's is selecting the particular
ayats of the Qur'an and ignoring the remaining.Or in the case of the hadith they
select a particular phrase.In all the situations they hardly tell you the incidence
that led to the revelation of the ayat(s) or hadith.They most at times highlight
the direct translation of the ayat(s) or hadith.
In the case of Ahzab 33:33 below, read it from verse 30-34.


This is a real complexe issue. And I'll advise you to have a good re-think on it. Kada ka zama irin mutanen nan da they always prepare simple fatwas while Islam isn't that so simply. Dole akwai wajajen da sai an tsaurara wani wjaen kuma tubus-tubus ne.

For instance, there's one popular scholar in Kano who has a very large number of fans because he always, I mean always, preaches on simplicity, flexibility and excuseness of Islam. And which is not, as already been preached by other class (good) ulamas. Am not saying he isn't such good but he's sincerely speaking too soft in ALL his fatwas.

Allah ya sa mu dace, amin.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Muhsin, allow me to add my two cents in this discourse. Someone raised a valid point earlier about professional making their contributions in the workforce. She questioned the rational of restricting a female Engineer, or accountant, to certain jobs that prevents them from putting their skills and talents to optimal use. People in these fields have to come in contact with the public if one way or the other if they decide to work for a living and help support their families.

Now, the banking issue is a different matter. No woman should be subjected to any kind of sexual harassment on a job. If things like that are prevalent in Nigeria, that is where a responsible house proposes legislation that would hold employers to account if they fail to address such incidents in the work places. When I was in college, it was mandatory to take work ethics class where work place ethics was covered in depth. Majority of the topics that were covered focused on discrimination, unwanted sexual advances, sexual harassment, litigation arising from such incidents, etc. Now, when I began working, and it's been some years now, we are required to take one  discrimination/sexual harassment class by HR. It is usually a classroom or online course that requires a test at the end to ensure full understanding, and a signed letter of compliance. In other words, this matter is taken very very seriously here in the states. 

So my question is this, if banks in Nigeria are directly or indirectly encouraging immorality and abuse by pressuring women to grant sexual favors to customers, why hasn't the NA passed a tough legislation that include maximum fines for organizations and jail terms for people found guilty? Wouldn't that be the proper way to protect women's integrity in the workplace and also to ensure a safe and non-threatening work environment for everyone?

I think that many men tend to put the burden of morality on women. If a woman is sexually assaulted, they blame her for dressing provocatively. If a woman looks too hot, they blame her for her good looks. Granted that everyone should show some class in appearance, but I also believe that everyone must take responsibility. If a man finds a woman's attire offensive, he has a responsibility to control his eyes and his thoughts. He cannot sit there and imagine all kinds of sexual orgy at the sight of a provocatively dressed woman, and then blame her for 'causing' him to have those thoughts. If we think this way, then we are essentially saying, men are dogs.

Just recently I read somewhere that a female senator proposed dress code bill for women. While her intentions may good, I personally think the bill is laughable. How does one even begin to legislate dressing? To me, it shows how unserious the Nigerian senate is. It also shows that there is a complete lack of real ideas in the nation's legislative body. How does this nonsense address the power supply problem? How does  improve the quality of our academic institutions? How does address national poverty and unemployment? How does this address health care? How does this address the festering issue of corruption that will soon put the country in its grave pretty soon?


Quote from: gogannaka on February 20, 2008, 01:33:46 PM
DB if you examine the second point critically it implies that a woman
cannot work in a society like ours.

I personally have a problem with these kinds of Fatwas.
In islam haram is haram.Babu wani kwaskwarima da za'a iya yi.
Haka ma halal.

I, for long, have been expressing reservation about the way women are protrayed
by most of the ulama's as Awrah. It goes far to the extent that sun zama kamar
kazanta (dirt). Yes it is true that when women expose their body indecently the
male counterpart will find it attractive.That is why the religion gave them dressing
ethics and it is the same religion that gives the males 'looking' ethics.
They way they portray the thing is like this: Its a man's world.
Like women are a mistake.

One thing that they also do when giving out fatwa's is selecting the particular
ayats of the Qur'an and ignoring the remaining.Or in the case of the hadith they
select a particular phrase.In all the situations they hardly tell you the incidence
that led to the revelation of the ayat(s) or hadith.They most at times highlight
the direct translation of the ayat(s) or hadith.
In the case of Ahzab 33:33 below, read it from verse 30-34.

