1. Rockefeller Foundation Visiting Resident Scholar, October 6 — November 8 1993, Bellagio Conference and Study Center, Italy. I was the first Kano State indigene to enjoy this prestigious residency facility.
2. Fulbright African Senior Research Scholar (ASRS), 1991/92; as a Visiting Associate, Center for Studies in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. September 1991 to June 1992.
3. Cited in Who is Who in Science Education Around the World (1991). This is a publication of the International Council of Associations for Science Education, Australia.
4. British Commonwealth Scholar, 1985-1988 (at the University of Sussex, Brighton, England, for the study of Doctor of Philosophy degree).
1. Short Term Full-time Consultant, The World Bank, Nigeria, Education Public Expenditure, from 2000. I am to represent The World Bank in all research activities on public expenditure in education, as well as participate in strategic meetings of The Bank’s Education Group on education in Nigeria.
2. Lead Consultant, Integrated Child Health Survival, for BASICS (Basic Strategies for Institutionalizing Child Survival), a program of United States Agency for International Development, USAID, Nigeria.
3. Lead Consultant, Adolescent Youth Strategy for Northern Cluster, a Packard Foundation Project (USA) managed by Center for Development and Population Activities, CEDPA and USAID Kano, 1999.
4. Lead Consultant, Joint KBC/Unicef Sponsored Convention on rights of the Child (CRC) and Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), 1999.
5. Lead Consultant, The World Bank/National Primary Education Commission, Economic Analysis of Nigerian Primary Education, 1997-1998.
6. Lead Consultant, The World Bank/National Primary Education Commission, Nigerian Primary Education Project, 1997-1999.
7. Member, Accreditation Team, for Delta State University, Ekpoma State University (now Ambrose Alli University, Benin), University of Benin, and Ado-Ekiti University.
8. Member, National Universities Commission Verification Team, Satellite Campuses and Study Centers.
9. Member, Accreditation Team for National Commission for Colleges of Education (Nigeria) to: Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto; Federal College of Education, Katsina; College of Arts, Science and Technology, Bama, Borno State; College of Education, Gashua; Sir Kashim Ibrahim College of Education, Borno; College of Education Waka-Biu, Borno;
New Media, Traditional Society: Hausa Video Films in Muslim Northern Nigeria, edited with Yusuf M Adamu and Umar Faruk Jibril. Dar Es Salaam, (forthcoming, 2005)
1. Reform and Adaptation in Nigerian University Curricula, 1960-1992: Living on a Credit Line. Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press. 1994. African Studies Series Volume 33 [320 pp]
2. Operation, efficiency and desirability of special science schools at the secondary education level: The Nigerian experience (1992): Paris: International Institute of Educational Planning, UNESCO. [64 pp].
Islam and Video Censorship in Northern Nigeria, in A.U. Adamu et al (2005)(eds), New Media, Traditional Society: Hausa Video Films in Muslim Northern Nigeria, (Dar Es Salaam, forthcoming)
3. “The Song Remains the Same”: The Hindi Cinema Factor in Hausa Video Film Soundtracks, in Mark Slobin (ed)(2005) Global Soundtracks: The Culture of World Film Music, Connecticut, Wesleyan University Press.
4. Loud Bubbles From A Silent Brook: Trends and Tendencies in Contemporary Hausa Prose Fiction (edited version), in Furniss, G., and Barber, K (2006), Research in African Literatures. Daytona, Ohio University Press.
5. Also Loud Bubbles From A Silent Brook: Trends and Tendencies in Contemporary Hausa Prose Fiction (Full version). Based on a paper presented at Janheinz Jahn Symposium on African Language Literatures: Production, Mediation, Reception held at the University of Mainz, 18th November 2004.
6. Media Parenting and Construction of Media Identities in Northern Nigerian Muslim Hausa Video Films. Middleton, J, and Kimani, Njogu (2005)(ed) The Media and the Construction of African Identities. London, International African Institute/Twanzega Communications.
7. Science Education as a Development Strategy in Nigeria: A study of Kano State Science Secondary Schools in Lewin, K. M., (ed)(1991) Educational Innovation in Developing Countries: Case Studies of Changemakers. London: Macmillan [pp 61-92].
8. Sister Act: Intellectualizing Muslim Hausa Women Poets. A Review of Beverly Mack (2004), Muslim Women Sing: Hausa Popular Song. Ethnomusicology Forum, 2005.
9. Parallel Worlds: Reflective Womanism in Balaraba Ramat Yakubu’s Ina Son Sa Haka. Jenda: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies: Issue 4 (2003). Published in Nigeria in January 24-30, January 31-February 6, and February 7-13, 2004 editions of Weekly Trust.
10. Information Science in Developing Countries: Information in a Networked World. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Oct/Nov, 2002.
11. Curricular Rhetoric, Class Teaching and Examinations: A Study of the New Nigerian Science Curriculum, Science Education International (The journal of International Council of Associations for Science Education, Australia) Volume 2, No 1, March 1991 pp 6-10.
12. An intrinsic analysis of the new Nigerian Science Secondary School Chemistry curriculum, Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia (Malaysia) Volume 21 No 1 June 1990 pp 27-36.
13. Balancing the equation: Girls, tradition and science education in Northern Nigeria, The Ahfad Journal: Women and Change (Ahfad University for Women, Omduran, Sudan) Volume 7 No 1 June 1990 pp 14-31.
14. Appliance of Science: Technological Education in Kano State of Nigeria, West Africa (London) 11-17th September 1989 pp 1523-1524.
15. Rhetoric and Reality in Nigerian Science Education: Observations of Science Teaching in Kano State Science Schools, International Journal of Educational Development (London, McMillan) Volume 9 No 4 1989 pp 251-262.
16. An intrinsic analysis of the new Nigerian Science Curriculum, Journal of Curriculum Studies (London, Taylor and Francis) Volume 20 No 1, 1988 pp 37-57.
17. Passage to India: Media Parenting and Changing Popular Culture in Northern Nigeria. Kaduna, Informart Publishers, 2004.
18. Sunset at Dawn, Darkness At Noon: Reconstructing the Mechanisms of Literacy in Indigenous Communities. Text of Professorial Inaugural Lecture Delivered on Saturday 24th April 2004, at Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. Kano: Bayero University Inaugural Lecture Committee, The Vice-Chancellor’s Office.
19. Hausa Home Video: Technology, Society and Economy: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hausa Films, August, 2003, Kano, Nigeria (Editor-in-Chief), Kano: Center for Hausa Cultural Studies. (2004)
20. Islam and the History of Learning in Katsina (edited with Isma’ila A. Tsiga). Ibadan: Spectrum Publishers, 1997. (1997)
21. Building the Citadel: Thirty Years of University Education in Kano, 1964-1994. (Edited by Alkali, I. A., Tsiga, I. A, and Adamu, A. U.) Kano, Nigeria: Bayero University Kano. (1995).
22. Genesis To Revelation: Reform and Adaptation in Nigerian University Curricular Structure, 1960-1988, in Munzali Jibril (ed)(2005) Perspectives on Nigerian Higher Education. Festschrift in Honor of Ayo Bajo. Ibadan, Spectrum Books Limited
23. Istanci, Imamanci and Bollywoodanci: Evolutionary Trends in Hausa Use of Media Technologies in Cultural Transformation, in Adamu, A.U. et al (2003), Hausa Home Video: Society, Technology and Economy. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hausa Films, August, 2003, Kano, Nigeria (Editor-in-Chief), Kano: Center for Hausa Cultural Studies.
24. Sunset at Dawn: Colonial Policy and Muslim Hausa Education in Northern Nigeria, 1900 to 1910, in Hambolu, M.O. (2003)(ed), Perspectives on Kano-British Relations. Kano, Gidan Makama Museum.
25. Electronic Record Keeping Strategies in Primary School Administration, in Gana, U.M. and Garba, A., (2003)(eds), The Management of Primary Education in Nigeria: Emerging Strategies in the 21st Century. Kano: Bayero University Consultancy Services Unit, Seminar Series.
26. Management of Primary Education in Kano State: Towards Improving the State of the Art – School-based Management Strategies (SBMS), in Gana, U.M. and Garba, A., (2003)(eds), The Management of Primary Education in Nigeria: Emerging Strategies in the 21st Century. Kano: Bayero University Consultancy Services Unit, Seminar Series.
27. New Methods and Techniques in Teaching and Learning, in Nnoli, O. and Sulaiman, I (eds)(2001), Reassessing the Future of Education in Nigeria. Abuja, Education Tax Fund.
28. Understanding Your Computer, in Haruna A. B. (ed)(1999). Science Discourse: A Book of Readings. Kano, Federal College of Education, Kano, 1999 [pp. 278-296].
29. The Muqaddima: Islam and the History of Learning in Katsina, in Adamu, A. U. and Tsiga, I. A. (1997) Islam and the History of Learning in Katsina. Ibadan: Spectrum Publishers (pp. 13-19)
30. From Fragmented Perceptions to Integrated Continuum: Integrated Science Education in Nigeria Today, in A. A. Adedibu, Moh. Sani Tureta, and J. F. Chundusu (eds.), Strategies for Teaching the Controlling of the Environment in Integrated Science Curriculum. Proceedings of the STAN National Integrated Science Workshop, Held at Federal College of Education, Kano, Kano State 17th – 21st April, 1995, pp. 14-23.
31. Waves on a Rocky Shore: The Evolution of the Course Unit System in Bayero University, Kano in Alkali, I. A., Tsiga, I. A, and Adamu, A. U. Building the Citadel: Thirty Years of University Education in Kano, 1964-1994. Kano, Nigeria: Bayero University Kano, The Vice-Chancellor’s Office. [pp. 122-146].
32. Superior Vena Cava: Program Planning and Staff Development in Bayero University Kano in Alkali, I. A., Tsiga, I. A, and Adamu, A. U. Building the Citadel: Thirty Years of University Education in Kano, 1964-1994. Kano, Nigeria: Bayero University Kano, The Vice-Chancellor’s Office. [pp. 298-321].
33. Flashpoints and Flash dance: Students, Unions and Social Conscience in Bayero University Kano, 1966-1990 in Alkali, I. A., Tsiga, I. A, and Adamu, A. U. Building the Citadel: Thirty Years of University Education in Kano, 1964-1994. Kano, Nigeria: Bayero University Kano, The Vice-Chancellor’s Office. [pp. 404-420].
34. Environmental Problems: The Nigerian Case in Mezieobi, K A (ed)(1992) Understanding Social Studies Education in Nigeria. Warri: Genteel Publishing Company [pp. 162-172].
35. Science Education and Development in Nigeria, in, Adedoja, T., et al (eds.)(1992) Issues in Nigerian Education. Volume I. Kano: Faculty of Education, Bayero University/Leisure and Text Publishers [pp. 82-99].
36. Enhancing Science and Technology via the Schools, in, Ikwumelu, S.N., and Mezieobi, K.A. (eds.)(1992) Social Studies: A Book of Readings. Onitsha, Nigeria: Etukokkwu Publishers (Nig.) Ltd [pp. 34-44].
37. Science, Schooling and National Development in Nigeria: An Analysis of Kano State Science Secondary Schools Project as a Development Strategy, in, Eze, T. I. (ed)(1990) Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Third World Strategies for Technological Development. Yola, Nigeria: Federal University of Technology Yola/UNESCO. [pp. 470-477].
38. Enhancing the participation of girls in science and technology in Kano State: A study of Girls Science Secondary Schools, in Yadudu, A. H. (ed)(1993)(1989) The Conception and Implementation of a Social Policy: The Kano State Experiment. Kano: Bayero University Kano/Faculty of Law [pp 152-164].
39. No Child Left Behind: Transforming the Federal Role in Education So That No Child is Left Behind. Washington, DC 2002. Review of a US Government policy on education. UBE Forum, Vol 3 No 3, 2003. UBEC, Abuja, Nigeria.
40. Community Participation in Education. UBE Forum, Vol 3 No 3, 2003. UBEC, Abuja, Nigeria.
41. Teacher Education in the new Millennium. Kano Journal of Educational Studies (KAJEST), Vol 2 No 1, August 2003 [pp 86-97], Department of Education, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
42. A Survey of Fulfulde Language and Culture on the Internet, Journal of Nomadic Studies, No 6, 2003. Kaduna, Nigeria.
43. Hausa Prose Fiction: Towards an Analytical Framework. FAIS Journal of Humanities. Vol 1, No 4, November 2001, [pp. 86-95]. Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
44. Ajamization of Knowledge as a Universal Basic Education Process for Makarantar Allo Pupils in Northern Nigeria. Tambari: Kano Journal of Education, Vol 6, No 1, pp 318-330, Kano Federal College of Education, 2000.
45. Also Ajamization of Knowledge: Challenges and Prospects of an Educational Strategy. Al-Ijtihad: The Journal of Islamization of Knowledge and Contemporary Issues. Vol 1, No 3, July 2000. pp 1-24.
46. An intrinsic Analysis of the Nigerian Senior Secondary School Physics Curriculum, Journal of the Science Teachers' Association of Nigeria (STAN) Volume 27 No 1, April 1990 pp 9-18.
47. Integrated Science Education in Kano State, Nigeria: The myths and fallacies, Kano Catalyst, Volume 6 No 1 Jan 1986 pp 1-18 (Journal of the Kano State Branch of Science Teachers' Association of Nigeria. Kano: Kano Educational Resource Department).
48. Islam and Science in Northern Nigeria: the Case of Dogmatism or a New Age Synthesis? Kano Studies (NS) Volume 2 No 2 1982/85 pp 83-92 (Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria).
In these events, I was often commissioned to present a lead and main paper to grace an occasion. The papers are fully academic and often set the scene for subsequent debate and discussion on the main issues raised in the lead paper. I have presented many in Hausa language as part of my commitment towards intellectual community empowerment.
1. Tourism from the Islamic Perspective. Guest Lecture presented at the 26th World Tourism Day at the Kano State Tourism Board, Kano, on Tuesday 27th September, 2005.
2. Motionless Point in Chaos: Nigerian Education—Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Guest Paper presented at the 20 Years Graduation Remembrance Ceremony of Gwale Old Boys’ Association (GOBA), Class of 85 on Sunday 25th September, 2005 at the Daula Hotel, Kano.
3. The Challenges in the Educational Sector: A Way Forward. Guest Speech presented at the occasion of conferment of professorial chairs in Medicine to Prof. Lawan Alhassan Bichi and Prof. Kabiru Mohammed, and organized by the Kano State Medical Students Association (KAMSA) on Saturday 24th September 2005 at AKTH.
4. Rawar da Matan Hausawa ke Takawa Wajen Bun}asa Adabin Hausa. Babban Jawabin Da Aka Gabatar a Bikin {addamar da Littattafan Muradin Mata da Madafa – Kicin Sirrin Mata, wanda Fatima A. Maikarfi ta wallafa, ranar Lahadi 12 ga Yuni, 2005 a Dakin Karatu Na Murtala Muhammad da ke Garin Kano.
5. Appraising the Priorities and Imperatives of Muslim’s Education in a Digitilized World. Paper Presented at the Faculty of Education Muslim Students’ Society Class on Wednesday 1st June, 2005.
6. Information and Communications Technology and the Practice of News Gathering and Dissemination. A Guest Lecture Presented to the Critical Issues in Mass Communications Class, Department of Mass Communications, Bayero University, Kano, on Thursday 30th June, 2005.
7. Tasirin Kade-kaden Finafinan Hausa a kan Kade-kaden Gargajiya na Hausawa. Paper presented at Makon Hausa (Hausa Week), Bayero University, Kano, Department of Nigerian Languages, 17th May, 2005.
8. Culture, Communication and Globalization – Negotiating the Rigid Mindset. Being a Keynote Address Delivered on the Occasion of the Public Presentation of Democratic Journalism in Two Worlds: A Comparative Study of Press Freedom in the American and the Nigerian Mass Media, by Professor Mike Egbon of the Department of Mass Communication, Bayero University, Kano, on Tuesday 13th April, 2005 at Theater 1, Bayero University, Kano, Old Campus.
9. Challenges Facing Nigerian Universities. A discussion document presented at the Symposium on the State of University Education in Nigeria: Past, Present and Future, organized by the Nigerian University Education Students’ Association (NUESA), Faculty of Education, Bayero University, Kano, on Thursday 23rd December, 2004.
10. Fina-Finan Hausa A Bisa Ma'aunin Zamani. {asidar da aka gabatar a matsayin jawabin babban mai nazari a ranar 18 ga Satumba 2004, a wajen bikin cika shekara guda na mujallar Madubi, a Ni’ima Guest Palace, Kano, da }arfe 8.00 n.y.
11. Culture, Information Ideology and the Sociology of the Internet as a Mass Media. A discussion Paper presented at Critical Issues in Mass Communications Class, Department of Mass Communications, Bayero University, Kano, 6th April, 2004.
12. Culture and Information Ideology: Representations of Kano State on the Internet. An informal talk and demonstration of a website in progress delivered on the occasion of the Inauguration of the Kano State Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Policy Committee, Government House, Kano, March 30, 2004.
13. Salon Sheikh Muhammad al-Nasir b. Muhammad al-Mukhtar b. Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Kabari al-Tinbukti al-Kanawi, Wajen Tafsirin Al-Qur’ani — Takaitaccen Tsokaci. Kasida da aka gabatar a Mauludin Nasirriya ranar Talata 9 da Disamba 2003, Kano, Najeriya.
14. Professionalism In Islam. A discussion paper presented at a Symposium on Professionalism in Islam organized by the Islamic Learning Center, Katuru, Kaduna, Nigeria, 25-26th October, 2003.
15. Youth, Economy and Unemployment. A Guest Speech delivered at MD Vocational Center, Katsina on Saturday 27th September, 2003.
16. The Challenges of Leadership. A Dinner Speech in Honor of Dr. A.I. Gambo Dutse on his being appointed the Chief Medical Director, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Bayero University, Kano, Held at the Peking Chinese Restaurant on Saturday 16th August, 2003.
17. Muslim Contributions to Science. Being the text of paper delivered as a Guest Speaker at GGSS Kura, on Saturday 26th July, 2003.
18. Sufanci a Giza-gizan sadarwa na Intanet. A matsayin Babban Ba}o mai jawabi a Maukibin {adiriyya na 14 ga watan Yuni, 2003 a Kano, Nijeriya.
19. Makangarun Wakilci Da Kuma Wakiltar Mata a Siyasar Najeriya. Paper presented at a Symposium for Women Voters, organized by Women in Politics, December 13, 2002, Mambayya House, Kano, Nigeria.
