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Part II Diabetic Prevention

Started by Yakab, May 10, 2007, 12:52:40 AM

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             Understanding of this rampant disease diabetes, and how to better control blood glucose levels is very important, there is convincing evidence that  can improve and reduce the complications of diabetes by using nutritional programmes and exercises, you can make a difference in the out come of your diabetes by:
   1) EAT WHOLE SOME NATURAL FOODS-- Fill u p on fiber rich food called  complex carbohydrates, which are found in whole grains, legumes, potatoes, grain and vegetables. Complex crabs are food that are not process. Process food are food that are stripped away of its nutrients during process. The more food is stripped away of its fiber and ground or milled into smaller particles-the higher its glycemic index(GI). The higher the GI, the worst the food becomes for diabetes. Process food like white bread and rice digest easily and make you hungry. You tend to eat more--meaning your body has to produce more insulin.
   Complex  carbs. help to jump start your metabolism . It  also boosts   your T3 level because the complex carbs are important regulatory of T3 production in human--T3 is a Thyroid hormones that is responsible for metabolic process.
   Also always eat fresh fruits and vegetables. The deeper the color of the vegs. the more nourishing it is. Dark green vegetables like spinach, collard greens, green lettuce, romaine lettuce, are better than pale green. These foods are packed with antioxidant. Eat as many colorful veggies e.g. carrot, broccoli flowers, cauliflower, tomatoes, red bell peppers, peas etc. The darker the red tomato, the richer  the antioxidant.
   Antioxidant break the destruction caused by free radicals and the richest sources, of mixed antioxidants are in colorful fruits and veggies. This destruction process is accelerated in diabetes. Much of the complications from diabetes come from the stepped up free radical production as a consequence of too much glucose in the blood stream.
   2) ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS-- These are the essential fatty acids your body cannot make. These fats promote a favorable cholesterol ratio in your blood. In addition,  make your blood pressure in line, keep the blood  from clotting too easily, and keep a lid on inflammation    . There are two kinds of essential fatty acids,omega-3 -essential fatty acids and  omega -6-essential fatty acid s.Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fish and flaxseed.   Deep clean cold water fish like  salmon, mackerel herring, and  white tuna are rich in omega-3-fatty  acids. Eat more food rich in omega-3s,including walnut, canola oil , flaxseed, and leafy greens. Omega-6s are mostly found in nuts ,corn, safflower, and sunflower oils. What's more, we eat too many omega-6s than omega-3s.The fats in your brain, prostaglandin, and cell membranes all come from your diet, "You  are what you eat.'' If your diet is high in hard fat, like saturated fat; then the fat in your cell membranes will be more rigid, but if your diet comes from unsaturated fat then your cell membranes becomes more flexible. This is the reason why the cell membranes of diabetes does not recognize the insulin outside, even though there may be plenty of insulin. Lack of omega-3s can be the cause of this improper construction of the cell membranes insulin receptors. Unsaturated  fats can be found in olive oil, canola oil, sesame, peanut oil etc. Avoid too much of animal fats, hydrogenated oils. These fats disrupt cell membranes and  cause cellular damage. They are also linked to cancer and decrease immune function. Hydrogenated  fats are polyunsaturated fats like vegetable oils that have had hydrogen forced into its  doubled bond to saturate the carbon molecules in it. Butter, margarine, and any food containing hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils contains trans fats. Tran fats are artificial; our brains can't be "fooled by fake fats." Unfortunately this can be rather difficult, since food manufacturers put it in most processed and packaged  food products used  Trans fatty acid or transfats  primary  to extend the shelf live of foods and also it makes foods taste delicious.
   3) FIBERS-Fibers in food provide satiety and quell your appetite. People who eat fibers especially the insoluble type have  lower incidence of colon cancer .There are two kinds of fibers -soluble and insoluble .Both fibers help to slow the absorption of sugars-natural  or added; which means it can  help to stabilized blood glucose level. Soluble fibers as the name implies,  dissolves in water. Soluble fibers are gummy or gel-like substances that  binds up toxins and bad fats like  ( LDL) ]in the intestines carrying it out with the feces. Soluble fibers lower blood cholesterol,protect your  blood vessels.and even help reversed clogged arteries Food rich in soluble fibers are dried beans, peas, okras,spinach, broccoli, oats and fruits especially citrus fruits. Insoluble fibers are the fibers that are mostly indigestible part of the plant foods and cannot enter the blood stream, scientists assume that the fibers are useless and stripping it from the food was  okay ,but in the 70s a British physician working in Africa noticed a different set of diseases among  Africans who ate a high fiber diet. The fibers in whole grains are beneficial to our health .A grain consists of the outer layer called the bran -the bran contain fiber, vitamins. B  ,protein and phytonutrients  which are natural occurring plant substances that have health benefits. The endosperm is the middle starchy part which contains only carbohydrates  ,protein and little traces of  Vit. B ; germ is the nutrient packed inner part of the plant, which have the  minerals, Vit.E and B. If the bran  and  germ are  removed, which contains all the valuable nutrients ;the only thing left is the endosperm which  has  less nutrition . Insoluble fibers are mostly found in whole grains like corn, wheat, brown rice, bran cereals etc. The fibers  in  insoluble fibers  are like sponge; when you eat it together with water, it swells and gets soft, just like a sponge. The increased bulk pushes on your intestines, creating the rhythmic movement needed to evacuate and a  softer stool is easier on your  gut.
   4) VITAMINS AND MINERALS are also good  for  preventing diabetes. Vitamins like magnesium,vitaminC ,B,E and minerals like selenium  and chromium are important.  Vitamins  B-complex   can substantially reduce  glucose  level for Type2diabetes, this vitamins are abundant in  brewers yeast.  Glucose Tolerance Factor( GTP) which is a molecule that contains niacin and chromium along with insulin must be present  in order for the glucose to get  inside the human cell membrane.  GTP is the gate keeper ,lacking  this gatekeeper   causes elevated blood  glucose and problems associated with Type2 diabetes. The richest source of GTP is brewers yeast. Brewers yeast is bitter in taste and it is a rich source of mineral chromium, B-complex and protein -the  best sources of  both  minerals and vitamins should be in their natural form-which is food.     Also herbs and spices like garlic, curry, cloves,  tumeric  (mustard), bay leaves.  and cinnamon have a therapeutic effect in reversing diabetes and it complications.
EXCERCISE-Exercise plays an important role in controlling diabetes because it lower blood glucose and helps  insulin works more efficiently in the body. Exercise also enhances the cardiovascular muscle by improving blood flow and  increasing the heart's pumping power  .Weight loss usually brings considerable  improvement in blood glucose, it also decreases anxiety and improve your mood. A study in British Journal of Sports Medicine found that exercise may be more effective than drugs in treating mild to moderate depression. I   hope all this natural dietary  approach will work like  the medicine you have been taken, this approach does not carry any risk or side effects from those expensive drugs. Please eat like  the way our ancestors  did  and  be more active than ever .Exercise  must not  always have to be strenuous .Today people drive instead of walking, uses machine instead of muscles. Walking, riding bikes and strengthening exercise are excellent ways of toning  your muscles .Remember  wasting away of muscles is detrimental. Take  care and good luck-salam.