Started by mallamt, February 20, 2006, 09:01:58 PM

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With the resource control debate and power shift or power rotation etc debate that keeps showing its head in the politics of nigeria let us discuss this scenario honestly, considering the current state of arewa.

Oil producing states are allowed to keep proceeds from oil, the nigeria senate weakens the powers in the centre and thus presidency is just a title without much powers what will we do?  Are we ready for such a situation?  Can we say that we are planning and growing arewa in its areas of strength? Are we attracting investment into arewa? can we, like the emirates in the desert or finland without any world known resource yet are manufacturers of the most popular brand of cell phone handset (nokia) attract investments into our place or create something? Are we building human capital that can grow and advance arewa as well as be influential on world stage in terms of commerce, science etc?  Are we looking at making ourselves self reliant?  Is arewa looking at the right priorities or are we just chasing shadows?  Are we looking at growing or diversifying our economy like some of the southern states such as Akwa Ibom state?Let us have an open discussion


It is really frightening just to think about some of the questions you raised let alone to try to sincerely answer them or contemplate the import and consequences of the realities of the answers.

dan mama

i really really agree with u on all that u have said. instead of our northen leaders to think of jhow to empower the people of the north they are busy doing things that will not help the people. instead of thinking of how to make the large unproductive population we have in the north productive they are busy  trying to enforce laws that are just not it like the issue of women not riding on achabas. why dont they tackle issue like almajiranchi? arent most of the achaba riaders almajirai? why dont they provide very good and cheap education for the chlidren?we the northerners have ruled this country for a very long time and there is nothing to show for it form the murtalas to the abachas all they have done is enrich them selves at the expense of their people.we the northeners have our selves to blame for all that is happening to us and with the way things are going we are about to loose it all cos they in the south have the leadership it they are in no hurry to return it back to us cos they now know that they have they leadership and the engine(oil) that runs the . the country. the sooner we come together and think of how to fordge ahead the better for us else i foresee worse problems coming ahead
ets always stand for the truth no matter how bitter it is.