
Ramadan Mubarak!

I pray that we get the full blessings of Ramadan and may Allah (SWT) grant us more blessings in the year to come.
Amin Summa Amin.

Ramadan Kareem,

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Started by mlbash, June 06, 2005, 05:31:04 PM

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> Syeda Muneeba Masood <> wrote:
> Middle of the night:
> The Messenger (Peace and Blessing be upon him) said:
> "The Gates of Heaven are open at midnight, and a
> caller calls, 'Is there a supplicant that his
> supplication may be granted? Is there a petitioner
> that his petition maybe granted? Is there a
> distressed person so that his distress may be
> removed?' At that time, no Muslim makes a Dua but
> that it is answered, except for an adulteress who
> trades with her body, or a person who gathers his
> money unlawfully." [Sahih al-Jami' 2968]
> At the time of Azan and between it and the Iqamah:
> The Messenger (Peace and Blessings Be upon Him)
> said: "A Dua between Azan and the Iqamat is not
> refused, so make du'a at that time." [Ibn Khuzaymah,
> Ibn Hibban]
> The Messenger (Peace and Blessing Be upon Him) said:
> "Two kinds of du'a are not rejected - or rarely are
> they rejected - du'a at the time of the call for
> prayer, and du'a at the time of fighting when the
> warriors are engaged with each other." [Abu Dawud]
> On Friday after 'Asr The Messenger (Peace and
> Blessings Be upon Him) said: "Friday has twelve
> periods. Among them is a period when no Muslim asks
> Allah for anything but He grants it to him. Search
> for that period late after 'Asr." [Sahihal-Jami'
> 8402]
> When it is raining:
> The Messenger (Peace and Blessings Be upon Him)
> said: "Two kinds of du'a are not rejected: du'a at
> the time of the call for prayer, and du'a during
> rain." [Abu Dawud]
> Being a parent, while fasting and while travelling:
> The Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said:
> "Three types of du'a are undoubtedly granted: a
> parent's du'a for his children, du'a of a fasting
> person, and du'a of the traveller." [Abu Dawud]
> While Making Sujood:
> The Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be upon Him) said:
> "The servant is closest to his Lord while in sujud,
> so ask Allah in that time."
> Laylatul-Qadr:  
> Aisha asked the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be upon
> Him) What should I say on Laylatil-qadr? And he
> replied, O Allah, indeed you are a Pardoner,and you
> love pardon; so pardon me "Allahuma inaka afuuin
> tuhibul afua Fahafu Anni"
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