20. Revisiting the Fallacious Paradigm: UBE and the Praxis of Community Education in Northern Nigeria. Being a Guest Speaker’s Address at the Convocation of the Kano State College of Education, Kumbotso, Kano, Sunday November 19, 2000.
21. The Role of Parents in Providing Functional Education to their Children. A Speech delivered on the occasion of the Speech and Prize Giving Day of Summit School, Kano Saturday July 29, 2000.
22. Science and the Rational Person. A Speech delivered on the occasion of the Speech and Prize Giving Day of Dawakin Kudu Science College, Friday July 28, 2000
23. The Functions of the Science Magazine in the Attainment of Science Teaching Objectives. Guest Speech Delivered at Gwammaja I on 17th April 1990.
As a researcher with scientific background, I decided to utilize my analytical skills and scientific background cultural anthropology, especially in analyzing how new media technologies and the transnational flow of media influences are shaping the emergence of essentially urban Hausa media communities. This is an off-shoot of my interactions and activities for both The World Bank, Unicef, and United States Agency for International Development (USAID). To this end, I started publicizing this strategy through mass media from April 1999. And in order to ensure wider benefits of both qualitative and quantitative methodology in analysis of cultural issues, I also started writing in the Hausa language medium on issues that are technical: My contributions to this new theory are documented below:
1. The Great Divide: Classicism and Pulp Fiction in Hausa Novels. Leadership, 2005.
2. Parallel Worlds: Reflective Womanism in Balaraba Ramat Yakubu’s Ina Son Sa Haka. A essay review of Balaraba Ramat’s novel. Weekly Trust, January 24-30, 2004
3. Loose Cannons and Oddballs of the Islamic Internet: The Submitters. A study of a sub-set of Muslims who do not accept the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), i.e. the Hadith as a basis for belief. Weekly Trust, March, 2003. Also at www.kanoonline.com/publications.
4. Eunuchs in the Harem of Hausa Cultural Epistemology. Weekly Trust, 20th December, 2002.
5. The Internet – What It Is and How It Evolved. A very long monograph-length essay on the Internet. Technical. New Nigerian sometimes in 2002.
6. Islam and the Internet. A general survey of what the Internet has to offer to Muslims in terms of resources. Weekly Trust, January 2002.
7. The Suralikeit Phenomenon on the Internet. A survey and analysis of the origins of poor attempts to create a sura like a verse of the Qur’an. Weekly Trust, December 7-13, 2001?
8. Lilo da Dadi: Tsokaci akan Giza-gizan Sadarwa na Duniya (Intanet) (Wave Surfing: An Introduction to Internet). Gaskiya Ta Fi Kwabo (2000) published also on the Internet at www.gumel.com. This is the first Hausa-language academic paper that translates current internet terms into Hausa language (about 22 definitions given), and the full-blown mechanism of the internet itself is fully explained, with all the technical details in Hausa language. It is intended to be published as a book for primary schools and general Hausa literature reading public in 2001.
9. Fulbe Language and Culture on the Internet (Weekly Trust). Presents a series of valuable resources and Information on the portrayal of Ful~e language and culture on the Internet.
10. Hausa Language and Culture on the Internet (Weekly Trust ) Starting December 1-7, 2000 and November 17, 2000. Presents a series of valuable resources and Information on the portrayal of Hausa language and culture on the Internet.
11. Fina-Finai, Kiyaye Al’adu, da Sanin Ya Kamata: Darasi Daga Fina-finan Amirka. (Home videos and Respect for Tradition: Lessons from the United States) FIM Magazine, November 2000) Analyzes Hausa home videos in relation to the current wave of criticism against them on moral charges. Traces the history of the development of moral codes used by American motion picture industry and argues that such codes can be developed for Hausa home videos.
(up) Critical Reaction: Annotated Bibliography of Soyayya Genre Criticisms from Newspapers, 1991-1999. The first, and so far the only comprehensive annotated bibliographical listing of all the debates about Hausa literature in the pages of newspapers in Northern Nigeria. February 2000.
12. Tarbiyar Bahause, Mutumin Kirki and Hausa Prose Fiction: Towards an Analytical Framework, Weekly Trust (forthcoming). A Department of English and European Languages Seminar, January 2001. Provides an analytical framework towards analyzing Hausa prose fiction in a first of literary critical theory of Hausa literature.
13. Matasa Da Fina-Finan Hausa: Tsokaci Akan Tabbataccen Bincike (Youth and Hausa Home Videos: A Preliminary Report on an Empirical Study). Mumtaz Magazine, September 2000. Presents results of an empirical survey on the attitudes of secondary school students (aged 14-19) on the current wave of Hausa home videos.
14. Ilmin Fim Ko Fasaha?: Martani Ga Mujallar Garkuwa (Hausa) FIM Magazine, June 2000 (School Knowledge of Film, or Talent?). Argues that the current crop of home-videos produced by Hausa film producers (who did not attend formal schools) are doing an excellent job of empowering youth in a traditional society, despite criticisms by traditionalists of such films.
15. Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge: Coda to an Unfinished Symphony, Weekly Trust, May 5-11, 2000. (An essay how critical discourse shapes knowledge, in reference to the debates about the efficacy of Hausa indigenous youth literature).
(up) He Said, They Said: The Polemics Over Contemporary Hausa Novels in Northern Nigeria. An independent collage of polemics about the debates on Hausa literature held in the newspapers between the opponents and proponents. Unpublished
16. Capitalism and Hausa Literature: Transmutated Classics Vs. Homeboyz, Weekly Trust, March 10-16, 2000. (Argues that major book publishers in Northern Nigeria shun contemporary young authors due to the subject matter of the authors’ novels — a wake-up call to Northern Nigerian Muslim youth to assert themselves.
17. Become an Ustaz in Less than Five Minutes, a review of The Alim Islamic software. Nigerian Outlook, No. 32, 11th November, 1999, p. 35.
18. Emotions in Motion: Sleaze, Salacity, Moral Codes and Hausa Literature. New Nigerian Weekly, Saturday November 6, 1999. (The fierce debate in Northern Nigerian literature was that such literature is morally corrupting, essentially because the message in such literature was youth empowerment. This essay analyses morality, literature and public responsibility in relation to Northern Nigerian literature).
19. Ajamization of Knowledge: Reclaiming Betrayed Literary Heritage, Bookshelf Literary Supplement, Weekly Trust, October 29-November 4; November 5-11, 1999. (An essay that explores the theoretical bases of educating a huge mass of Northern Nigerian Muslim youth using Arabic alphabets).
20. Sunset At Dawn: The Stagnation and Regeneration of Education in Kano, published in a condensed form as On the Ajamization of Knowledge, The Triumph (Kano), Thursday October 21, 1999 and Friday October 22, 1999.
21. The Lexicon of Love: A Review of Tsokaci Da Kalailaicewa a kan Litattafan Soyayya na Hausa, Seminar Presentation in Bayero University, Kano, Wednesday June 16, 1999, Department of Nigerian Languages. New Nigerian Weekly, Saturday August 22 and August 28 1999.
22. Idols of the Market Place: Literary History, Literary Criticism and the Contemporary Hausa Novel, New Nigerian Weekly, Saturday June 12, 1999 pp. 14-15. Discusses the parameters of literary criticism and how such parameters apply to Hausa literature.
Hausa Literature and Information Technology in the decade of the
1990s, New Nigerian Weekly, July 3, 1999, pp. 14-15. (Explains how
I developed Hausa hooked accenting characters using Fontographer 3.6 for PC.
The characters are: .
24. Hausa Literature in the 1990s (in two parts), New Nigerian Weekly (Kaduna), Saturday April 24, 1999, p. 14 (Part I); Saturday May 1, 1999, p. 14 (Part II). A panoramic survey of the development of contemporary Hausa literature in relation to specific themes of the function of literature in any society.
25. Word Processing, Nigerian Outlook No. 8, 10th – 17th May 1999, pp. 23-24; published also as Word Processing and Volume of Paper Work (in two parts), National Concord, Monday February 1, 1999 p. 19; and February 8, 1999 p. 17; as well as Word Processing, Features, Compuliteracy News. Vol 1, No 3, October-December, 1998, pp 6-7. Published Quarterly by Computer Literacy Project, Kano.
26. Understanding the Power of Computer, Contemporary Issues, Newsletter of the Institute for Contemporary Research, Kano, Vol 1, No. 1, December 1998, pp. 10-11.
27. Pollution and Its Forms, Weekly Trust (Kaduna), Friday July 24, 1998, p. 16.
28. Integrated Science Education in Nigeria Today, Weekly Pyramid (Kano), Wednesday May 31, 1995, p. 11.
29. Culture and Learning in Kano (in three parts), The Triumph (Kano), Monday March 20, 1995, p. 13, (Part I); Tuesday March 21, 1995, p. 13 (Part II), and Wednesday March 29, 1995, p. 13 (Part III).
In each of the following workshops, I conceptualized the workshop including themes and sub-themes, on behalf of sponsoring consultants:
1. Workshop on Record Keeping and Information Management organized by Network for the Advancement of Values International Consultants, and sponsored by the Ministry for Local Government, Kano, and held between 21st to 22nd June, 2004 at the Ministry of Local Government Training Center, Kano
2. Workshop on Sustainability of Women Economic Empowerment Strategies at the Local Government Level, organized by Network for the Advancement and Development of Values (NEAD), Kano, 8 and 9 January, 2004.
