
Ramadan Mubarak!

I pray that we get the full blessings of Ramadan and may Allah (SWT) grant us more blessings in the year to come.
Amin Summa Amin.

Ramadan Kareem,

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Started by Dan-Borno, April 03, 2008, 04:38:06 PM

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the story came to me not as a surprise, because since
the swearing-in of the servant-leader, i knew the arms
of justice will be allowed to reach its targets at all costs,
because during the period of Obasanjo, undue interferences
in judicial activity has become very rampant.

we were left with lessons to be learnt.  Ishaya before his
arrest has made an indelible mark while serving in the Nigerian
Army,  most Nigerians rated his work fairly.

the lessons i am talking about here is, whoever you are,
and whatever you are doing, have the fear of Allah and do
your possible best to positively change the lives of those
people you live with.

Ishaya was locked down for almost nine years, he was denied
bail because the government of that time was never in support
of his release.

Rogers who is a star witness in this case, stoke a deal with the
then government and gave out fictitious evidence incriminating
the General-in-prison, Rogers who actually did most of the
criminal acts was reluctantly released based on his submission
that he is going to testify against the Bamaiyyi's.  Obasanjo
gave him enough money as compensation for what he did to
betray his former boss.  It is confirmed that he build houses in
Maiduguri and Abuja worth millions after his release from the

The release of Bamaiyi is an eye opener to all of us, while Rogers
has gone into hidden, the Almustapha's are praying harder so
that he be released also.

One thing worth mentioning is, in all the torments suffered by
Bamaiyyi, he never for once accused General Sani Abatcha of
how he runs his government, he kept on saying the General
did a job welldone.  Loyalty indeed.

While i join the family of Bamaiyyi in celebrating his release, i
wish to remind Bamaiyi to fear His creator and accept what
happened to him as a lesson.

We await the release of Al-Mustapha
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak