Nigerian senators gate crash at US democratic convention

Started by gogannaka, September 01, 2008, 10:43:21 AM

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The issue of gate crashing (attending an event without being invited) does not only stop with employment seekers. Some Nigerian senators gate crashed at the US democratic party convention. However,trust the Nigerian,despite being shut down they still devised a means to enter .'The Nigerian way'

Story from the Guardian newspapers:

For Nigerian lawmakers, who travelled to the U.S. for the Democratic Party convention, it was not the best of adventures as they were denied access to the venue of the rally.

Except for the Deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremadu, no fewer than three senators, who went for the event were shut out for most of the period.

It was learnt that they were denied entry to the venue because the invitation extended by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) only covered the Deputy Senate President.

Still, Ekweremadu was said to have devised a way for the senators to witness the event.

"I learnt that because there was an unutilised invitation for a VIP from Nigeria, who did not show up, he (Deputy Senate President) was able to take one senator in daily. To some extent, your information is true that they were shut out, but something was worked out," a Senate source said yesterday
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


it would have been better if they are able to learn
something during this type of visits to other developed
countries, however, reverse is the case.

the last time when the press and some semi-serious
MPs raised an eye brow over the frequent travelling
to abroad by the present Speaker of the House, he
replied that he is out there learning the processeses
of making law.

they are only interested in the ESTACODE ALLOWANCE,
ACCOMODATION ALLOWANCE, and other inflated
petty petty allowance each time they are to travel
out of this country.

God save us.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Abin kunya dai baya kare wa 'yan Nigeria! Wai ma what business has the PDP got with the democratic party convention? To me PDP is synonymous to the conservative party of GB or the Republican party of the USA. So they got no business being near a party which advocates equality for all, something not known in the PDP.
Ten to one, the PDP stalwarts must have applied to the Democratic Party for permission to attend the convention by giving the usual flimsy excuses of young democracy in nigeria.. can learn from yr processes for  better ways to conduct election.. history in the making with first black US president.. Nigeria giant of Africa...and such bull and flattery. The Democratic Party's  organizing committee for the convention must have become either bemused or amused, but nevertheless decides to issue ONE invitation only. If it were the democratic party wanting to invite some of the Nigerian senators out of its own volition, it wouldnt issue a SINGLE invitation only.
Allah Wadaran naka ya lalace  :(
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Its known to you all that nobody except Allah knows gaib. So I myself inclusive. But, since the time when the story of their visit popped-up medias, I intuitevely concluded they were just going to 'see' skyscrappers, bridges, white-coloured ppl, etc LOL ;D ;D ;D But what was taking them...forget it. I even openned up a thread, which barely breathed K-online air but instantly died. :(

Coincidently enough, Husnaa, I too always typefy PDP's policies and manifestations with that of Bush's Republican. They hardly share anything with Democrate.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.