Started by bamalli, May 25, 2010, 11:34:45 AM

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No doubt Nigeria is a very important and unique nation, not only in the African continent, but in the whole world. This is a fact that upsets many nations, forces and interest groups, within and outside the country. It is a fact Nigeria is a very vast country naturally endowed with abundant human and natural resources; mostly untapped.
Nigeria, since pre-independence has been experiencing insistence of lootings of these resources by the colonialists, the post independence, the military eras and all the republics. She has suffered and is still suffering from indiscriminate Plundering and squandering of public treasuries with impunity. But all these 'crimes to nationhood' did not cripple her, nor cause its eventual disintegration as postulated by some 'foreign enemies' who hope no good for her.
All malevolence, malice, wickedness and mischievousness were used freely and without sense modesty to scrape Nigeria dry and empty, but has proved defiant. Today Nigeria is limply stepping into its silver jubilee, defying the wish of the evildoers from within and outside the country. They have vowed that they won't let her rest and match into nationhood like its peers of Tiger nations.
Since 9/11 episode, Nigeria being pushed into the catastrophic webs of terrorism, with promises of financial and intelligence assistance, but she has resisted the poisonous temptations. When the pushing method failed, pulling technique was then employed with the hope that, that will lead to her final funeral rites. They plotted against Nigeria to follow the footsteps Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan in killing and shading the bloods of innocent civilians, in name of religious duty.
Now they are bent on importing terrorism, 'duty-free' into this country, capitalizing on the recent Jos carnages. Specifically they want create al-Qaida militants to cause mayhem and bloodbath to their fellow citizens. Their main objective is to disintegrate Nigeria by perpetually causing internal crises leading to suicide bombings. They just want to disrupt our mutual and peaceful coexistence between the numerous ethnic groups and cultures! Nigeria refused to be destroyed from within and outside. What they fail to accept as another fact is that Nigerians are naturally blessed with wisdom of managing their numerous natural and artificial multifaceted problems. They have accepted to live together by sharing their God-giving insatiable resources. The north developed the south and now the south is sustaining the entire nation without squabbles. We know this is giving our enemies especially across the boarders some sleepless nights. We know too that they won't give us peaceful nights either. But with prayers and fasting Allah will take us to the Promised Land!
Recently a young and inexperienced Umar Faruq Mutallab was wickedly lured into the evil web of the al-Qaida and mesmerized into blowing off an American bound flight on Charismas eve, many years after 9/11. This single isolated fault earned blanket condemnation and blacklist for more than 150 million people. Even though we do not deserve this lopsided categorization, Nigeria neither swerves nor staggered to disintegration.
Some years before this august event, prophets of dooms made predictions and postulations to the eventual disintegration of Nigeria. Young and irate youths of the Niger delta are being armed to the teeth and trained to wreck havoc to the mono-economic source by blowing off oil installations. The treaty and eventual amnesty of President Umar 'Yar Adua succeeded in dousing the tempo of the catastrophe; we know this did not go down well with them either.
A so called al-Qaida group of Morocco, after the January 17, 2010 Jos carnage,  offered to Nigerian Muslims everything they would need to fight the Christians of West Africa. The offer includes but not limited to 'training and weapon to fight the Christians in the West Africa.'  The statement went further to charm the Nigerian Muslims, thus, 'We are ready to train your people in weapons, and give you whatever support  we can in men and munitions, arms to enable you to defend our people in Nigeria. You are not alone in this test. The hearts of the Mujahideen are in pain over your troubles and desire to help you as much as possible, in the Islamic Maghreb, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine (and) Chechnya. ' It was alleged to have been signed by one Abu Mus'ab Abdul-Wadud, their 'emir' or leader of the group'. Yet no one heed this indistinct, foolish and practical joke offer. That also did not go down well with the script writers.

Now another ambiguous militant group, according to Yahoo news of Tuesday 16, March 2010, is urging Nigerian Muslims to use "the sword and the spear" to rise up against Christians of Africa This call was posted on a site that was only monitored by a U. S. Group in America! 'The video on the Ansar al-Mujahideen forum, a Web site sympathetic to al-Qaida, comes in the wake of a series of religious massacres and riots in central Nigeria'. The news of the offer continues thus; 'the video shows television news footage and graphic images of those killed as a narrator tells viewers "the solution is jihad in the cause of Allah," according to a translation provided by the site Intelligence Group. 'Negotiations, dialogues and protests will not stop the advancement of the enemies and their massacres," the narrator says. "Nothing will stop them but the sword and the spear."'The narrator also says the "crusader West" is interested in Nigeria for its abundant oil reserves. He refers to President Umaru Yar'Adua, a Muslim from northern Nigeria, as a "tyrant" who allowed the killing of a sect leader whose group's attacks on police stations and rioting left more than 700 people dead in July'.
This one sounds more fictitious than the first one that was monitored only by Reuters for Nigerians. The call sounds very fairy too, more so that it was posted in Arabic language, when they knew that Nigerians do not speak Arabic language, when they knew that Nigeria is largely perpetual blackouts due to power failure, when they knew that most Nigerians cannot access internet; that's attention-grabbing!
Here sensibility calls for screening of everything you read or hear. The first offer was everything modern, from warfare training to heavy equipment, to men, to intelligence, but only to 'fight only the West African Christians'. The second call expanded the war to include the entire African continent, and no offer of finances or military equipments was made. That the 'jihad' should be fought with only 'sword and spear'! Is it importaed terrorism not suicidal for the Muslims? Haba al-Qaida? You think we are that docile?
Recently also, Moammar Gadhafi, Libya's leader, made another reckless offer to Nigeria leaders, thus;  'nothing would stop ethnic violence in Nigeria except splitting the oil-rich nation into Muslim and Christian states', the official news agency reported Tuesday. Moammar Gadhafi told a group of African student leaders in Tripoli that the violence in Nigeria is a "deep-rooted conflict of a religious nature" that requires a radical solution.

Nigerians, and particularly the Muslims are not idiot as to answer the call of anybody to break their part of the covenant of mutual and peaceful coexistence the founders of Nigeria entered on our behalf and the generations yet unborn, since over 50 years ago! Nigerian Muslims sue for peace since inception, and will keep their oath as ours forever!
Thus all these recent calls should be strongly and vehemently disregarded, discarded and ignored.
Please live Nigeria and Nigerian alone. Nigerians can manage their problems internally. We have done that and we will continue to do that again and again!
Long Live Nigerians! Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Written by Husain Zakaria Yawale