3. Workshop on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene at the Local Government Level Sponsored by the Ministry for Local Government, Kano, for Local Government, Kano State, Nigeria, 10th and 11th November, 2003.
4. Workshop on Transformation Through Agricultural Development in Kano State Sponsored by the Ministry for Local Government, Kano, for Local Government, 23rd and 24th November, 2002, Kano State, Nigeria.
5. Workshop on Local Government Revenue Generation and Management for Local Government Administrators, July 2nd and 3rd 2002, Kano State, Conducted by Mazhab International Consultants, Kano, and Sponsored by the Local Government Directorate, Kano.
6. Workshop on Documentation And Record Keeping in Local Government Administration, Organized by Mazhabs International Consultants Ltd, February 5th And 6th, 2002, and Sponsored by the Ministry for Local Government, Kano, for Local Government Chief Personnel Officers, Heads of Works Department, Heads of Community Department, and Primary Health Care Co-ordinators.
7. Workshop on Security Enhancement in Kano State, June 5th and 6th 2001, Organized by Nidasaya International Educational Consultants and Publishers Limited.
8. Workshop on Sustainable Democracy in Kano State for Local Government Chairmen Vice-Chairmen, Secretaries and Councilors, organized by NIDASAYA International Educational Consultants and Publishers Ltd, Daula Hotel, Kano, August 15-16, 2000.
1999 and earlier
1. Training on Qualitative Research and BCC Materials Pre-testing, organized by Johns Hopkins University/Population Communication Services and funded by USAID, held at Gateway Hotel, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, April 21 – 23, 1999.
2. Workshop on Computer Appreciation, Federal College of Education, Kano, 21 to 28 August, 1998.
3. Workshop on Crisis Management in Institutions of Higher Learning, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, June 10-14, 1991.
1. Divergent Similarities: Culture, Globalization and Hausa Creative and Performing Arts. A Paper presented at the International Conference on Literature in Northern Nigeria, Department of English and French, Bayero University, Kano, 5th-6th December, 2005.
3. Early Child Care and Education (ECCE) as an Instrument of Social Change in Jigawa State. Paper presented at Workshop on “Towards More Effective Teaching of English in Jigawa State Primary and Junior Secondary Schools”, organized by Rushda Communications on Monday 26th September, 2005 at Kazaure, Jigawa State
2. The Training of Teacher Educators in Media Methods and Materials Production. A paper presented at the Training Workshop on Improving Teaching Skills Through Information and Communications Technology, organized by National Commission for Colleges of Education, Abuja, at the Federal College of Education, Technical, Gusau, Zamfara State on 12th July, 2005.
3. Science, Technology and a Policy for Development. Guest Lecture presented at the Opening Ceremony of the Silver Jubilee Celebration of the Kano Science School Old Students’ Association (KASSOSA), held on Wednesday 6th July, 2005 at the Murtala Muhammad Library Complex, Ahmadu Bello Way, Kano, Nigeria.
4. Science and Technology Education: The Kano State Experiment. Being a Lead Workshop Paper presented at the Workshop on the Teaching of Science More Creatively in Nigerian Schools, Organized by Science and Technology Forum, Zaria, and held on 23rd April, 2005.
5. Using Computers in Multi-Grade Teaching. Being a Workshop Paper presented at A Series Workshops on Multi-grade Teaching Techniques for Education lecturers in Colleges of Education, organized by the National Commission for Colleges of Education, 13th April (FCE (T) Gombe), 27th April (FCE Katsina) and 14th May 2005 (FCE Minna).
6. Secondary Education in an Era of Global Change—Challenges and Promises. Being a paper presented at the Zonal Meeting of All Nigerian Conference of Principals of Secondary Schools (ANCOPSS) held on 7th April, 2005 at the Murtala Muhammad Library Complex, Kano Nigeria.
7. Hausa da Hausanci a Karni na 21 – Kalubale da Madosa. Being a paper presented at one-day sensitization meeting of Hausa Motion Arts Stakeholders on Wakilcin Al’adu da Addini a Finafinan Hausa, held on Saturday 2nd April 2005 at the Murtala Muhammad Library, and organized by the Directorate of A Daidata Sahu, Kano.
8. Falling Standards of Education, or Improving Standards of Knowledge—Education and Development Paradigm Revisited (II). Being a Guest Lecture delivered on Monday 14th March 2005 on the Occasion of 2005 Commonwealth Day Celebrations at the Federal Government Girls’ College, Minjibir, Kano State.
9. Knowledge Sharing for Development: Africa Regional Program Workshop, organized by Global Development Network, Cairo, Egypt, 27 and 28th February 2005 (active participant, no paper presentation).
10. Impact Monitoring and Assessment (IMA) of PLA Projects: Special Study of Rural Development Projects with a Focus on Sustainable Land Management. A discussion instrument prepared for Local Government Seminar on Participatory Approaches in the Management of Rural Development Programs, Organized by the Ministry for Local Government, Kano State, on 30 and 31st December, 2004, Kano
11. Participatory Approaches to Management of Rural Development Programs: Concepts, Principles and Techniques. A discussion document presented at the Workshop on Participatory Approaches to Management of Rural Development Programs, organized by Network for the Advancement of Values (NeAD), Kano, and the Ministry for Local Government, Kano State, 30 and 31 December, 2004, Kano State.
12. Hausa and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Being a Lead Paper Presented at the 6th International Conference on Hausa Language Literature and Culture, Organized by the Center for the Study of Nigerian Languages, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria, 13-16th December, 2004.
13. Poverty at the Local Level – Determinants and Indices. Being a paper presented at Workshop on Who’s Poor in Nigeria?, organized by the Nigerian National Poverty Eradication Program (NAEP) held at the Liyafa Hotel, Katsina, 8th and 9th December, 2004.
14. Internet as Information Platform, Paper presented at Kano ICT Awareness Week of the Kano State Government, 5th December, 2004 at the Murtala Muhammad Library Complex, Kano State, Nigeria.
15. Borrowing and Creativity in the Arts. Discussion paper presented at the Discussion Forum on “Making Space for Cultural Relations” organized by the British Council on Saturday 27th November, 2004.
16. Loud Bubbles From A Silent Brook: Trends and Tendencies in Contemporary Hausa Prose Fiction. Paper presented at “Janheinz Jahn Symposium on African Language Literatures: Production, Mediation, Reception”, held at the Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Universität Mainz (Johannes Guttenberg University), Mainz, Germany, 18th November 2004.
17. Enter the Dragon: Shari’a, Popular Culture and Film Censorship in Northern Nigeria. Guest Paper presented at the Institute für Afrinkanishe, University of Köln, Germany, 15th November, 2004.
18. Conflict Resolution: Mechanisms and Principles: A discussion paper presented at the two-day Workshop on Pastoralist and Farmer Relations in Kano, organized by Mazhabs International Educational Consultants, and sponsored by the Kano State Ministry for Local Government, 11-12th November, 2004
19. Community Participation in Education – Lessons from Best Practices that Worked. Lead Paper Presented at the one-day symposium organized by the Kano State House of Assembly and the National Association of Kano State Students, Aminu Kano School of Legal Studies, 5th October, 2004
20. The Role of Education in Promoting Peace and Development in Kano. Being a Keynote Address at the Kano Peace and Development Initiative Peace Forum, under the theme of Enduring Peae, Progress and Development in Kano: The Way Forward, held on 25th September, 2004, at Mambayya House, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
21. Passage to India—Media and Construction of African Identities. Seminar Paper Delivered at the Department of Mass Communications, Bayero University, Kano, on Monday 20th September, 2004. A condensed version of the paper presented at Nairobi, Kenya, 5th August, 2004 (see below).
22. Passage to India: Media Parenting and Construction of Media Identities in Northern Nigerian Muslim Hausa Home Videos. A Paper Presented at the International Conference on The Media and the Construction of African Identities, held at Holiday Guest Inn, Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya, from August 3 to 6, 2004.
23. Computer Application and Use of ICT for Teaching and Learning. A Commissioned Workshop Paper Presented at Train-the-Teacher Workshop for Capacity Building for Lecturers in Colleges of Education in Nigeria, Organized by Education Tax Fund (ETF) and National Commission for Colleges of Education, Abuja, August (COE, Akwanga) and September (FCE Katsina), 2004.
24. Indigenous Knowledge Systems, The Writings of Shehu Usman bn Fodiye, and the Muslim Northern Nigerian Policy on Education (MNNPE). Being a Paper Presented at the Conference Marking the 200 Years of Uthman Dan Fodiyo Jihad in Kano, Organized by the Kano State History and Culture Bureau, Kano, 27th to 29th July, 2004
25. Humanizing the Profession of Hausa Beggar Minstrels for Development. A Discussion Paper presented at the Workshop on Strategy for Sustainable Development in Northern Nigeria, Organized by the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Arts, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, and held at Teejay Guest Palace Hotel, Zaria on 17th and 18th July, 2004.
26. Falling Standards of Education, or Improving Standards of Knowledge—Education and Development Paradigm Revisited. Being a Guest Lecture delivered on Saturday 17th July, 2004 to commemorate 20th Anniversary of Gwale Old Boys Association, Class 1984, Held at Gwale Secondary School, Kano, Nigeria.
27. The Changing Role of Education Resource Centers in Enhancing the Quality of Education: ERCs as Information Providers (IPS). Lead Paper presented at a two-day interactive seminar for Directors of Education Resources Centers in the States and FCT, organized by Education Resource Center, Ministry of Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria, 28 to 29 April, 2004.
28. Epistemological Dichotomy and Scriptural Transferability: Towards a New Paradigm for Muslim Hausa Indigenous Knowledge. Being a Discussion Seminar Paper of the Text of the Inaugural Lecture titled Sunset at Dawn, Darkness at Noon: Reconstructing the Mechanisms of Literacy in Indigenous Communities. Faculty of Education Seminar Series, June 24, 2004.
29. Information Management in Government Offices. Workshop paper presented at a Two-day workshop on Record Keeping in Government Offices, for Local Government Officers in Kano State, organized by Network for the Advancement and Development of Values (NEAD), June 21, 2004
30. Sunset at Dawn, Darkness At Noon: Reconstructing the Mechanisms of Literacy in Indigenous Communities. Being the Text of Professorial Inaugural Lecture Delivered on Saturday 24th April 2004, at Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
31. The Role of Non-Formal Education in Nigeria’s Development—Which Way Forward? A Commissioned paper presented at Unicef/NMEC Strategy Meeting to strengthen NFE as a complimentary approach for reaching EFA goals. Abuja, 15 and 16 April, 2004.
32. Community Participation and the Salvation of Education in Kano State. A Commissioned Lead Paper presented at a Symposium on Education in Kano State, organized by Kano Old Students Association (KANOSA), Murtala Mohammed Library Complex, Kano, 10 April, 2004.
33. Funding Networks for Women Economic Empowerment Schemes: Lessons from the International Community. Paper presented at Workshop on Sustainability of Women Economic Empowerment Strategies at the Local Government Level, organized by Network for the Advancement and Development of Values (NEAD), Held on 8 and 9 January, 2004 at the Local Government Training Center, Kano
34. Marubuta Da Intanet. Paper Presented at a Workshop on Hausa Writers and the Internet, organized by Hausa Writers Association of Nigeria (HAWAN), Kano, 3 and 4 January, 2004, Kano.
35. Youth, Politics and Sustenance of Democracy. Being a Commissioned Paper delivered at the workshop on Strategies for Inspiring Youth Towards Self-Actualization and Development, organized by the Kano State Ministry of Information, Youth, Sports and Culture from 5 to 7 November, 2003, Kano State, Nigeria.
36. Dissemination of Research Findings. Being a Seminar paper presented in the Department of Education, Bayero University, Kano, on September 17, 2003.
37. Reconstructing the Mechanisms of Literacy in Indigenous Communities. Paper delivered at the British Council, Kano, on the occasion of International Literary Day, on September 8, 2003.
38. The Promises and Challenges of Information and Communication Technologies in Nigerian Education. Being a commissioned paper presented at the one-day workshop on Developing an Education Management Information Systems in Nigeria, held at Proetea Hotel, Abuja, 2 and 3 September, 2003.
39. Strategies for Accelerating Girl-Child Education. Being a Commissioned paper delivered at a seminar on Acceleration of the Girl-Child Education in a Democratic Dispensation in Northern Nigeria, organized by Women Development Network (WODEN), Kano, Nigeria, 8 and 9 October, 2003
40. Kano State Science Schools. Being the text of a Guest Speech at the KASSOSA Symposium, July 26 2003, Murtala Mohammed Library Complex, Kano, Nigeria
41. Darkness At Noon: Colonial Language Policy and the Eclipsing of Education among the Muslim Hausa in Northern Nigeria. Paper presented at the International Conference on the Transformation of Northern Nigeria, 1903-2003, organized by the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sakkwato and Arewa House, Ahmadu Bello University, Zariya, 27 to 29 March, 2003, Kaduna, Nigeria.
42. The Concept of Curriculum Integration: Its Meaning, Scope and Modalities. Lead Commissioned Paper presented at the Workshop on Integrating Qur’anic Education, held at Arewa House, Kaduna, on March 14, 2003.
43. Gender, Economy and Education. Paper presented at the Roundtable on Gender Parity, as part of the EFA Week, held at Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria, on Monday 7 April, 2003.
44. Guidelines on Tests Construction, Assessment of Student Projects and the Importance of Teacher Tests A Refresher Course. Seminar Paper Delivered at the NERDC/SPEB Refresher Course on Continuous Assessment for Primary School Teachers in Kano State, 3 to 5 March, 2003, Kano, Nigeria.
45. Management of Primary Education in Kano State. Being a paper presented at a Seminar on The Management of Primary Education: Emergent Strategies in the 21st Century, Organized by the Bayero University Consultancy Services for the Kano State Primary Education Board, February 19-21, 2003, Kano, Nigeria.
46. Electronic Record Keeping. Being a paper presented at a Seminar on The Management of Primary Education: Emergent Strategies in the 21st Century, Organized by the Bayero University Consultancy Services for the Kano State Primary Education Board, February 19-21, 2003, Kano, Nigeria.
47. The Clash! Turf Territoriality and Conflict Resolution in Nomad-Settler Relationships in Kano, Nigeria. Being a Seminar Talk Delivered at the Inaugural Africa Center Seminar Series, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, Thursday February 6, 2003. This is based on a paper written by Prof. Kabiru Ahmed, Department of Geography, BUK.
48. Women Participation in Politics. Paper presented at a Symposium for Women Voters, organized by Women in Politics, December 13, 2002.
49. Leading and Managing Staff to Raise Educational Achievement in the Northern States. A Position Paper Commissioned by the Northern Education Research Project (NERP), Arewa House, Kaduna. November 8, 2002.
50. Information Literacy for ICT. Presented at the National Conference on Science, Environmental Education and Information Technology Literacy for Sustainable Development in Nigeria, Held at the School of Sciences, College of Education, Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria, October 29, 2002.
51. Networking and Library Services. Being the Text of the Paper Presented at the Workshop on Setting up and Managing Online Library Resources, Held in Kano at the Kano State Library Complex, Wednesday August 21, 2002.
52. ICT and Business Education. A Talk presented at the Orientation Session for MBA Students, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria on Saturday June 29, 2002.
53. Teaching and Learning using CAI. Commissioned Paper presented at a Train the Trainers Workshop at Federal College of Education, Kwantagora, December 1-6, 2001, Organized by UNESCO and NCCE.
54. Funding Research in Higher Education. Paper presented at an Internal Seminar on the theme of Effective Research and Administration in Kano State Tertiary Institutions held by the Kano State Polytechnic on Tuesday October 9, 2001, Kano, Nigeria.
55. Teacher Education in the new Millennium. A Lead Paper Presented at the 2nd National Conference of the Schools of Education, Arts and social Sciences and Languages of the Federal College of Education, Pankshin, Plateau State, Nigeria, on August 28, 2001.
56. Computerization of Financial Records. Paper Presented at a Workshop for Local Government Secretaries, Chief Personnel Officers, Treasurers, and Revenue Officers, January 9 – 11 2001.
57. ICT and Administration. Being a Paper Presented at a Workshop for Local Government Secretaries, Chief Personnel Officers, Treasurers, and Revenue Officers, January 9 – 11 2001.
58. Revisiting UBE Objectives. Being a Guest Speaker’s Address at the Convocation of the Kano State College of Education, Kumbotso, Kano, Sunday November 19, 2000.
59. Computers in Education. Being a Commissioned paper presented at a 3-day workshop on Communication Education and Information Technology at the Federal College of Education, Okene, October 12, 2000, Organized by National Commission for Colleges of Education/UNESCO.
60. The Internet - (What It is, How It Evolves and Its Implications). Paper Specially Commissioned by the New Nigerian Newspaper, September 2000.
61. Nature, Technology and Tourism. Being a Guest Speech on the occasion of the World Tourism Day Celebrations, September 27, 2000, Kano, Nigeria.
62. Girl-Child Education in Kano. A presentation made at the one-day sensitization Workshop to Media Strategists organized by UNICEF in conjunction with CTV 67 on the Convention of the Rights of the Child, August 8, 2000, Kano, Nigeria.
63. The Cultural Environment of the Child. A presentation made at the 2-day sensitization to Media Strategists organized by UNICEF in conjunction with CTV 67 on the Convention of the Rights of the Child, July 31, 2000
64. New Methods and Techniques in Teaching and Learning. A paper presented at the Workshop on Re-assessing Nigeria’s Education Future, organized by the Education Tax Fund, November 29 to December 1, 1999, Kong Conference Hotel, Zaria
65. ICT in Nursing. Paper presented at the Annual Seminar of the National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives, Murtala Mohammed Specialist Hospital Branch on Wednesday December 8, 1999.
66. Ajamization of Hausa Knowledge. A Lead Paper presented at the 2nd National Conference of the School of Education, Federal College of Education, Kano, on Tuesday October 19, 1999, Kano.
67. Science Education in Kano in the new Millennium. Being a Consultant’s Report submitted to the Abuja Kano Forum, October 15, 1999.
68. Sunset At Dawn: The Stagnation and Regeneration of Education in Kano. Being a Paper Presented at the Occasion of 31st Anniversary of the Establishment of Gwale Secondary School, Kano, Saturday September, 25 1999
69. Begging for Attention: Human Dignity and Child Begging in Kano. A Paper Presented at the 2-day sensitization to District Heads and Parents on Child Rights, organized by Ministry of Social Welfare (Women Affairs) and Unicef, Kano, September 21,1999.
70. Non-Formal Education for Children. A Paper Presented at the Non-Governmental Organization Capacity Building Workshop on Convention on Rights of the Child (CRC) organized by Kano Broadcasting Corporation, July 24-25, 1999.
71. Forging the Chains - Status of Northern Nigerian Adolescents. Adolescent Youth Strategy for Northern Cluster. A Program of The Center for Development and Population Activities, CEPA. A USAID Supported Activity, May 7-13 , 1999.
72. Computer Fundamentals and Information. Processing. Paper Presented at a Training Program for Legislative Staff, Organized by the Institute of Contemporary Research (ICS), Kano, 1998.
73. Culture and Learning in Kano: Education, Social Values and Human Resource Development in Kano. Commissioned Paper Presented to the Kano State Educational Development Mobilization Committee, March 11, 1995.
74. Majmaal Bahrain - Religion and Science. Being a paper presented at the International Conference on Islam in Africa sponsored by Bayero University Kano, Nigeria, and Islamic Universities League, Saudi Arabia, July 1993.
75. Enchancing Science and Technology via the Schools (Published as Enhancing Science and Technology via the Schools; see under Book Chapters) Guest Speech, Commonwealth Day, held at the Federal Government College, Kano, 11th March 1991.
76. The Establishment of the Kano State Science and Technical Schools Boad as a Step Towards Scientific Manpower Production in Kano State. Guest Speech, Kano State Chapter of the National Science and Technology Week, 19th to 24th November 1990.
77. Teaching Science Creatively to Pre-School Children: Approaches and Strategies for a Nigerian child. Guest Speaker and Resource Person, Kano State Chapter of the Organisation Mondiale Pour L'education pre-scolaire (World Organisation for Early Childhood Education OMEP), 22nd October 1990.
78. Our Environment as a Sacred Trust The School Dimensions. (Published as Environmental Problems: The Nigerian; see under Book Chapters). Guest Speech, Commonwealth Day, Federal Government College, Kano, 12th March 1990. Presented a paper on the theme of the Day, which was Commonwealth and Environment.
79. Science, Schooling and National Development in Nigeria: An Analysis of Kano State Science Secondary Schools Project as a Development Strategy. (Published; see under Book Chapters). Paper presented at the Third World Strategies for Technological Development - An International Conference held at Federal University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State. 25th August 1989.
80. The Role of Science in Developing Countries. Guest Speaker, Science Week, Women Senior Secondary School/Teacher Education, Gezawa, Kano State, 14th August 1989.
81. Enhancing the participation of girls in Science and Technology in Kano: A Study of Girls' Science Secondary Schools.(Published; see under Book Chapters). Paper presented at the Workshop on the Conception and Implementation of a Social Policy - The Kano State Experiment. Organised by the Department of Islamic Law, Faculty of Law, Bayero University, Kano, and held between 5th to 7th June 1989.
82. The Function of the Science Magazine in the Attainment of Science Teaching Objectives. Guest Speech at the launching of Gwammaja II Senior Secondary School Science Magazine on 6th December 1988.
83. The History of Science in the Islamic World: Trends and Future Directions for Muslim Unity. Special Guest Lecture at the Bayero University, Kano Muslim Students Society Political Class, 7th May 1981.
The listing here is for those workshops for which although an active participant, I did not present any specific paper.
84. Workshop on Accelerating Girls’ Education in Nigeria: Towards Year 2005 EFA Goals, Airport Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos, December 19-20, 2002.
85. Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming and its incorporation in EFA State Plans, 22 to 23 July, 2002, EFA, organized by Education For All Secretariat, FME Annex, Abuja.
86. Workshop on HIV/AIDS and its incorporation in EFA State Plans, 24 to 25 July, 2002,
87. Workshop on Designing and Developing Instructional Materials, organized by National Open University of Nigeria in collaboration with Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada, held at the Confluence Beach Hotel, Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria, 1 to 7 March, 2002.
88. ICT Decision Makers Workshop, Organized by the University of Iowa WiderNet Project and the National Universities Commission, Abuja, February 11, 2002.
1997 |
Professor of Science Education and Curriculum Studies |
1994/97: |
Reader in Science Education and International Comparative Higher Education |
1993: |
Rockefeller Foundation Visiting Resident Scholar, Bellagio Conference and Study Center, Italy. Worked on a book The Turn of the Tide: Academic Revolution in a Nigerian University (Oct-Nov, 1993). |
1991/92: |
Visiting Associate, Center for Studies in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A.; as a Fulbright Senior African Research Scholar . Published a book, Reform and Adaptation in Nigerian University Curricula, 1960-1992: Living on a Credit Line. Lewinston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press. 1994. |
1991/93: |
Senior Lecturer, Science Education, B.U.K. |
1988/91: |
Lecturer I, Science Education, B.U.K. |
1984/88: |
Lecturer II, Science Education, B.U.K. |
1981/84: |
Assistant Lecturer, Science Education, B.U.K |
1980/81: |
Graduate Assistant, Science Education, Department of Education, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria (BUK). |
1979/80: |
Classroom Biology and Agricultural Science Teacher at Ekwerazu Girls' Secondary School, Umoarkrika, Ahiazu Mbaise, Imo State, Nigeria. |
Key Responsibilities Held
1. Chairman, Kano State Government Visitation Panel to Audu Bako School of Agriculture, Kano, May 2005
2. Chairman,Center for Hausa Cultural Studies (NGO), from 2002
3. Director, Management Information Systems, Vice-Chancellor’s Office, Bayero University, Kano (from August 1999)
4. Head, Department of Education (1999-2001)
5. Head, Department of Education (March 1995-February 1998)
6. Chairman, Board of Governors, Bayero University Staff Primary School, 1993-1997
7. Chairman, Bayero University Computer Committee (1991 -1993)
8. Postgraduate Studies Co-ordinator, Department of Education, 1991-1993
9. Sub-Dean, Faculty of Education (1989/1990).
10. Member, Board of Governors (representing the Head, Department of Education) Bayero University Staff Secondary School (1989-1993)
1. Perspectives on the sociology of scientific knowledge (1983). Discusses the internal sociology of the scientific community and the nature of its objectivity. The paper argues that this image, reflected in most science teaching programs does not affect the way science is taught, especially in Nigeria. Pages: 17.
2. Females and Science Education in Northern Nigeria (1) Theoretical considerations (1983). This is Part I of a two part exploratory paper which establishes a theoretical framework for the study of girls and learning science in a traditional society. Pages: 9.
3. Paradigms and Idealism in Kano State Science Education: A Quest for a New Age Science Curriculum (1984). Drawing influences from the British Association for Science Education (ASE) consultative document (Alternatives for Science Education, Hatfield, ASE, 1979), this paper argues for a radical re-appraisal of science teaching and learning contexts in Nigeria. It argues for consideration to specific variables which make science teaching a meaningful process to pupils. Pages: 12.
4. Language and Learning Science (1983). This paper explores one of the least explored aspects of teaching and learning science - the language of instruction and its relationship to the natural languages of both the teacher and the learner. Drawing arguments from the literature, the paper presents a possible solution to the problem of language of instruction and learning science in Nigeria. Pages: 14.
5. Teacher Supply in Nigeria (1984). While a significant amount of government attention is given to explaining the importance of science teaching for development, surprisingly little by way of strategies were proposed for mass training and production of science teachers. This paper explores some avenues. Pages: 9
6. Science and the Nigerian Environment (1984). In this, an attempt is made to determine how traditional world-views and sociological practices facilitate, or more likely, hinder, the acquisition of scientific concepts by pupils in Nigeria. Pages: 10.
7. Government Policy and Science in Kano State (1984). This exploratory paper about government initiatives in the use of science education for social and economic development, was the basis for a more detailed empirical work I carried out for my doctorate degree (Science, Schooling and Manpower Production in Nigeria: A Study of Kano State Science Secondary Schools, 1977-1987. D.Phil., University of Sussex, 1988). Pages: 20.
8. Psychology, Science Education and the Nigerian Child (1984). This explores the role of psychological theories and theories of concept formation on the acquisition of scientific concepts, using the wider base of studies on African children. Pages: 22.
9. Females and Science Education in Northern Nigeria (2) A Kano State Perspective (1984). This is the second, more empirical, part of a survey on girls and science education. The discussions in this paper are based on a survey of male students' opinions to girls studying science in Kano State. Pages: 29.
10. Science Education and Science Curriculum Development: The 1956 Overture (1984). Explores the political bases of science curriculum development. The paper argues that a dominant framework for science curriculum development is a political motive, with the interest of the student often only a secondary consideration, in both developed and developing countries. Pages: 25.
11. Integrated Science Education in Kano State, Nigeria: The myths and fallacies (1985). This paper presents a philosophical critique of Integrated Science as a school subject, especially in Nigerian learning situations. Pages: 22.
12. The development of a Science Education Policy in Nigeria: A Study of Kano State 1968-1985 (1985). This is a continuation of the exploratory study of the development and implementation of government educational policies in Kano State, Nigeria, started with paper number 8 (above). The paper - drawing evidence from analysis of government documents - presents a rather unique picture of the perception of education by government policy makers in Kano State. Pages: 70.
13. Female Science Education in Nigeria: New Harvest, First Gathering - A Study of Kano State (1985). This discussion focuses attention on the perspectives of both male and females to female education in a traditional society. It is actually composed of four separate, but inter-connected sharing the same theme. Pages: 65.
14. Patterns of Change in Science Education (1986). This is a theoretical monograph and reviews the development of Science Education programs reported in the literature all over the world, with emphasis on developing countries. The analysis uses four themes as framework: origin of science education changes, identification of the need for the changes or innovations, characteristics of the changes and the issues raised by massive science curricular reforms. Pages: 54.
15. An Intrinsic Analysis of the New Nigerian Science Curriculum (1987). An analysis of the objectives of the new science curriculum introduced in Nigerian Senior Secondary Schools in 1985, and the likely problems of interpretation teachers could face if they attempt to use it directly to guide their teaching. Pages: 33.
16. Rhetoric and Reality in Nigerian Science Education: Observations of Science Teaching in Kano State Science Schools (1988). This monograph focuses attention on classroom interaction between students and teachers and questions the passiveness of policy makers in their attitude to the reality of classroom situations. Pages: 45.
17. Power, Fellowship Network and Policy evolution in Nigeria: A study of Kano State Science Schools (1988). This monograph is a detailed analysis of the power games that underlie the development of government policies in Nigeria. A framework was the development of Science Secondary Schools. Based on interview data with officials and open documents. Pages: 92.
18. Educational and Occupational aspirations and expectations in Specialist schools in Nigeria: A Study of Kano State Science Schools Students (1989). This monograph examines the career and educational aspirations and occupations of students from the Science as well as students from Non-science schools in Kano State (who nevertheless study science subjects also). The analysis is carried out against the background of the policy expectations of the Science Schools project in Kano. Pages: 48.
19. Educational Change Theories and Educational innovations in Nigeria (1989). Using models that explain the development (and expiration!) of educational change strategies, this monograph explores three recent educational innovations in Nigeria. Based on the findings, the monograph argues that the classic change theories do not apply in all cases, because educational changes are not linear, and the rationale for such changes, especially in Nigeria, often not too clearly articulated. Contains a significant portion on Science Education. Pages: 51.
20. Girls and Education in a traditional society: A study of Kano State Girls' Science Secondary School (1985, 1989). This is a revised and updated version of Monograph Number 4, and extends the analysis of the girls science school as a reformist measure to encourage the study of science by girls, especially in a traditional society such as Kano State. Pages: 44.
21. Science Education as a Development Strategy in Nigeria: A study of Kano State Science Secondary Schools (1989). This concludes this series of monographs by analyzing the extent to which science education can be used as development strategy, and the factors that will enable science education policies to be effectively implemented if science can be seen as an agent of social transformation. Pages: 52.
22. The Role of the Science Magazine in promoting Out-of-School Science Education Activities (1988). This paper is based on a draft of a paper I presented as a Guest Speaker at the launching of a school science magazine in Gwammaja I Senior Secondary School, Kano (6th December 1988). It provides strategies for out-of-school science education which can enable a further extension of science learning objectives outside the formal classroom. Pages: 12.
23. An intrinsic Analysis of the new Nigerian Biology Curriculum (1988). This paper focuses on the Biology curriculum drawing attention to its features that might prove difficult to interpretation for school teachers (1988). Pages: 24.
24. An intrinsic Analysis of the new Nigerian Chemistry Curriculum (1988). As above, but focusing on Chemistry only. Pages: 21.
25. An intrinsic Analysis of the new Nigerian Physics Curriculum (1989). Similar analysis on Physics. Pages: 18.
26. Curricula Rhetoric, Classroom teaching and Examinations: a critical analysis of the new Nigerian science curriculum (1989). This paper analyses the correlation between what the curriculum developer identifies as the main purposes of science teaching, how teachers interpret the curriculum, and the skills the examination system encourages in children. The analysis is carried out in an integrated manner but with the main focus being on the examination system. The main argument is that regardless of the philosophical notions of the curriculum developer in Nigeria, the examination system still sets the pattern, pace and directions of education. Pages: 22.
27. The Science Education Reform Strategy in Nigeria: The Case of Kano State Science Secondary Schools (1989). This is an adaptation of item 22. Whilst the former listing was carried out within the framework of a specific research paradigm (illuminative tradition), this summative paper uses the development framework to base the discussions. Pages: 21.
28. Trends and Tendencies in Manpower Development Strategies: An Analysis of the achievements of the Kano State Science Secondary Schools, 1980-1988 (1989). This looks at the facts and figures of the examination results of the Science secondary schools. The examination figures are used as the main determinants to the success of the project by the policy makers. The paper reveals a rather surprising pattern of achievement, especially in the girls' school. The paper was eventually commissioned by the Science and Technical Schools Board, Kano State to guide in policy decisions about the future of the Science Schools. Pages: 24.
29. Taught Apart: A Study of Specialist Provisions in Nigerian Science Education (1989). This paper analyses the learning strategies and attitudes to science of Science and Non-Science School students, as well as incorporates data about the way the students were taught Biology and Physics. Although the Science and Non-Science schools are set out to be clearly different from each other, yet the results reveal a surprising pattern in the similarities between the learning, teaching and attitudinal variables among students and teachers in the two categories of schools. Pages: 27.
These are activities for which I participated as part of a process of academic quality control.
From 1999 to date I was a member of the National Universities Commission Accreditation Panel to the following universities in Education:
From 1999 to date I was a member of the National Commission of Colleges of Education Accreditation Panel to the following Colleges of Education:
1. Aliyu, Muhammad (2004), An Appraisal of Polytechnic Education Curriculum For Technical and Entrepreneurial Skills Development (PhD Curriculum and Instruction, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria).
2. Ezugwu, K.U. (2004), The Influence of Gender Differences on Students’ Academic Performance in Colleges of Education in North-West Zone of Nigeria (M.Ed Curriculum and Instruction, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria).
3. Denga, Victoria Bodunde (Mrs.) (2000), Teachers’ Attitudes to the Implementation of the 3-3 System of Secondary Education in Nigeria (Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria).
4. Mohammed, Aisha Zakari (1999) Effects of Teacher’s Wait-Time and Cognitive Questioning Levels on Student’s Achievements in Food and Nutrition and Career Aspirations. (Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, June 12th 1999).
5. Muhammad, Hameed A. (1999) An Evaluation of the Extent of the Implementation of Islamic Studies Curriculum at Secondary School Level in Taraba State, Nigeria (M.Ed., Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Department of Education, November 11th 1998)
6. Ladan, Abdulkadir Aliyu (1998) Curricular Relevance of the Literary Works of Shaykh Uthman B. Fudi (Ph.D. Islamic Studies Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Department of Education, November 10th 1998)
7. Hunkuyi, Ibrahim Lawal (1998) An Evaluation of Senior Secondary School Islamic Studies Curriculum in Kaduna State Nigeria (M.Ed., Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Department of Education, November 11th 1998)
8. Fari, Muhammad Gidado Mahmoud (1998), Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of the Teaching and Learning of Islamic Studies in Secondary Schools in Adamawa State, Nigeria (M.Ed., Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Department of Education, August 17th 1998)
Tally of Refereed Publications
Post Professorial Publications (from 1997)
1. Loud Bubbles From A Silent Brook: Trends and Tendencies in Contemporary Hausa Prose Fiction (edited version), in Furniss, G., and Barber, K (2006), Research in African Literatures. Daytona, Ohio University Press. (Also Loud Bubbles From A Silent Brook: Trends and Tendencies in Contemporary Hausa Prose Fiction (Full version). Based on a paper presented at Janheinz Jahn Symposium on African Language Literatures: Production, Mediation, Reception held at the University of Mainz, 18th November 2004).
2. Passage to India: Media Parenting and Changing Popular Culture in Northern Nigeria. Kaduna, Informart Publishers, 2005.
3. Genesis To Revelation: Reform and Adaptation in Nigerian University Curricular Structure, 1960-1988, in Munzali Jibril (ed)(2005) Perspectives on Nigerian Higher Education. Festchrift in Honor of Ayo Bajo. Ibadan, Spectrum Books Limited
4. “The Song Remains the Same”: The Hindi Cinema Factor in Hausa Video Film Soundtracks, in Mark Slobin (ed)(2005) Global Soundtracks: The Culture of World Film Music, Connecticut, Wesleyan University Press.
5. Islam and Video Censorship in Northern Nigeria, in A.U. Adamu et al (2005)(eds), New Media, Traditional Society: Hausa Video Films in Muslim Northern Nigeria, (Dar Es Salaam, forthcoming)
6. (ed) New Media, Traditional Society: Hausa Video Films in Muslim Northern Nigeria, edited with Yusuf M Adamu and Umar Faruk Jibril. Dar Es Salaam, (forthcoming, 2005)
7. Passage to India: Media Parenting and Construction of Media Identities in Northern Nigerian Muslim Hausa Home Videos. (Forthcoming in Kimani, Njogu (2005)(ed)The Media and the Construction of African Identities. London, International African Institute/Twanzega Communications.
8. (ed) Hausa Home Video: Technology, Society and Economy: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hausa Films, August, 2003, Kano, Nigeria (Editor-in-Chief), Kano: Center for Hausa Cultural Studies. (2004)
9. Istanci, Imamanci and Bollywoodanci: Evolutionary Trends in Hausa Use of Media Technologies in Cultural Transformation, in Adamu, A.U. et al (2004), Hausa Home Video: Society, Technology and Economy. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hausa Films, August, 2003, Kano, Nigeria (Editor-in-Chief), Kano: Center for Hausa Cultural Studies.
