Started by Dan-Borno, February 13, 2008, 11:12:02 PM

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".....If the prevalence of public nudity is allowed to completely annihilate our age-long values of very high morals, we would be forced to all wear iron jeans trousers with padlocked belts to avoid being raped or sexually assaulted. God forbid!...."  Senator Ekaette's speech while presenting the Nudity Bill

The first time i was informed by a friend working with the
National Assembly Commission that a female senator is
sponsoring a bill which will prohibit and punish public nudity
in Nigeria, i become agap and shot of wards, especially when
the bill sponsorer is a woman (mother indeed).

Nigerians (especially men with the fear of God) should see
this as a window opportunity to make a change in our
society.  We need not recollect how so many girls intimidate
men of God into committing unwarranted acts leading to so
many cases in the police diary.

Recently, so many universities have adopted the dress code
regulation all in a way to curbing this ugly situation which
from all indication is fastly ruining our sisters modesty.

This bold step by Distinguished Senator will no doubt create
sanity within our society.  The bill if passed into law (I pray
old this old male Senators will support the bill, for most of
them like watching girls in that type of dress) will prohibit
all forms of nudity as follows:-

i.     the breast of a female
ii.    laps of a female
ii,    belly and or waist
iv.   2 inches below the shoulders downwards to the knee
v.    male person: any part from the waist to the knee
vi.   transparent cloth for both sexes

she also went further to expantiate her bill in defining
what constitute sexual intimidation - which refers to all
or any of the following:-
a.    action or circumstances which will amount to demand
       for sexual intercourse with either male or female.
b.    asking for sexual intercourse under a guise
c.     exposing private part in a way to arose sexual flavour
       from the opposite sex.

This Senator is wonderful, she also went ahead to kick
harder on controversial lawyers in defining what she is
referring to as private part -  part of the body which is
2 inches below the shoulders level downward to the knee
of a female person while that of a male is from the waist
to the knee.

The Penalty
Whoever is found guilty of dressing contrary to this law
will be liable for imprisonment of a term of three (3) months
or fine of 10,000.00.  This punishment also applies to those
who abet the commission of the offence.

What will be the reaction of her other Senators and the
general public if this bill is finally signed into law.
If this bill is passed into law, will it be in conflict with the
universally aclaimed rule of law?  God save us.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak
