Nigeria Celebrates 48th Independece Day

Started by Jibo, October 02, 2008, 11:46:09 AM

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Quote from: IBB on October 06, 2008, 01:29:29 AM
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Haba IBB! We need to understand your points so that it can give us focus or atleast get what you are trying to point out! It is all fro Nigeria! ???
A lazy youth is definitely a begging adult! Bata hankalin Dare ka yi suna!: Fas'alu ahalil zikri, inkuntum la ta'alamun!


I said go back and analyse the earlier replies u will see alot of issues that are pushing us backward


So, IBB, what do we do about them? Can you give suggestions! Even if they are borowed suggestions!
A lazy youth is definitely a begging adult! Bata hankalin Dare ka yi suna!: Fas'alu ahalil zikri, inkuntum la ta'alamun!



Sorry to say amma ka bada ni. Ko kudi ne muke ta begging dinka ka bamu ai you should have given us, I think.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.




Ta wuce, inshaAllah, IBB. Hoard your knowledge if that fits you good.

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Ikon Allah kenan.
Muhsin there's no need to be angry.
There are clear reasons on the previous posts that tell why we are yet to arrive aat the promised land e.g bad leadership,uncaring attitutude by the govt,electricity,water etc.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Ka gode ko mun gode! Ya manta da abin da aka ce ne game da mas boye sani?
A nemi DB ya jwo ayar GGNK ya fasara ko? ;D

GGNK ai har ma da bad followers!
A lazy youth is definitely a begging adult! Bata hankalin Dare ka yi suna!: Fas'alu ahalil zikri, inkuntum la ta'alamun!


Quote from: gogannaka on October 09, 2008, 11:06:05 AM
Ikon Allah kenan.
Muhsin there's no need to be angry.
There are clear reasons on the previous posts that tell why we are yet to arrive aat the promised land e.g bad leadership,uncaring attitutude by the govt,electricity,water etc.

Hmm...GGNK kenan. Sincerely speaking if I say I was not, I lied. Amma wallahi ba wani sosai ba. Kawai dai...

IBB, don't be... just ka gane kawai.  ;D
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Duk da kace min 'Robot', zan dan goyi bayanka kadan! Amma karka auka bayan da zan goyaka da taushi, ka nemi yin barci. Goyon bayan na minti.... ;D ;D ;D
A lazy youth is definitely a begging adult! Bata hankalin Dare ka yi suna!: Fas'alu ahalil zikri, inkuntum la ta'alamun!


Quote from: Jibo on October 09, 2008, 11:34:05 AM
Duk da kace min 'Robot', zan dan goyi bayanka kadan! Amma karka auka bayan da zan goyaka da taushi, ka nemi yin barci. Goyon bayan na minti.... ;D ;D ;D

Ka gani amma ka ki responding?
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Ai kasan keya bata gani ko! Responding kuma ai sai dai wani karonko? :D ;)
A lazy youth is definitely a begging adult! Bata hankalin Dare ka yi suna!: Fas'alu ahalil zikri, inkuntum la ta'alamun!


Mmmmmmh! You see at the age of 40 one is expected to be wise and it is difficult for one to change after the age of 40. Nigeria at 48 is something to think about! Consider India at the 40 or 45. The problems of igeria lies with its history, orientation, attitude, leadership, socialisation and some others. For Nigeria to be able to come out of its problems, there are two options: 1st by idealogical revolution, which like Russian Revolution, would not last or 2nd by evolution, which will be a seriuos and purposeful project. But who will undertake the project? The Education System we operate is mostly responsible for the degeneration of Nigerian State. There are other aspects of theproblems outside the educational system which education could eventually solve. We need a team of visionary leaders that are sincere, have the people in their mind and at work, considering and touching every aspect of the society. Touching the life of both the poor and the rich positively. We need to imbibe the golden rule of putting the negative past behind us and work with the positive. We need to understand our diffreneces and what brought together and treat each other accordigly. We need to be disciplined to the core! And many more....
A lazy youth is definitely a begging adult! Bata hankalin Dare ka yi suna!: Fas'alu ahalil zikri, inkuntum la ta'alamun!