
Started by Jibo, July 24, 2008, 03:36:09 PM

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1. A Reward For Revenge
When the world is dead divided;
And the races are drawn in their hatred.
The battle line is thinly drawn!

Reason fades away thinly into the limbo.
And I heard a gun-shot?
From the fire-shot of racism.

Cruel one that took away my Love.
Taking away my inspiring spirit.

Raging in anger and hatred,
Voices are mere shallow from distant skies.
Reason has no place in a state,
Whence raging anger doth control
And the rewarding and consoling desire is revenge.
But all these, She is gone, never again
To be clasped by my desiring arm.
Revenge or not,
Everything will never the same be again,
But the self-satisfying raging anger.

2. What I would Miss
Good Conduct and Beauty
Are two good gifts from Allah.
But to endure by all senses,
Good Conduct by all measures,
Outlives Beauty in all pleasures.

But what most love would want
For Beauty would match,
All what love would desire!

In blindness for what would appear
To be good for what is desired.
Beauty endures not the unfriendly hands of time.
And age would not spare what Beauty would show.

But Good Conduct would with the power of time compete.
And each with its wit would win;
What Beauty would not endure!

Beauty would forever be forgotten,
On its death-bed rotten.

3. Illusion of our Thought
Just and Fair are not Equality.
For all things made the same are not equal.
Just as 5 and 5 cannot ten make.

It is logical and fair but not equal.
This is no puzzle but an open truth,
We all seek but fail to give it a place.

Just as you fail to give this a place,
That 5 and 5 cannot ten make.
It is the illusion of your own logic,
But not the open truth we seek.

To be Just and Fair,
Is to place all things the same,
In the right place they belong.

4. My Eighth Wonders
Life is sweet
But time moves so swift
And the breeze blows my sweat.

Close in my mind
It all comes alive
This seemingly simple face

With radiant smile
Like a bud of Rose
And the scent so rose.

These cast a smile
On my simple face
And the thoughts simply beautiful

Oh Ye my angel!
A fragrance of my life!
A time-frame of my days!
Thou art wonderful!
The eighth in the world.

5. Rest
When you travel this distance
You shall have a cool rest
And sweet nurse shall overtake you
To refreshen your brain

And a cool beautiful breeze
Shall cool your nerves

And let me sing you to sleep
And when you wake you shall be anew

6. After the Journey
Now that you wake up
I pray the stubborn weary has gone
With the sweet nurse at dawn

And all the pains shall
But a dream come to be

With a relief, you give a sigh
From the disturbing yawn at sight
And that you are delivered with a big smile.
A lazy youth is definitely a begging adult! Bata hankalin Dare ka yi suna!: Fas'alu ahalil zikri, inkuntum la ta'alamun!


Nice ones Jibo.
There is a poetry section where you could post them.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: gogannaka on July 26, 2008, 08:56:43 PM
Nice ones Jibo.
There is a poetry section where you could post them.

Hello, gogannawa?! Thanks for the comment. Watch out from the poetry section, I will post another one there!
A lazy youth is definitely a begging adult! Bata hankalin Dare ka yi suna!: Fas'alu ahalil zikri, inkuntum la ta'alamun!



Tester, as a new member to the Kanoonline forum, You are welcome and have a great time! Hope you will contribute immensely especially to the poetry section! Keep on reading! 8) 8) 8) ;D
A lazy youth is definitely a begging adult! Bata hankalin Dare ka yi suna!: Fas'alu ahalil zikri, inkuntum la ta'alamun!