
Started by gogannaka, June 29, 2008, 10:09:19 PM

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Yau i have decided to post on shiekh Bamalli's Forum.

Let's post the many religious misconceptions we or other people usually have about religious issues.

I know of a very popular story that one of the early malamai,i think its Shafi'e or Hannafi(abu hanifa) came to Imam Malik and complained that he couldn't commit his karatu to memory. Imam Malik asked him to find out what sin he has committed. He tried and couldn't remember. Imam malik insisted that he must have done something sinful.On intense review the person now remembered that while a woman was passing by he looked at part of her open hand near the elbows. So that was why he found it hard to commit things to memory.

This story is very da'if. The person that narrated this named Jarrad never lived with Imam Malik for him to narrate the story. The incidence had not been reported ny any of Imam Malik's students.

The implication of the story is that looking at a woman can cause one to loose memory.

There are so many issues like this that one hears a bakin mutane and you'd swear they are authentic.
So please relate the ones you've once heard.
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