Katsina to ban women on motorcycles

Started by Muhsin, August 31, 2007, 11:40:54 AM

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Wow Muhsin, U know u should be proud to call ur self bakatsine. Just like i said i was born and raised in KD and that is the only place that i know for sure more than KT, I guess we have something in common, hehehehe!
Life is like a flower; more exquisite and precious when shared with others.


That is great mumsee.I was borned and in kaduna too.My immediate family are in kaduna but i have got many relatives in katsina and it is my second home.I love that state and i really cannot explain why.Anyways,i am very pleased to meet you and i am hoping to have a great time.
Born To Bee Great


*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*


       Thank you so much Amira.I thank you all for welcoming me and may Allah bless you.Cheers!
Born To Bee Great


Yan katsina kun ji dadi garin ku babu hayaki da kuma rashin wuta.Haka ma garin ku bai baci da like liken posters ba especially a round abouts.
Gaskiya fa yar'adua ya gyara garin.
Ku zo kano kuga kazanta,leda ko ina,shara ko ina.Kuma kawai wai sai refuse management board su kunna wa bola wuta.Ko da wanne za mu ji?Da hayakin yan achaba,ko adaidaita sahu ko kuwa hayakin bola.Sai dai mu ce Allah ya isa kawai.

Ku yi ta addu'a kar garin ku ya lalace kamar kano.

Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Ai kuwa GGNK its cos kano is an overcrowded place. But still i agree with you the goverment really needs to do something about it, i remember my last trip going to kano there was an area that smelt sooo bad, i couldnt belive it and yep there are bags everywhere.
Allah Kawo sauki Ameen.
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*


Quote from: Bee on October 25, 2007, 10:03:13 AM
      Before the ban is being fully imposed,the government should make sure that other means of transportation are available so women could make use of and i hope it is not an empty promise.Women have a lot to contribute to the sociaty.They got to help themselves even if it is by going to the market to buy food stuff for the family.They got to go out of the house in most cases to make ends meet.
      It is going to be a big slap on the face if the ban is imposed with no other alternative.Let us consider those women who are less fortunate to have a car or husbands who even have a motocycle to carry her about.They got to move themselves about somehow and the cheapest and easiest means of transportation is the motorbike.Let us feel for those women that will soon have to make use of their legs on long distances(i do not see how at least 10 cars can help solve the problem.come on guys,who are we kidding).Let us pray that the govenment means what it said and not another empty promise.Let the govnment provide an alternative before inmposing the ban otherwise....

You are so right Bee. What other alternative is there for the female commuters?

I remember a few years ago (in the early days of sharia) there was also a ban

on women on motorcycles and when people pushed for an alternative means, our

former first lady (Mummy Turai) gave a few mini buses and taxis. Now these are

not lafiyayyun vehicles fa, no, these were push and start former danfo vehicles

that were literally begging for mercy and desperately anticipating their retirement

in the nearby junkyard - which they eventually did. Does anybody remember them?

They were called 'yar gantali (Or was it only in my area?) because it was a terribly

inefficient first-come-first-serve system. If, I want to go from A to C, they'd take

Malama that wants to go from A to X before they take me to C thats just around the

corner. They were green and yellow in color (yuck!) and you wouldn't dare board one

of those for a million $$ if you are dressed in white. Also, these vehicles basa shiga lungu

lungu kuma akwai wa'yansu tituna da drivers za su ce muku ba za su iya shiga ba. So

poor Mummy with goyo on her back, infant on her left hand and toddler on her right will

walk really long distances to get home. The good thing was that they were as cheap as

the motorcycles (about N10 -15) but they disappeared in less than a year and before you

know it, women started using achaba again.

Who knows maybe the state will get lots of keke napep for us (Amen!) I still havent given

up my ambition to go cruising in one of those! Vroooooom Vrooooooom!  8)  8)  8)

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


Quote from: gogannaka on November 04, 2007, 07:31:43 AM
Yan katsina kun ji dadi garin ku babu hayaki da kuma rashin wuta.Haka ma garin ku bai baci da like liken posters ba especially a round abouts.
Gaskiya fa yar'adua ya gyara garin.
Ku zo kano kuga kazanta,leda ko ina,shara ko ina.Kuma kawai wai sai refuse management board su kunna wa bola wuta.Ko da wanne za mu ji?Da hayakin yan achaba,ko adaidaita sahu ko kuwa hayakin bola.Sai dai mu ce Allah ya isa kawai.

Ku yi ta addu'a kar garin ku ya lalace kamar kano.

''DOLE NE'' wen the presıdent ıs form KT aı yakamata kam ace daı mun dan hadu koba haka ba.
wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you


Quote from: Fateez on November 07, 2007, 09:03:38 AM
Quote from: Bee on October 25, 2007, 10:03:13 AM

They were called 'yar gantali (Or was it only in my area?) because it was a terribly

inefficient first-come-first-serve system. If, I want to go from A to C, they'd take

Malama that wants to go from A to X before they take me to C thats just around the

corner. They were green and yellow in color (yuck!) and you wouldn't dare board one

of those for a million $$ if you are dressed in white.


Ga su nan a Kano kamar kamar me.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment