What the Groom Should Remember

Started by EMTL, January 15, 2004, 11:27:46 AM

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Assalamu alaikum.
Appology as this may bore you, being a common knowledge to most people, I thought I should share something with you from a little book I wrote for the youth 'Courtship and Marriage in Islam'.


(a)      Allah (SWT) says, “ Men are the rulers over women because of the excellence which Allah has granted to some of them over them and because of that which they spend of their wealth (to maintain)…” Q (4:34) The husband should provide for the family.

(b)      The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Of all, the most complete faithfull believer (Muslim) is one who has the best conduct, and he, the best of all of you (faithful believers and Muslims) is one who is best in the type of treatment he metes out to his wife.” (Imam Tirmizi [RL]),

(c)      Whoever is patient with the bad habit of his wife, Allah (SWT), the Exalted, will record for him some reward the likes of which he rewarded Ayub (AS) for the patience he had maintained in the wounds he (Ayub [AS]) had incurred as a trial by Allah (SWT),

(d)       The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Whoever believes in Allah (SWT) and the Last Day should not hurt (trouble) his neighbour. And I advise you to take care of the women, for they were created from a rib and the most crooked portion of the rib is its upper part; if you try to straighten it, it will break, and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so I urge you to take care of the women.” 36

(e)      Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, “The most excellent dinar is one that a person spends on his companions in Allah's path. Abu Qilabah (one of the narrators) said, He (the narrator) started with family, and then Abu Qilabah (RA) said, Who is the person with greater reward than a person who spends on young members of his family and thus preserves (saves them from want) (and by virtue of which) Allah brings profit for them and makes them rich.”- (Fiqu Sunnah),

(f)      You may detest some of her conduct but you will certainly find some acceptable,

(g)      Do not argue with your wife(ves) in the presence of your children or others,

(h)      Remember to acknowledge and say thanks whenever she adorns herself to please you. Tell her how beautiful she looks.

(i)      Remember to say thank you for every good effort she made in pleasing you, always guide try to forget and forgive the shortcomings of your wife. But do not hesitate to point out mistakes for correction,

(j)      Give your wife(ves) a helping hand in the day to day household chores, such as in the kitchen, preparing children, etc.,

(k)      Always make available and spend some time with your wife(ves) and children, use such forum to explain some of your endeavours and plans. Seek for their advice and prayers,

(l) Eat your meals together with your family, when you at home,

(m) It is your responsibility to teach your wife and children the knowledge,
     of Islam, otherwise you must have to get somebody to teach them or      
     Send them to a School,

(n)      Do not indiscriminately bring other men (friends, distant relatives, etc.) into your matrimonial home or leave such people in seclusion with your wife,
(o)      If you happen to marry more than one wife, you must treat your wives equally with justice and fairness,
(p)      If you can afford, buy her (them) the latest and the best decent dress in town, you would make your wife(ves) forever beautiful and attractive by enriching her (their) wardrobe.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


This post is very educative. How I wish all the ladies will stick to the teachings of this post.
Say no Evil and Do no Evil unto Me,   Kunji Ko!


U hav 2 understand & am sure u r well aware of this fact that, "NOT ALL WOMEN R D SAME" This cud also mean that, not ALL but of course ALOT of women stick 2 the teachings.....Why bcus? D differences amongst women is wat brings about their conduct, that they taken upon which will then bring about its consequencies & d results on how well these women behave in d adoption of religious teachings towards their marital status!.

Or........make I continue elaboration Hausanicious?

EMTL, this is abosolutely a great post. May Allah bless u & give u more Hidayat. Mashallah
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Or........make I continue elaboration Hausanicious?


Mah sista continue now, What I know is that whateva u r saying is in a circle, it will continue to go round-N-round and come back to where u start.
Say no Evil and Do no Evil unto Me,   Kunji Ko!


Ummita was jus trying 2 back ze gurls when eber someone says ze truth about zem
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


This post is very educative. How I wish all the ladies will stick to the teachings of this post.
hmmm...and why didn't u say the men? as this post clearly addressed the men also.
greetings from Ihsaneey