Started by waduz, January 28, 2009, 11:01:29 AM

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Nura, Gaskiyar magana it appears shameful what you are saying in forum like this and under such important thread as this. We are in a deep problem that bordered relationship between men and women which we agreed with no exeption that it is a social problem. Even if as The legendary waziri said that you are joking, and you affirmed that you are joking, i will say it is an expensive joke. The kind of Joke that will send a wife out of her matrimonial abode. I felt very sorry if these kind of exchanges will be passing through here in the name of joking. I assumes every contributer to this topic is serious not joking. Why then should you joke? or is it we should agree with Ummita that there is more to it than just airing your views. Pls let's differentiate Between jokes and where they should exchanged >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
it takes oppressed and oppressor for oppression to occur


Quote from: Lawwali on February 26, 2009, 03:47:42 PM
Nura, Gaskiyar magana it appears shameful what you are saying in forum

Assalamu alaikum,
I do not think it is wise bringing back a matter that has been resolved.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Quote from: waduz on February 26, 2009, 09:17:51 AM
Danborno, wa ya sa ka? How can you, with all seriousness, just nominate ONLY one female in the committee? Haven,t you ever heard of gender equality? Or what a man can do a woman can do even better? You better reposition yourself for the inpending upper and lower cuts to defend your little but wide avarter mouth! ;D ;D ;D Without any consultations with the guru maharajis of KOL before coming up with your list, I cannot see this committee going any where. Kai Malam, da sakel!
Lol at u guys. I am not complaining about gender imbalance, Wallahi. I saw it but it didnt even register, sai yanzu that u mentioned it. I was just thinking that in DB yafara nominations dinsa, nothing gets achieved, because they are virtual nominations. Nothing concrete comes of it (not his fault at all). I just thought he was cracking his usual jokes about his so called almighty executive board powers.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: HUSNAA on February 26, 2009, 07:53:01 PM
Quote from: waduz on February 26, 2009, 09:17:51 AM
Danborno, wa ya sa ka? How can you, with all seriousness, just nominate ONLY one female in the committee? Haven,t you ever heard of gender equality? Or what a man can do a woman can do even better? You better reposition yourself for the inpending upper and lower cuts to defend your little but wide avarter mouth! ;D ;D ;D Without any consultations with the guru maharajis of KOL before coming up with your list, I cannot see this committee going any where. Kai Malam, da sakel!
Lol at u guys. I am not complaining about gender imbalance, Wallahi. I saw it but it didnt even register, sai yanzu that u mentioned it. I was just thinking that in DB yafara nominations dinsa, nothing gets achieved, because they are virtual nominations. Nothing concrete comes of it (not his fault at all). I just thought he was cracking his usual jokes about his so called almighty executive board powers.

Oho,, Danborno, you can go ahead and set a date and time table for our first meeting so that we can work out the modalities for achieving good results. Mind you, I think all of us are not suffering from executive joblessness, therefore give us enough time to make arrangements for attending. I will really be committed to this all important assignment, if at the end of the day, the outcome will ensure the fostering of good relationship between couples. I am dead serious on that!


Quote from: Lawwali on February 26, 2009, 03:47:42 PM
Nura, Gaskiyar magana it appears shameful what you are saying in forum like this and under such important thread as this. We are in a deep problem that bordered relationship between men and women which we agreed with no exeption that it is a social problem. Even if as The legendary waziri said that you are joking, and you affirmed that you are joking, i will say it is an expensive joke. The kind of Joke that will send a wife out of her matrimonial abode. I felt very sorry if these kind of exchanges will be passing through here in the name of joking. I assumes every contributer to this topic is serious not joking. Why then should you joke? or is it we should agree with Ummita that there is more to it than just airing your views. Pls let's differentiate Between jokes and where they should exchanged >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


I think I have earlier made my submissions on the matter at issue. However, let me make it categorically and abundantly clear to each and every member of this forum that I am not in anyway trying to denigrate or look down on someone. Ummita has made her points and it's unfortunate that I just dunno what happened between me and her. As she asserted elsewhere whether there's more to it than meet the eye, it's my humble submission to you that there is nothing, I mean THERE IS NOTHING personal between us. When you said  that you always ignore me by declining to pass commentaries on my contributions, I feel completely bemused and disturbed. Because honestly speaking I have always and still want to establish a virile friendship with everybody in the forum. I am a human being Ummita bound to make mistake. And I think so long as human nature is what it is, there will always be disagreement(s) and/or disputes between individuals. And those disagreements and disputes must be resolved if we want to live as peacefully, as cheaply and as satisfactorily as posssible. I believe I still remain your humble friend in this forum. Pls do not stop commenting on my post. There is no gain in habouring unnecessary grudge. I want to say to you wallahi there is nothing between me and you whatsoever that I intend to hurt your feelings.

The way I look at life is more or less a piano. It's a combination of bits and decibels that keep on repeating itself. I may be wrong to you today,but tomorrow I can emerge clean. So my understanding of life is just a "quid pro quo" of a sort.

To the members of Kanooonline, but Husnaa, Ummita and Myself in particular, I take responsibility over what happened. What happened is just human and life is full of lessons and teachings that one is expected to learn. My dream, hopes and aspiration is to really make Ummita or anybody in this forum feel incomplete without Jibo Nura. What I am trying to say is this: I want a sitaution whereby if for instance, Ummita or Bee or Amira is getting married, they will feel that their marriage is going to be  incomplete without the presence of Jibo. This is applicable to  my very good friend Ibrahim Waziri, Mlbash, Gogannaka and co.

So really there was misperception and insunuation somewhere that made one to be looked at as somebody with lots of tsokana and rigima.

But my question to all kanoonliners is: what good of interaction if we cannot joke and play with one another? After all, this is "chit chat" forum where we engage on "unserious" issues. If you look at it not from a far distance,  I hardly joke whenever it's a matter that is discussed on "general board", because I always consider it serious and very important. Of course, my professional senior colleague, EMTL and people like Lawwali and waziri should know this better than anybody.
All things said, I remain your friend forever.

o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


Quote from: Nuruddeen on February 27, 2009, 01:24:30 PM
Quote from: Lawwali on February 26, 2009, 03:47:42 PM
Nura, Gaskiyar magana it appears shameful what you are saying in forum like this and under such important thread as this. We are in a deep problem that bordered relationship between men and women which we agreed with no exeption that it is a social problem. Even if as The legendary waziri said that you are joking, and you affirmed that you are joking, i will say it is an expensive joke. The kind of Joke that will send a wife out of her matrimonial abode. I felt very sorry if these kind of exchanges will be passing through here in the name of joking. I assumes every contributer to this topic is serious not joking. Why then should you joke? or is it we should agree with Ummita that there is more to it than just airing your views. Pls let's differentiate Between jokes and where they should exchanged >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


But my question to all kanoonliners is: what good of interaction if we cannot joke and play with one another? After all, this is "chit chat" forum where we engage on "unserious" issues. If you look at it not from a far distance,  I hardly joke whenever it's a matter that is discussed on "general board", because I always consider it serious and very important. Of course, my professional senior colleague, EMTL and people like Lawwali and waziri should know this better than anybody.
All things said, I remain your friend forever.


As a Kano onliner let me answer the above que:
That was one DESTRUCTIVE joke!!!!!!!!  :o :o
But it takes great courage, humility and character to make a public apology. What is more if the ppl who feel offended decide not to forgive you, remember Allah Ya ga zuciyar ka and has Forgiven you. But I am sure we are all of one mind: YOU ARE EXONERATED from all suspicion of covert motives. So there! No more on the issue.  :)
Gafurallahi lana walaka
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


NO WAY hajiya, apology not accepted - on behalf of the
aggrieved parties, one who happens to be my one and
only daughter, until the following conditions are met, we
have intention to move forward to KUTOFO THREAD:-

1.  nura jibo to stay online 24/7 for six months
2.  throw a birth day party for my daughter
3.  buy her keke-napep and C100 gsm phone to ease
     transportation froblem.
4.  bring back at least 100 old kanoonline members
     (alkanawi exclusive)
5.  get her a zobo drink to cool off the tension
6.  to ensure loyalty, you are required to forward all your
     emails from yan mata to my inbox for scrutiny pls.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: _Waziri_ on February 25, 2009, 01:47:32 PM
I am wondering if others can easily think along side what I am thinking that perhaps if legislation can be promulgated that look deeper into the affairs of married couples.
My!! This sure is one hard cookie to bite. In truth, we all know that the man-made"English law" publicises the view that in nuptials; adultery, unreasonable behaviour, desertion and 2-5 yr separation periods automatically ends a marriage. However, in reality it does not really look into the affairs of married couples or how to solve marital conflicts. It rather provides grounds where marriages will be deemed invalid. Rectification of marriages these days is not something you find buzzing in courtrooms or through legislation. Recognised bodies such as arbitrator's mediators or even "shrinks" these days do not go forth to cement the differences a man has with his wife or vice versa. Instead what you see on a normal basis between "Jack" and "Jane" is who gets the sofa, the grandfather's clock or the Persian rug and/or whether daddy is to have the kids over weekend after separation! This is what is mostly being legislated.

Does this sound compelling? Ok, now what I was trying to point out is that there may be no genuine or concrete bylaw on the avoidance of divorce by looking into marriage affairs, if that law has no religious support. In fact I personally see no room for that. The grounds for divorce may well be assured and marriages may be annulled through legislating in courtrooms but truthfully, Islam does not want washing dirty linen of private affairs in public or in the court except in extraordinary situations. And from my own little knowledge it is for such motive that the dealing of marital crisis in court comes in as a last resort.
The Qur'an & Hadiths provide enormous rules and scheme on how to save marriages from separation. The Quran states as regards grounds of divorce in very general terms:

"And if you fear that the two (i.e husband and wife) may not be able to keep the limits ordered by Allah, there is no blame on either of them if she redeems herself (from the marriage tie) " (2 : 229).

If there is a call for divorce, then it should rightly be based on a sensible, realistic and on no-nonsense considerations. Besides, the procedure of divorce is principally a matter of husband and wife. So when conflict arises in matrimonial homes, attempts should be made for reconciliation between man and wife without a call for action by enlisting mama and papa or even in-law to settle the dispute. Outside parties should only be involved in extreme circumstances. Henceforth, any other judicial process which is to deal with divorce or marriage affairs must have an Islamic attitude otherwise it will not be followed obligatorily. And so the intercession of court or other formed legislations is not even a number option for me so far as divorce/marriage is concerned. Perhaps maybe if you explain further, I might find the idea convincing. As I see it only if marriages are followed in accord with Islamic rulings will it enhance the dignity of both men and women and reduce many conflicts and most importantly divorce cases.

For those making a "who haaa" on Bazawarai, a reminder!

The Prophet (S.A.W) said, "Marriage is my Sunnah and whoever does not follow my Sunnah is not my true follower".  (Ibn Haiah, Babun Nikah)
Allah (S.A) has commanded that Muslims should marry "And marry those among you who are single...." (24:33)

So if we have divorcees who are obviously single why is man revolting on the idea of marrying a bazawara if her behaviour is close to perfect?

My grandmother used to talk of how they considered marriage in the olden days as sacred, a divine institution and more like binding contract. Any action or transactions under holy matrimony will definately have religious repercussion. If you make good of it, you lay a good foundation. If you mess it up, the bricks will surely crumble. But see, today some people are turning marriages into playhouse and calling it checkmate with each other after just a short stay together.

Quote from: waduz on February 26, 2009, 09:17:51 AM
Danborno, wa ya sa ka? How can you, with all seriousness, just nominate ONLY one female in the committee? Haven,t you ever heard of gender equality? Or what a man can do a woman can do even better? Kai Malam, da sakel!
PS: A'aaa Na wa o!!!!! Waduz!!! This one wey you dey holla so, I neva even accept offer you don begin dey talk about gender discrimination. Kwantar dah hankali naka. I intend to hereby politely and respectfully reject the position. Haka kawai afara shire wukake ko nagah Waduz yana zuwa wajenah da AK 45 dinshi a hannu.  Haka kawai! I no wan riot!!!

Daddy, Waduz is the cause of my intent to denounce the position >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( ;D

People, on this topic, I will continue to talk and talk and talk if I find anything that unsettles my mind.
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


*Chuckles* Daddyyyyyyy kenan. One hell of a rule to comply with. This is torture ai!!! ;D What happened to your daily advice to me...about leniency?;D Ai, I neva vex for if I did, I would have come home to you crying and requesting that you summon your boys for operation "delete that entity".

Anyway, nidai daddy ga Waduz na ringima fah! ;D He has expressed his mind and I can detect his feeling of strong eagerness for gender equality :P, which on fair grounds should not be ignored. Ni ina tsoron kada yayi mana Biafran warII anan!
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: Dan-Borno on February 27, 2009, 10:20:22 PM
NO WAY hajiya, apology not accepted - on behalf of the
aggrieved parties, one who happens to be my one and
only daughter, until the following conditions are met, we
have intention to move forward to KUTOFO THREAD:-

1.  nura jibo to stay online 24/7 for six months
2.  throw a birth day party for my daughter
3.  buy her keke-napep and C100 gsm phone to ease
     transportation froblem.
4.  bring back at least 100 old kanoonline members
     (alkanawi exclusive)
5.  get her a zobo drink to cool off the tension
6.  to ensure loyalty, you are required to forward all your
     emails from yan mata to my inbox for scrutiny pls.

Acknowledged and agreed DB. Get Ummita informed that she has already gotten Keke Napep -the Shekarau tricycle, Kafi zuru type 2006.
I have reserved Zobo and Daddawa for her marriage with her new brand hubby. But warn her not to settle on Bazawari.Lol!!!!

I am hereby giving you d emails of all the ladies at k-online  via the  web address at: marriage-htm. E-mail:

Just log on to:
Bee/DB/ Hasylady-gmail.
Go to:


Am I possessed DB? LOL!!!!!
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


Quote from: ummita on February 27, 2009, 10:48:44 PM
*Chuckles* Daddyyyyyyy kenan. One hell of a rule to comply with. This is torture ai!!! ;D What happened to your daily advice to me...about leniency?;D Ai, I neva vex for if I did, I would have come home to you crying and requesting that you summon your boys for operation "delete that entity".

Anyway, nidai daddy ga Waduz na ringima fah! ;D He has expressed his mind and I can detect his feeling of strong eagerness for gender equality :P, which on fair grounds should not be ignored. Ni ina tsoron kada yayi mana Biafran warII anan!

Ba rigima ummi, gaskiya na fada. We should try to balance all our acts so as to carry evrone along! Biafran war? Hehehehehehehe......never! I do not believe in fire brigade approach of solving issues. Rather, I like to dialogue, softly, softly.


jama'a bear me witness, waduz is coming in between
father and daughter -

my daughter, dont mind waduz, you are part of the
committee, kuma na ari bakinki na cimiki albasa, dont
worry, the job is not that tedious.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Danborno, a'a, haba dattijo, ba ka so a zo kusa da daughter ka? To, amma dai wata rana zaka aurar da ita ko? Ka gane? ;D


Quote from: waduz on March 03, 2009, 09:52:11 AM
Danborno, a'a, haba dattijo, ba ka so a zo kusa da daughter ka? To, amma dai wata rana zaka aurar da ita ko? Ka gane? ;D

Aha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Jama'a Yanzu dai Gaskiyar maganar ta fito daga bakin waduz, kai Dattijo sai kalura da 'yan zamani ;D ;D ;D ;D
it takes oppressed and oppressor for oppression to occur