Started by Idris, May 24, 2006, 02:10:12 AM

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Law does not rule rather it is a person that rules by law.

No matter how perfect a system is, if there is no Just leader, the community is a misguided community.

There has been a great deception that LAW can rule. Nay! It is man that rule by law.

Law is dead that it can neither enforce nor defend itself.

Allah says: "Whoever does not judge by the Book of Allah" and did not say "Whoever does not allow the book of Allah to judge him"

Allah did not talk about establishing perfect laws on earth but talked about establishing righteous servants that will rule by His laws.

Where is it in history that law ruled? Is it not Might that has ruled most part of the time?

Therefore, a Muslim must not accept anyone as his/her ultimate leader until he/she is convinced that such a leader is immune from sin ? that he has absolute control over himself and he is sincere.

A Muslim must be vigilant to ascertain that his leader remains just. He/she has to be on the watch to ensure that he/she is obeying Allah and not the wishes of anyone.

The promise of Allah is to establish His righteous servant on earth ? those just people that are very careful and highly considerate of others.

Indeed such are the best community raised up for mankind. They enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency; and they believe in Allah.

A just leader rules by standard principles and procedure that are apparent to the members of his community. The leader has to be seen to be just.

A Muslim community is highly dynamic and unstable. There is no any assurance that a member will continue to be a member ? it depends on how much such member maintains his or her personal Taqwa.

Ignorance, negligence and following the crowd are not qualities and as such a person does not need any effort to acquire them unlike wisdom, vigilance and sense of direction. To remain a Muslim, a person must remain vigilant and struggle against his carnal and irrational desires ? this is difficult for many.

It is not where a person starts his journey that matters but the direction he is going.

Since there is free entry and exit, the existing community can collapse all at once or it can change so drastically that there is need to start all over again in matter of educating the members.

The leader is also at very high risk of enmity. Human beings easily turn enemies when their interests are touched no matter how long and close they have been to the leader. Some are not bold to announce their disloyalty. They remain hypocrites working dangerously against the leader from the background while pretending to be friends ? for others, it is cleverness.

If there has to be orderliness, learning and progress, there must be standard laws. Along the standard laws, the Just leader customises and makes necessary adjustments to handle exceptions.

The size of the 'body of law' of a community is inversely proportional to the level of trust in that community. Where the level of trust is higher the size of law is lower because the convention (which is the context) would have taken care of many things.

In an ignorant community, law is made to regulate the masses while the arrogant rulers are mostly above it or twist it as they wish. After all, they are the interpreters.

Any Muslim leader who is prevented (by the enemies) from ruling his community must fight to remove the persecution if he is able if not he is considered weak.

A Muslim does not need to go to any Jurist to give him verdict.

There are the guidelines outlining the wisdom of affairs from which every individual can draw and interpret according to his/her specific situation. Public laws must always be made known to the public.
Do not oppress and do not allow yourself to be oppressed