10. Sunset at Dawn, Darkness At Noon: Reconstructing the Mechanisms of Literacy in Indigenous Communities. Text of Professorial Inaugural Lecture Delivered on Saturday 24th April 2004, at Bayero University, Kano , Nigeria. Kano: Bayero University Inaugural Lecture Committee, The Vice-Chancellor’s Office.
11. No Child Left Behind: Transforming the Federal Role in Education So That No Child is Left Behind. Washington, DC 2002. Review of a US Government policy on education. UBE Forum, Vol 3 No 3, 2003. UBEC, Abuja, Nigeria.
12. Sunset at Dawn: Colonial Policy and Muslim Hausa Education in Northern Nigeria, 1900 to 1910, in Hambolu, M.O. (2003)(ed), Perspectives on Kano-British Relations. Kano, Gidan Makama Museum.
13. Electronic Record Keeping Strategies in Primary School Administration, in Gana, U.M. and Garba, A., (2003)(eds), The Management of Primary Education in Nigeria: Emerging Strategies in the 21st Century. Kano: Bayero University Consultancy Services Unit, Seminar Series.
14. Management of Primary Education in Kano State: Towards Improving the State of the Art – School-based Management Strategies (SBMS), in Gana, U.M. and Garba, A., (2003)(eds), The Management of Primary Education in Nigeria: Emerging Strategies in the 21st Century. Kano: Bayero University Consultancy Services Unit, Seminar Series.
15. (Int.) Parallel Worlds: Reflective Womanism in Balaraba Ramat Yakubu’s Ina Son Sa Haka. Jenda: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies: Issue 4 (2003). Published in Nigeria in January 24-30, January 31-February 6, and February 7-13, 2004 editions of Weekly Trust.
16. Community Participation in Education. UBE Forum, Vol 3 No 3, 2003. UBEC, Abuja, Nigeria.
17. Teacher Education in the new Millennium. Kano Journal of Educational Studies (KAJEST), Vol 2 No 1, August 2003 [pp 86-97], Department of Education, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
18. A Survey of Fulfulde Language and Culture on the Internet, Journal of Nomadic Studies, No 6, 2003. Kaduna, Nigeria.
19. (Int.) Information Science in Developing Countries: Information in a Networked World. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Oct/Nov, 2002.
20. Hausa Prose Fiction: Towards an Analytical Framework. FAIS Journal of Humanities. Vol 1, No 4, November 2001, [pp. 86-95]. Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
21. New Methods and Techniques in Teaching and Learning, in Nnoli, O. and Sulaiman, I (eds)(2001), Reassing the Future of Education in Nigeria. Abuja, Education Tax Fund.
22. Ajamization of Knowledge as a Universal Basic Education Process for Makarantar Allo Pupils in Northern Nigeria. Tambari: Kano Journal of Education, Vol 6, No 1, pp 318-330, Kano Federal College of Education, 2000. Also Ajamization of Knowledge: Challenges and Prospects of an Educational Strategy. Al-Ijtihad: The Journal of Islamization of Knowledge and Contemporary Issues. Vol 1, No 3, July 2000. pp 1-24.
23. Understanding Your Computer, in Haruna A. B. (ed)(1999). Science Discourse: A Book of Readings. Kano, Federal College of Education, Kano, 1999 [pp. 278-296].
Pre-Professorial (to Professor) Publications
24. (ed) Islam and the History of Learning in Katsina (edited with Isma’ila A. Tsiga). Ibadan: Spectrum Publishers, 1997.
25. The Muqaddima: Islam and the History of Learning in Katsina, in Adamu, A. U. and Tsiga, I. A. (1997) Islam and the History of Learning in Katsina. Ibadan: Spectrum Publishers (pp. 13-19).
26. (ed) Building the Citadel: Thirty Years of University Education in Kano, 1964-1994. (Edited by Alkali, I. A., Tsiga, I. A, and Adamu, A. U.) Kano, Nigeria: Bayero University Kano. (1995).
27. From Fragmented Perceptions to Integrated Continuum: Integrated Science Education in Nigeria Today, in A. A. Adedibu, Moh. Sani Tureta, and J. F. Chundusu (eds.), Strategies for Teaching the Controlling of the Environment in Integrated Science Curriculum. Proceedings of the STAN National Integrated Science Workshop, Held at Federal College of Education, Kano, Kano State 17th – 21st April, 1995, pp. 14-23.
28. (Int., Book) Reform and Adaptation in Nigerian University Curricula, 1960-1992: Living on a Credit Line. Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press. 1994. African Studies Series Volume 33 [320 pp]
29. Waves on a Rocky Shore: The Evolution of the Course Unit System in Bayero University, Kano in Alkali, I. A., Tsiga, I. A, and Adamu, A. U. (1994). Building the Citadel: Thirty Years of University Education in Kano, 1964-1994. Kano, Nigeria: Bayero University Kano, The Vice-Chancellor’s Office. [pp. 122-146].
30. Superior Vena Cava: Program Planning and Staff Development in Bayero University Kano in Alkali, I. A., Tsiga, I. A, and Adamu, A. U. (1994). Building the Citadel: Thirty Years of University Education in Kano, 1964-1994. Kano, Nigeria: Bayero University Kano, The Vice-Chancellor’s Office. [pp. 298-321].
31. Flashpoints and Flash dance: Students, Unions and Social Conscience in Bayero University Kano, 1966-1990 in Alkali, I. A., Tsiga, I. A, and Adamu, A. U. (1994). Building the Citadel: Thirty Years of University Education in Kano, 1964-1994. Kano, Nigeria: Bayero University Kano, The Vice-Chancellor’s Office. [pp. 404-420].
32. (Int., Book) Operation, efficiency and desirability of special science schools at the secondary education level: The Nigerian experience (1992): Paris: International Institute of Educational Planning, UNESCO. [64 pp].
33. Environmental Problems: The Nigerian Case in Mezieobi, K A (ed)(1992) Understanding Social Studies Education in Nigeria. Warri: Genteel Publishing Company [pp. 162-172].
34. Science Education and Development in Nigeria, in, Adedoja, T., et al (eds.)(1992) Issues in Nigerian Education. Volume I. Kano: Faculty of Education, Bayero University/Leisure and Text Publishers [pp. 82-99].
35. Enhancing Science and Technology via the Schools, in, Ikwumelu, S.N., and Mezieobi, K.A. (eds.)(1992) Social Studies: A Book of Readings. Onitsha, Nigeria: Etukokkwu Publishers (Nig.) Ltd [pp. 34-44].
36. (Int.) Curricular Rhetoric, Class Teaching and Examinations: A Study of the New Nigerian Science Curriculum, Science Education International (The journal of International Council of Associations for Science Education, Australia) Volume 2, No 1, March 1991 pp 6-10.
37. (Int.) Science Education as a Development Strategy in Nigeria: A study of Kano State Science Secondary Schools in Lewin, K. M., (ed)(1991) Educational Innovation in Developing Countries: Case Studies of Changemakers. London: Macmillan [pp 61-92].
38. (Int.) An intrinsic analysis of the new Nigerian Science Secondary School Chemistry curriculum, Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia (Malaysia) Volume 21 No 1 June 1990 pp 27-36.
39. (Int.) Balancing the equation: Girls, tradition and science education in Northern Nigeria, The Ahfad Journal: Women and Change (Ahfad University for Women, Omduran, Sudan) Volume 7 No 1 June 1990 pp 14-31.
40. Science, Schooling and National Development in Nigeria: An Analysis of Kano State Science Secondary Schools Project as a Development Strategy, in, Eze, T. I. (ed)(1990) Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Third World Strategies for Technological Development. Yola, Nigeria: Federal University of Technology Yola/UNESCO. [pp. 470-477].
41. An intrinsic Analysis of the Nigerian Senior Secondary School Physics Curriculum, Journal of the Science Teachers' Association of Nigeria (STAN) Volume 27 No 1, April 1990 pp 9-18.
42. (Int.) Rhetoric and Reality in Nigerian Science Education: Observations of Science Teaching in Kano State Science Schools, International Journal of Educational Development (London, McMillan) Volume 9 No 4 1989 pp 251-262.
43. (Int.) Appliance of Science: Technological Education in Kano State of Nigeria, West Africa (London) 11-17th September 1989 pp 1523-1524.
44. Enhancing the participation of girls in science and technology in Kano State: A study of Girls Science Secondary Schools, in Yadudu, A. H. (ed)(1993)(1989) The Conception and Implementation of a Social Policy: The Kano State Experiment. Kano: Bayero University Kano/Faculty of Law [pp 152-164].
45. (Int.) An intrinsic analysis of the new Nigerian Science Curriculum, Journal of Curriculum Studies (London, Taylor and Francis) Volume 20 No 1, 1988 pp 37-57.
46. Integrated Science Education in Kano State, Nigeria: The myths and fallacies, Kano Catalyst, Volume 6 No 1 Jan 1986 pp 1-18 (Journal of the Kano State Branch of Science Teachers' Association of Nigeria. Kano: Kano Educational Resource Department).
47. Islam and Science in Northern Nigeria: the Case of Dogmatism or a New Age Synthesis? Kano Studies (NS) Volume 2 No 2 1982/85 pp 83-92 (Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria).