Y men hide deir feeling?

Started by nustra, January 22, 2004, 06:34:16 PM

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[mi amigos]
I wonder how i wonder Y ,y men do hide deir feelings towards a female creatures it sometimes amazing me pls kanoonliners im giving u a piece of advise pls onnce u see ur self falling in .........hum i dont have to mention coz is heavyone but GOD has giving u Eyes to look ,Ears to haer,haert to LOBE so pall in lobe without hesitation.

pls kanoonliners i need ur answers y hide peelings so pall in LOBE female Male,sometimeCamel.
 man from another planet


Say no Evil and Do no Evil unto Me,   Kunji Ko!


Yeah guyz hide zeir peelings 2 chicks ip ze r interested in zem, but i dont hide mine (past man no b thiep ...lol), i dunno 'bout u, but i also belibe zat u urselp u do hide ur mind 2 a chick, if not y did u start zis tofic frum jos za way some fiful sfeak u tend 2 understand zeir peelings, but i do belieb zat por zose who hide zeir peelings 2 a babe, it is jos por some strategic reasons, like may b ze guy is still cultibating his mobes, or he is just taking his time, or he may b reading ze chick 2 pind out ip she is a money monger or real lober...i hofe ka gane ai?

Saboda haka u habe 2 join A.O.P.P Ze winning Party op Kanoonline so zat u 'll b recognised among ze nobles! ;D
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Alright! let mi get this str8!

What u guys are saying is dat when a guy juss sees anything he likes, he should juss scream it out. You can see a hundred beautiful furls in a day and have a crush on half, juss scream it out?

Hell no wait! What about a man's ability to THINK!!! about RIGHT and WRONG? What about dellusion, and insincerity?
what about Faith and keeping to urself?

do I make sence, or is it the topic that doesn't?
Safety and Peace


(da guys) Ko dai kuka fara topic din, kwa san ta dashi :-X :-X :-X



Quote[mi amigos]
I wonder how i wonder Y ,y men do hide deir feelings towards a female creatures it sometimes amazing me pls kanoonliners im giving u a piece of advise pls onnce u see ur self falling in .........hum i dont have to mention coz is heavyone but GOD has giving u Eyes to look ,Ears to haer,haert to LOBE so pall in lobe without hesitation.

pls kanoonliners i need ur answers y hide peelings so pall in LOBE female Male,sometimeCamel.

Hmmm, u did'nt think that much b4 asking this Q i guess
to my own view, female's hide their feelings more than
the guyz! or what do u say guyz?
Gaskiya tafi komai..........هو الذي


Safety and Peace


Xcuse me ::) did I hear all of you ryt? Oh boi Nustra r u sureeeeeeeeeee?.......which men? Is there anyoda "being" called men? U mean men as in men..........who hide their feelings :o.......she laffs hard......I cnt help it, I cnt stop laffin..........laters guys!

well sum hide their feelings as kunya, anason mutunmi mei kunya din inside islam, but men die their whuttttt? LOL am outta dis place
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Quote Xcuse me ::) did I hear all of you ryt? Oh boi Nustra r u sureeeeeeeeeee?.......which men? Is there anyoda "being" called men? U mean men as in men..........who hide their feelings :o.......she laffs hard......I cnt help it, I cnt stop laffin..........laters guys!

well sum hide their feelings as kunya, anason mutunmi mei kunya din inside islam, but men die their whuttttt? LOL am outta dis place

Yeah u'r right, but when it come's 2 real luv ther'z no hiding
of feelings in men, as in REAL MEN. If a man hide his feelin,
it was'nt real luv @ first. But my Q 2 all u ladies in here is:-

Why do u like dating playerz & don't date non playerz who
don't lie 2 u ppl?

(*whispering to zezezeee & Mudacris*)
It's like Women of nowadayz like a guy that bubbles about in
flashie carz, ...... & all sort of PIMP style. ???

Gaskiya tafi komai..........هو الذي