GGNK, I am with you 100% of the way. When the ulamas do all the fatwas like u say, they become exclusive in their choice of Hadeeths, ayats, do not look at the context or generalize it, highlight the most direct translation of the hadeeth or ayat. What I want to bring ppl's attention to is the most holy of holy things that muslims do once a year and that is attend the pilgrimage. I have never been to Hajj, but from TV footages that we see, there is no place where there is a huge mix of men and women than during the Hajj time. Surely then if there has never been a fatwa condemning this mix then why is it so imperative to condemn other sort of mixes? Remember that this is a religious gathering, and the women are all decently attired, but nevertheless they are sometimes inches away from a man who is probably not their mahram, and vice versa. Surely this should tell us something about the extremity of the views espoused by some ulama.
As for Muhsin who is all for GGNK rethinking his views, well I dont know what popular malam he is talking about, Tijjani kalarawi ko Yusuf Ali? I dont know either of them very much really. But I know a great sheikh who is very famous within the 12 ganuwar kano, has a large following and  is one of the most knowlegeable men in Islamic Sharia, fiqh etc. He has never restricted the movements of his wives, they attend buki, and ziyara to 'yan uwa. Some of his female children go out to work.
You know there is one hadeeth of the prophet that said that before the end of the world, there will be kallabi tsakanin rawani, meaning women will be out and about in the world. Whenever malamai quote this hadeeth, they give the impression that the prophet said this in disaproval. I used to wonder how that could be so, since for me at least, no mallam has ever given the context in which that hadeeth was pronounced by the  Prophet Salaam during his time. The hadeeth stops at the saying that there will be scarves amongst caps (I suppose is the english way to put it). It doesnt add anything. So how could we know whether it wasnt just a matter of fact statement of what will happen in the future at the time the prophet SAW was saying it?

Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: King on February 20, 2008, 11:14:18 PM
So my question is this, if banks in Nigeria are directly or indirectly encouraging immorality and abuse by pressuring women to grant sexual favors to customers, why hasn't the NA passed a tough legislation that include maximum fines for organizations and jail terms for people found guilty? Wouldn't that be the proper way to protect women's integrity in the workplace and also to ensure a safe and non-threatening work environment for everyone?

That will certainly the rate of such happenings, King. You have a very nice thought here. Just like that anti-child abuse budy called NAPTIP. They are always x-raying and apprehending any body found guilty or even attempted to commit any sort of child abuse. Thus, if theres anything akin to this at banking cadre, it'll help very well.

Quote from: HUSNAA on February 21, 2008, 07:54:54 AM

As for Muhsin who is all for GGNK rethinking his views, well I dont know what popular malam he is talking about, Tijjani kalarawi ko Yusuf Ali? I dont know either of them very much really. But I know a great sheikh who is very famous within the 12 ganuwar kano, has a large following and  is one of the most knowlegeable men in Islamic Sharia, fiqh etc. He has never restricted the movements of his wives, they attend buki, and ziyara to 'yan uwa. Some of his female children go out to work.

I didn't mention names because I don't wanna. Why; I think that isn't an ettiquete in such places. But you mentioned names (am not saying thats wrong), thus you should also tell the name of that other scholar you gave example of. Sincerely speaking I doubt his being such a great ulama you emphasis above.

And more over, don't misunderstand me, pls. I ain't saying a woman shouldn't be allowed to go for ceremonies, visitings or woman works and so on. BUT there are certain works that aren't actually for them.

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Muhsin,could you be so kind to tell us what kind of jobs you think are suited for a woman and those you think a woman should stay away from?
Born To Bee Great


Wish I could be such so kind to come up with that list, but that I think is simple and plain. And thus no need, much need I mean of bringing that as a list.

, lets say for example; will you like to be a police woman, a soldier and other milatery and paramelitary worker? But I know you'll feel nothing and even like to be a nurse, teacher, etc huh?

Am so sorry, I don't have nuch time to respond fully but will do that in due time, I wish and hope. See you!
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Lol, Muhsin, Bee has really cornered you now, and I tell you,most women participating in this discussion may likely express her same sentiments. So yes, come up with that list she's requesting. I too am curious to see what kind of jobs women ought to be restricted to. But come to think of it, you suggested that women should not serve in the military. Well, each time Libya's Col. Ghaddaffi visits Nigeria, he does so with an entrouage of female military personnel. What do you say about that?



I don't feel am conerned by her request even a little. As I said earlier, its very simple understanding these jobs. And I gave few now only waiting for her response.

And about Gaddafi; as everybody knows, that guy is extremely enigmatic in all he does, his being muslim notwithstanding. There are even romours, I call it so because am not sure, that he's a Qur'aniyun, meaning he only believes in Qur'an and believes nothing that comes from Hadith (sunnah of the prophet), figh, and everything apart from Qur'an. This belief, is seen by many scholars as completely wrong and its followers plainly or rather impliedly kafir (unbelievers). So forget him.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.