Hidden facts on coke!!

Started by Anonymous, November 01, 2002, 05:29:10 PM

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Why? Simply because Coke contains caffeine, too much cafeine affects a woman's body system, especially during her monthly circles. Caffeine causes difficulty in child birth, process of ferlitization and acts as a barrier to the ovary. It is also a reliable source to causes for diabetes suferers in young women, or lactating mothers., who take alot of coke as two a pint of coke contains ten spoons of sugar. Suprising!!!!?


Ay!! Another method of contraception ;D For those we no wan pikin, mo wuna com another method of contraception dey.
Cheers mates!


Kai kaji Haidar, ana maganan enlightment, kana daftening kwakwalwan mutane!! I take coke alot amman, yanzu I finally know its not 100% good for female, kuma ma banda haka sugar nasa Diabetes that goes for both male & female. U better use your kwakwalwa. Ina ganin ya kamata musan me kake sha dake kawo very sly conclusions in that brain of yours, saying "another way 4 contra..wetin? but in other wayz its kinda true 'n' funny.
One luv ppl


J.L, nawa... This hausa site is sooooooooooo kool. Kanoonline they really bring shege 4 this wuna site.Thnx 4 bringing me in. I agree with my brothe Heder, u just de use coke indirectly. Make u comot talk say coke is going to b the new contraception method.


LOL Haidar...

Let's go for zobo and other natural drinks  ;D that way Insha Allah we'll be safe from ALL this health problems  :)
greetings from Ihsaneey


Tola am just a guest here & u dont have 2 inform d world about thanking me, Duh!! Its just a website.


Ihsan, not a bad idea after all. Zobo!! Its even more nourishin & more healthy... Haidar Gaskiya naga kana ta bada coke rannan. So duk neman ka zama famous dinne haka. Don ace ka fitar da new contraceptive method??? Anywayz 2 much coke is bad, as Ihsan said InsaAllah we will b safe.. so lets pray 4that.


another debate on coke....

i say make una all pour dat ish away.... people juss drink it cuz its "in vouge"....

i hiss at that!
da Hunniez Gettin Money Playin Niggaz Like Dummy


c'mon gurly, u call it in vouge..to ppl who take coke as their three square meals not 2 tlk about its effects!!! Its no debate.Its a fact babes!! So how r u carryin on with d fasting? am starvin already. ::)


um....people?... i'm not fasting today....

should i panic???

and northern star.... abeg... change that name... thats one of my many nicknames... i feel violated...
da Hunniez Gettin Money Playin Niggaz Like Dummy


Y? Babes u feel violated, Not 2 worry, everythings gon b aryyy. But my simple answer 2 changin d name is no no no and capital NO  ;D


Well well well (she signs) wat d ya have!! Health issues or name issues ::)  ???

Aydee Fella

never rat out yur friends n alwaiz keep yur mouth shut"


Oya! clap 4 ur selve 4 being so happy it doesnt affect Men.

But on d other hand, it does affect women, who cud turn out 2 b mothers, daughters, or ur wives!!! :P

Lets just remain in God's blessins


Surely after suffering comes enjoyment