RE-COMMUNIQUE - [ 08/06/2009 ]

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 RE-COMMUNIQUE - [ 08/06/2009 ]

Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria

                                                                      2, Araoti Street,
                                                                      Via Montgomery Road,

Tel: 01-3425193                                         Off Thorburn Street,

S. A. Onaghinon, LL.B(Hons) BL, AMNIM, AIPM  P. O. Box 9908, Marina,

Liaison Office:
            Plot 610, Abiriba Close,
           Area 7,
          Garki – Abuja

         5th June, 2009




            I am directed to invite your attention to the attached communiqué issued at the end of the negotiation between the Association and the Federal Ministry of Education at the instance of Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity and to reiterate that the communiqué was signed to:

i.                     Ensure that the Association continues its operation on a solid legal footing;

ii.                   Be circumspective, taking cognizance of an imminent unfavourable Labour atmosphere.

2.         It should be noted that:

(i)                  The crux of the conflict is the refusal of the Federal Ministry of Education to reintroduce the Junior Secondary component to the Unity Schools,

(ii)                During the January strike, it was agreed that the Honourable Minister of Education shall have up to the end of February to conclude all consultations preparatory to putting necessary machinery in motion towards returning the Junior Secondary Classes to the Unity Colleges,

(iii)               As a result of the above, the Senator Jonathan Zwingina Committee was set up after which an internal committee was also put in place to look at the relationship between the UBEC laws and Junior Secondary School in Unity Colleges,

(iv)              The Senator Zwingina Committee recommended that the Junior Secondary Classes should be brought back into the Unity Schools,

(v)                Thereafter, another committee was established to fast track the reintroduction of the Junior Secondary School component into the Unity Colleges,

(vi)       At that stage the union sensed that some people within the Education Ministry were working against the reintroduction of the Junior Classes and were therefore creating obstacles aimed at delaying the work of the committee,

(vii)      Consequently, the Union stepped in by calling the strike to send the right signal to all concerned including the hawks in the Ministry who were working against the coming back of the Junior classes into the Unity Colleges,

(viii)      Incidentally, the Labour Ministry moved in thereby calling for a cautious handling of the matter so as not to loose firm grip of the entire situation.

3.         You will note and agree that modern industrial relations practice demands that we allow for proper implementation of 2(iv) above so as to enable workers achieve their main objective.

4.         It is also important to note that we have fought a good battle and we are on the right track.  The union is very much on top of the situation.  What we are doing now through the suspension of the strike is beating a tactical retreat.  We will surely live to fight another day (anytime the need arises).  Our doors to other strategies (including strike) are still very much open.  We will never relent in the struggle.  We are sure of victory at the end of the day.

Aluta Continua!


A. B. Lawal

for Secretary-General