What is a Bid’ah ?2

Started by bamalli, March 03, 2008, 08:22:02 PM

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    Shunning the Bid'ah - Adherence to the Sunnah

    The cure for shunning these newly invented matters has been specified in the texts of Qur'aan and the Sunnah: Allah has revealed the religion of Islam unto Prophet Muhammad (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), and made adherence to his way, the cure to misguidance:

    "Say... 'And Verily, this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away from this Path.' [Soorah An'am (6): 153]

    Allah also says in the Qur'aan: "Indeed in the Messenger of Allah, you have an excellent example to follow for him, who hopes in (the meeting with) Allaah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much" [ (33): 21]

    Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) said: "I have left behind me two things, if you cling to them you will never go astray. They are the Book of Allaah and my Sunnah" [al-Haakim]

    And "...and you will live to see great difference, so cling to my sunnah and the sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs after me, even if it be with your teeth" [Bukhare]

    Abdullaah ibn Mas'ud (radhi allahu anhu) said: "Follow the sunnah of Muhammad (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) and do not innovate, for what you have been commanded is enough for you." [Ad-Daarimee]

    Hudhayfah bin al-Yaman (radhi allahu anhu) said, "every act of worship that the Companions did not do, do not do it" [Abu Dawood]

    The Taabi'ee, the Imaam, az-Zuhree commented, "Clinging to the sunnah is to be saved" as Imaam Maalik (rahimahillah) said, 'like the Ark of Noah', he who embarked upon it was saved, and he who did not was destroyed." [Ad-Daarimee]

    Abu Aaliyah said, "Learn Islaam, then when you have learned Islaam, do not turn away from it to the right or to the left. But be upon the Straight Path and be upon the Sunnah of your Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) and that which his companions were upon...

    And beware of these innovations because they cause enmity and hatred amongst you, but stick to the original state of affairs that was there before they divided." [al-Hilya of Abu Nu'aym 2/218]

    In these narrations is clear evidence that the way of salvation and safety is to closely follow the Sunnah of our Prophet (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), and not to deviate from his path, denying the guidance of others, not accepting a corrupted form of the Sunnah.

    Allaah says: "And whosoever does not contends with the Messenger after guidance has been made clear to him, and follows a way other than the way of the believers, We shall leave in the path he has chosen, and land him in Hell, what an evil destination!" [Soorah an-Nisa (4): 115]

Arguments of the Misguided

Know, O noble reader! The saying that some Bid'ahs are good and that not every Bid'ah is a sin, rather some Bid'ahs are good is a clear misguidance. Every example that these misguided bring from the actions of the companions (radhi allahu anhu) to prove their belief of a 'good innovation', is invalid and it just shows their weak understanding of the Sunnah of Muhammad (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), for all of these examples have a clear basis in the Sharee'ah, or occurred due to necessity, or from ijtihaad. Insha'allaah, we will mention a few of their arguments:

Initially, know that their saying is in opposition to the Hadeeth: "For every Bid'ah is a sin" [Abu Dawood]

The Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) clearly stated that all Bid'ahs are sins.

Ibn Rajab says regarding this issue: "The Prophet's (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) saying: "every Bid'ah is a sin" is a unique way of speech that nothing (no Bid'ah) can escape. This is a major rule in this religion. It is similar to Prophet's (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) saying: "Whoever innovates, in this religion of ours, whatever is not of it, is rejected."

Whoever innovates a matter that has no basis in Islam, and introduced it to the religion, has sinned. The religion disowns whoever does that. This rule applies to all matters of belief, action, and saying, both in public or in secrecy."

1.When Umar (radhi allahu anhu) was caliph, he collected the Muslims to pray in congregation for taraaweeh prayers and said, "what a good bid'ah this is" [Saheeh Bukhaaree]

Evidence is derived from this for 'bid'ah hasanah' (i.e. Good Bid'ah), but of course they have misunderstood the true intent of Umar (radhi allahu anhu), which can be clearly understood if one were to quote the context of this narration.

When the Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) first prayed taraaweeh, the Muslims used to pray taraaweeh individually or in small groups, and then for three nights they prayed in one congregation behind the Prophet (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), and after this he (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) stopped them from doing so by saying:

""I feared that it would become obligatory upon you." So after this again, the Muslims would pray individually or in small groups, and they remained like this throughout the rule of Abu Bakr (radhi allahu anhu) and the beginning of the rule of Umar (radhi allahu anhu). Then Umar (radhi allahu anhu) came to the Mosque and saw the Muslims praying in small groups and so gathered them as one jama'ah to pray behind Ubayy bin Ka'b (radhi allahu anhu) and Tameem ad-Daaree (radhi allahu anhu) and stated the above phrase. [Reported in Bukhaaree, the Muwatta and others]

Firstly: How can the action of Umar (radhi allahu anhu) be considered to be new when the Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) did it in his lifetime? Not only this but the Muslims were also in the habit of praying in small groups as well. Hence, the praying of taraaweeh in jamaa'ah was well established in the sunnah and the practice of the Sahaabah (radhi allahu anhu).

Secondly: The Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) gave the reason why he stopped the congregational prayer, for the revelation was still descending, and he feared that praying in obligation might become obligatory upon his nation, and that this might lead to be hard on them.

After the death of Muhammad (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), the revelation ceased, and this fear was no longer present. Hence, Umar (radhi allahu anhu) re-established the congregation during his rule because he knew his action could not be made obligatory upon the ummah.

Thirdly: All the companions agreed to this action of Umar (radhi allahu anhu), there was a consensus (ijmaa) on this. And the scholars of 'usul' have stated that a consensus cannot occur except when there is a clear text for it in the Sharee'ah.

Fourth: So how do we understand this statement of Umar (radhi allahu anhu), "what a good bid'ah this is" when the action that Umar (radhi allahu anhu) called a bid'ah was done by the Prophet r? Bid'ah here can only be understood in it's linguistic sense and not in it's Sharee'ah sense i.e. when Umar (radhi allahu anhu) said this, he did not mean it in the legal sense that we may understand it today. For how many are the words that mean one thing in the language, but another thing in the Sharee'ah! The linguistic sense is: something new, because praying in one congregation was not present in the rule of Abu Bakr (radhi allahu anhu) and the earlier period of his own rule.

Hence, Abu Yusuf (rahimahullah) said, "I asked Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) about the taraaweeh and what Umar (radhi allahu anhu) did and he replied, 'the taraaweeh is a stressed sunnah, and Umar (radhi allahu anhu) did not do that from his own opinion, and neither was there in his action any innovation, and he did not enjoin it except that there was a foundation for it with him and authorization from the Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam)..." ['Sharh Mukhtaar' as quoted from in 'al-Ibdaa' (pg. 80) of Shaykh Alee Mahfooz]

2.The hadeeth: "Whosoever starts in Islaam a good practice (sunnah), he gets the reward of it and the reward of all those, who act on it. And whosoever starts in Islaam an evil practice (sunnah), he gets the evil of it and the evil of all those, who act on it." [Saheeh Muslim]

The evidence they derive from this hadeeth is that people can invent new practices in Islaam, either good or bad. But were they to take this hadeeth in it's full context then it would not be possible to infer such a thing.

Imaam Muslim(rahimahullah) reported this story from Jareer ibn 'Abdullaah (radhi allahu anhu) who also narrated: "Some people came to Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) wearing woollen garments. He (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) saw that they were in bad shape and in desperate need, so he (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) urged the people to give them charity. People were very slow to respond, and it could be seen on his face (that he was upset). Then a man of the Ansaar brought a package of silver, then another came, then after him another and another, and his face was filled with joy. He (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) said: 'Whoever starts a good thing in Islam, and others do likewise after him, there will be written for him a reward like that of those who followed him, without detracting it in the least from their reward. Whoever starts a bad thing in Islam, and others do likewise after him, there will be written for him a burden of sin like that of those who followed him, without detracting it in the least from their burden." [Saheeh Muslim, no. 1017]

Firstly: The word 'sunnah' used in the hadeeth must be understood in it's linguistic sense (i.e. practice) not it's sharee'ah sense (i.e. the life example of Muhammad (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam) because otherwise it would imply that there is something bad in the sunnah.

Secondly: The Companion (radhi allahu anhu) who gave charity, did not do anything new, for giving charity had been legislated from the very early days of Islaam as the Makkan surahs prove, rather he was simply implementing a previously legislated matter. So, the statement of the Prophet (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), 'a good sunnah' was said at a time when the people were reluctant to give charity, so one man gave it and then others followed him - i.e. he renewed a sunnah that was being neglected - this is the meaning of 'good practice' - renewing an existing sunnah.

Hence, we do not stick just to the specific occurrence in the hadeeth, but we generalize it's intent as it's wording is general and as is established in the 'usul'. The intent of this hadeeth is renewing the Sunnah when it has been neglected. This is why the early scholars of Islaam included this hadeeth under the chapter 'The reward of the one who renews the sunnah" [as done by the 4th century Imaam al-Laalikaa'ee in his encyclopedic work detailing the belief of Ahlus Sunnah, 'Sharh Usul I'tiqaad Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah']

Thirdly: The meaning of 'bad sunnah' is to be understood in the similar vein, i.e. the one who renews an evil act, will get it's evil... Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) gave the example of the two sons of Adam (alaihi as-salaam), one killing the other, one who killed got the sin of his action as well the sin of all those who follow hi in killing; without their sins decreasing, an killing had been forbidden from the time of the first Prophet (alahi as-salaam) to the last r

Fourthly: The hadeeth uses the terms 'good' and 'bad', and from what has preceded, it is clear that Islaam has already defined in it's totality all that it is good and bad, and if we were to say otherwise, we would then be accusing the religion of incompleteness and deficiency

Some Common Innovations

Imitating the Kuffar nowadays has resulted in many Bid'ah's. Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) said: "You will follow the ways of those who were before you. (Jews and Christians)"[At-Tirmidhee] Some common Bid'ah today in the Ummah are:

Al-Mawlid - Celebrating the Prophet's (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) birthday The practice of celebrating al-Mawlid (Prophet's birthday) on the 12th day of Rabee' al-Awwal each Hijri year, has no basis in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah, rather this celebration is an imitation of the Christians, resembling their celebration of Prophet Jesus's (alahi as-salaam) birthday, invented in the 4th century of Hijrah through the Shites This practice is known and performed as a sign of one's love for the Messenger of Allah (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam). Although, the Qur'aan has enlightened the issue of loving and establishing the love of the Messenger (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) in a differing way: Allah says: "Say (O Muhammad (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam): 'If you (really) love Allaah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

This verse clarifies the fact that the love of the Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) is merely a claim unless the proof of sincerity is exposed, which is to submit and abide to the laws and commands of Allah, revealed to Prophet Muhammad (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam). In accordance to the above mentioned verse, one who claims to loves the Prophet (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), then it is for him to obey his (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) commands and follow his (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) Sunnah, for Allah says: "whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain from it" [(59): 7]

And according to the Sunnah of Prophet (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), exaggerating his (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) position in calling upon him as is done in these celebrations is not only against his saying but indeed Shirk. Allah says: " invoke not anyone along with Allaah." [(72): 18]

And he (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) said: "Do not exaggerate about me, as the Christians exaggerated about the son of Maryam. I am only a slave, so say "the slave and Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alahi wa-sallm)" [Bukhari]

Celebrating al-Mawlid even if it does not hold calling upon the Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) and other sorts of sins; like the mingling of men and women, singing, narrating poems about the Prophet (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), which contain undeserved praise of the Prophet etc... is an innovation, since this practice as mentioned earlier is not a part of the religion, neither Prophet Muhammad (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), nor his Companions (radhi allahu anhu) are known to have commemorated this celebration. Rather, when Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) was asked about fasting on Mondays, he (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) said: "That is the day on which I was born and the day on which, I was entrusted with the Mission or when I was first given Revelation." [Saheeh Muslim]

Consequently, one who claims to love the Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) and truly thankful to Allah, then according to what has preceded, he must celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) as he (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) himself did.

Revering (Tabarruk) from certain places or personal effects Tabarruk means to ask for blessing, by means of which a thing is preserved and protected and increases in goodness. Tabarruk can be asked to Allah Alone, for He is the One who sends down the Barakah and preserves it. Companions (radhi allahu anhu) of Prophet (radhi allahu anhu) used to seek Barakah of Allah by the hairs of Prophet Muhammad (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), and his personal effects. This special status is only for the Prophet and only during his lifetime. After his death, none of his companions (radhi allahu anhu) carried out such practice, to seek Barakah from certain places, people or thing is prohibited and considered Shirk. To believe that Barakah can be reached if one visits or touches certain thing, place or people, or Allah grants Barakah if one visiting some certain thing, place or people is a way to Shirk. From these are hanging, kissing or wearing certain Qur'aanic verses for Barakah, using charms amulets etc..

Bid'ah in Matters of Worship The religion of Islam is 'Tawqifiyah'. No worship can be enacted that has no proof in the religion, as the Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) said: "Whoever does what is not of our matter then it is rejected." [Muslim]

From the many Bid'ah in worship are the following: To converse the Niyyah (intention). It is a very common practice to converse the niyyah in preparation for prayer, like the saying "I intend to pray for Allah such and such rakah..." This act is a Bid'ah, for intention is a matter of the heart and not the tongue and moreover it has no proof from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. Rather, Allah says: "Say: 'Will you inform Allah about your religion? While Allah knows all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth and Allah is all-Aware of everything." [(49): 16]

A type of Bid'ah in worship is to recite Fatihah in times of celebration or death, hiring people to recite the Qur'aan if death comes to someone, celebrating Israa wa Al-Miraj (ascension of Prophet (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam) and Hijrah. Also from these is to perform Umrah specifically in the lunar month of Rajab, Rajab is an ordinary month, there are no special Umrah, prayer or fast in this month, also form these is to specify prayer during the middle night of Sha'baan and to fast during the 15th of this month. Major Bid'ah are building monuments on graves, making graves as mosques, and visiting graves for Baraqah. All these celebrations are not valid in the Shar'iah

And we leave you with the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallallhu alahi wa-sallam), "....so he follows my sunnah has been guided, and he who follows the innovations has been destroyed." [Ahmad]