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The Hausa and Fulani History In The Western Sudan

Started by Anonymous, March 09, 2003, 04:15:36 AM

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Assalamu alaykum, and greetings brothers and sisters. What makes Hausa culture a unique culture. What makes our culture important to the western sudan. What makes Hausa and Fulani culture unique to us. Why is it important to know Hausa and Fulani history in the western sudan.



  The kingdom of Bornu started about the eighth century A.D., and lasted for about one thousand years. It should be noted that the present Bornu province of Northern Nigeria represents only a small portion of the medieval kingdom of Bornu. Bornu covered a massive territory. And  at it's height of power stretching from Lake Chad to Bilma in the dessert.
  The most important people living around Lake Chad, which was the heart of Bornu, are the Kanuri, and also the Bulala. They were once known as the So. After a while many dessert dwellers began to flock to Lake Chad searching for new pastures.
 The Lake Chad region has many links with North Africa such as Tripoli, Murzuk and Fezzan. It is also linked indirectly to Cairo. Lake Chad was a meeting place for the two halves of the Sudan. Whatever went from east to west came to Lake Chad first.
  The Zaghawa nomads who were skillful craftsmen from the Nile Valley somewhere around Meroe, which is present day Sudan, migrated to Bornu during the Eighth or ninth century and established an aristocracy there.

From: A short History Of West Africa
By: Osae Nwabara Odunsi


The First Kanure Empire

  The  most outstanding nomadic groups to enter into the Lake Chad region were the Beni-Sef. Under a leader called Dugu in 774 they set up a state and then began the Sef dynasty of Bornu that lasted for about one thousand years. The capitol was known as N'jimi in Kanem east of the lake. The Sef kings were addressed as Mai.
  Islam reached Bornu during the eleventh century. The first Muslim king of Bornu was Hume 1085-1097 he was the tenth ruler of the Sef Dynasty. By then Islam was enthusiastically embraced and became firmly established in Bornu.
 Hume was succeeded by Dunama 1097-1150.  Dunama is said to have made Hajj three times. He was very enthusiastic for Islam and on returning from Hajj was drowned by Egyptians at the Suez Canal.  Dunama's great grandson Dunama III became Mai, he was known to be warlike and a restless prince. The leaders of Bornu established great relations with North Africa. There was a Bornu Embassy in Tunisia and also Cairo, Egypt.
  By 1350 there began a war between the aboringinal tribes known as the So, and the new settlers known as the Kanuri.
By then complete war broke out between them and also the Bulala to the east of Lake Fitri. By 13766-76 under Mai Daud a war in the royal family also broke out, and the Mai was killed.
The Sef kings or Kanuri moved the seat of power from Kanem to the west of Lake Chad that is Bornu.
 And so the new Sef Dynasty was established in Bornu at N'gazargamu under Mai Ali Ghaji in 1472-1504.

hussein abbakar

Quote from: Anonymous on May 12, 2005, 08:14:23 AM
Guest I agree with you.

thanks for this good information about bornu . waiting for more.
i may share you.

Bashir Ahmad

Above All Fear Allah (S.W.A)
