Umar ibn Al-Khattab entered the sacred house and came to the Church of the Holy

Started by bamalli, June 22, 2013, 09:22:52 PM

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Ibn Khaldun reports: Umar ibn Al-Khattab entered the sacred house and came to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. He sat inside among its companions until the time of prayer arrived, so he said to patriarch, "I want to pray." He said, "Here is your place of prayer," but he refrained from doing so and instead prayed upon the staircase near a door apart from the church. When he finished his prayer, he said to patriarch, "If I prayed inside the church, the Muslims after me would take it and they would say: Umar prayed here." He wrote to them that they should not gather upon the staircase for prayer and they should not announce prayer upon it.

Source: Ta'reekh Ibn Khaldun

قال ابن خلدون ودخل عمر بن الخطاب بيت المقدس وجاء كنيسة القيامة فجلس في صحنها وحان وقت الصلاة فقال للبترك أريد الصلاة فقال له صل موضعك فامتنع وصلى على الدرجة التي على باب الكنيسة منفرداً. فلما قضى صلاته قال للبترك: لو صليت داخل الكنيسة أخذها المسلمون بعدي وقالوا هنا صلى عمر وكتب لهم أن لا يجمع على الدرجة للصلاة ولا يؤذن عليها

تاريخ ابن خلدون