Chick Lit, Anyone?

Started by Fateez, May 09, 2008, 04:08:45 PM

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QuoteChick Lit ~ "Chick lit" is a term used to denote genre fiction written for and marketed to young women, especially single, working women in their twenties and thirties. Chick lit features hip, stylish female protagonists, usually in their twenties and thirties, in urban settings, and follows their love lives and struggles for professional success. "Chick" is the American slang term for young woman and "Lit" is short for "literature". The genre was defined as a type of post-feminist or second-wave feminism that went beyond female-as-victim to include fiction that covered the breadth of female experiences, including love, courtship and gender.

Predictably, I happen to be a big fan of Chick Lit. Especially the kind with light and humourous

themes you can whip out, relax and read after a hard day's work. So are there any chick lit fans

here? I'm talking of authors like Sophie Kinsella, Helen Fielding, Sue Townsend, Marian Keyes,

Swati Kushal, Cecilia Ahern, Cecily von Ziegesar etc. This is a good medium to review the chick lit

books you have read. Can't wait to hear from you people!  :)

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


My first recommendation...

"Over the course of the year, Bridget loses a total of 72 pounds but gains a total of 74. She remains, however, optimistic. Through it all, Bridget will have you helpless with laughter, and - like millions of readers the world round - you'll find yourself shouting, 'Bridget Jones IS me!'" (Back cover excerpt, Bridget Jones's Diary, Helen Fielding, 1996 UK Macmillan, 1998 US Viking Penguin) 

This laugh-out-loud chronicle charts a year in the life of Bridget Jones, a single girl on a permanent, doomed quest for self-improvement--in which she resolves to: visit the gym three times a week not merely to buy a sandwich, form a functional relationship with a responsible adult, and not fall for any of the following: misogynists, megalomaniacs, adulterers, workaholics, chauvinists or perverts. And learn to program the VCR.

Caught between her Singleton friends, who are all convinced they will end up dying alone and found three weeks later half-eaten by an Alsatian, and the Smug Marrieds, whose dinner parties offer ever-new opportunities for humiliation, Bridget struggles to keep her life on an even keel (or at least afloat). Through it all, she will have her readers helpless with laughter and shouting, "BRIDGET JONES IS ME!"

I think this one is the ultimate must read not just for chick lit lovers, but any woman.

If not the book then at least watch the movie. Renee Zellweger does a really good job

portraying Bridget. Plus it's got Colin Firth and Hugh Jackman (now who wouldn't want

to watch that?) It's one of those book that almost everyone can relate to. In fact I think

it'll be fair to say almost every woman shares at least one of BJ's issues. I love how the

book makes light of the problems faced by the everyday woman. My best part was when

she turned up at the country house dressed up as a bunny for a costume party only to get

there and find out that the theme has changed! that was hilarious! This book is just awesome!

I give it  ;D ;D ;D ;D 1/2 out of five smiley faces.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


Let me begin by welcoming you once again to our sub-forum, Fateez. Wish you've been doing fine, amin.

I had never learned that this 'Chick Lit' has become an autonomous genre of literature. Even the term is somewhat new to me. But what it stands for, I mean the kind of literature it applies to is known to me, and I have read many of such novels.

Recently, I, in other thread--What are you reading today, wrote about one very intriguing and fascinating text I was reading. How you supplied the meaning of this Chick Lit. really means how and what that novel is written upon; to say NO to the bondage of female molestation in an achetypal rural (and maybe urban) society (of Scotland as in the novel).

I had written something like; Whitechapel Mary by Sally Worboyes. She's a Scotish femenist writer. And the novel's very touching, sympathetic and reviving about a young orphan lassy named Mary (as in the title) that...get it and read. I got it from BUK liberary.

Wish to write more when I get back. Keep it up, Fateez!


Literature sub-forum visitors are all waiting for an excerpt of your novel, Fateez. Or at least something from it. Waiting for that...Xnks.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Fateez you've forgotten Candace Bushnell.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: Fateez on May 09, 2008, 06:07:04 PM

My first recommendation...

"Over the course of the year, Bridget loses a total of 72 pounds but gains a total of 74. She remains, however, optimistic. Through it all, Bridget will have you helpless with laughter, and - like millions of readers the world round - you'll find yourself shouting, 'Bridget Jones IS me!'" (Back cover excerpt, Bridget Jones's Diary, Helen Fielding, 1996 UK Macmillan, 1998 US Viking Penguin) 

This laugh-out-loud chronicle charts a year in the life of Bridget Jones, a single girl on a permanent, doomed quest for self-improvement--in which she resolves to: visit the gym three times a week not merely to buy a sandwich, form a functional relationship with a responsible adult, and not fall for any of the following: misogynists, megalomaniacs, adulterers, workaholics, chauvinists or perverts. And learn to program the VCR.

Caught between her Singleton friends, who are all convinced they will end up dying alone and found three weeks later half-eaten by an Alsatian, and the Smug Marrieds, whose dinner parties offer ever-new opportunities for humiliation, Bridget struggles to keep her life on an even keel (or at least afloat). Through it all, she will have her readers helpless with laughter and shouting, "BRIDGET JONES IS ME!"

I think this one is the ultimate must read not just for chick lit lovers, but any woman.

If not the book then at least watch the movie. Renee Zellweger does a really good job

portraying Bridget. Plus it's got Colin Firth and Hugh Jackman (now who wouldn't want

to watch that?) It's one of those book that almost everyone can relate to. In fact I think

it'll be fair to say almost every woman shares at least one of BJ's issues. I love how the

book makes light of the problems faced by the everyday woman. My best part was when

she turned up at the country house dressed up as a bunny for a costume party only to get

there and find out that the theme has changed! that was hilarious! This book is just awesome!

I give it  ;D ;D ;D ;D 1/2 out of five smiley faces.

Great film! is the book better? cos if it is, I'm going to get it!!!
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


hi gals, its gud to b back! not much time though, just a few comments. liked bjd, delightful movie, there is a sequel but i havnt watched it, hope its as gud as d first one and oh d guy in d movie is hugh grant, hugh jackman is wolverine in x men.
currently reading eat pray n love by elithabeth gilbert, nice, no complaints so far, lata y'all ;)