The Wikileaks revelations on Abuja

Started by Suleman, December 09, 2010, 01:16:40 PM

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The wikileaks revelations have stunned many. Not a few Governments, the world over are blushing, as documents reveal the true characteristics behind the diplomatic rigmarole the public usually get in so called "official statements".
Searching through the cables for any reference to Abuja, this cable caught my attention. The cable can be read here
1) As i have always suspected, the role played by many of our Northern leaders in Making JEG not just active president, but a substantive one at the height of the Yaradua health crisis has not, and may never be recognised let alone appreciated.

2) The cable has also corraborated an info that I got at that time regarding Danbazau's role in averting a coup by junior officers due to lack of leadership in the country. But obviously, our media knows nothing better than to brand him and all other Northern leaders as the cause of the present impasse. There is no doubt that some Northereners utilised the opportunity to their selfish gains but branding all is just being mischieveous.

3) The biggest revelation is GEJ's confession that he did not think he was good enough for VP and that he only got it because he was from the Niger Delta. Now if this isnt Zoning at its best, I wonder what is?


Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Here are the highlights:

The world's biggest pharmaceutical company hired investigators to unearth evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in order to persuade him to drop legal action over a controversial drug trial involving children with meningitis

The cable reports a meeting between Pfizer's country manager, Enrico Liggeri, and US officials at the Abuja embassy on 9 April 2009. It states: "According to Liggeri, Pfizer had hired investigators to uncover corruption links to federal attorney general Michael Aondoakaa to expose him and put pressure on him to drop the federal cases. He said Pfizer's investigators were passing this information to local media."

The cable, classified confidential by economic counsellor Robert Tansey, continues: "A series of damaging articles detailing Aondoakaa's 'alleged' corruption ties were published in February and March. Liggeri contended that Pfizer had much more damaging information on Aondoakaa and that Aondoakaa's cronies were pressuring him to drop the suit for fear of further negative articles."

In an earlier meeting on 2 April between two Pfizer lawyers, Joe Petrosinelli and Atiba Adams, Liggeri, the US ambassador and the economic section, it had been suggested that Pfizer owed the favourable outcome of the federal cases to former Nigerian head of state Yakubu Gowon.

He had interceded on Pfizer's behalf with the Kano state governor, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau – who directed that the state's settlement demand should be reduced from $150m to $75m – and with the Nigerian president. "Adams reported that Gowon met with President Yar'Adua and convinced him to drop the two federal high court cases against Pfizer," the cable says.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment



One question I would like to ask before commenting on these WikiLeaks revelations is: how reliable are these; I mean the sources they got the leaks from?
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: Muhsin on December 10, 2010, 11:32:41 AM

One question I would like to ask before commenting on these WikiLeaks revelations is: how reliable are these; I mean the sources they got the leaks from?

Muhsin, they are called leaks because they are official transcripts; not made up or hear say. They are the real thing. Meanwhile as expected Mr Niboro has come to the rescue of GEJ. His defence is that "the cables are 3rd party and not genuine". Why does he have to open his mouth for goodness sake? Must he always make a fool of himself and the President? Its high time GEJ replaces this guy with someone competent enough, who will know when to shut up.


Quote from: Suleman on December 10, 2010, 01:54:52 PM
Quote from: Muhsin on December 10, 2010, 11:32:41 AM

One question I would like to ask before commenting on these WikiLeaks revelations is: how reliable are these; I mean the sources they got the leaks from?

Muhsin, they are called leaks because they are official transcripts; not made up or hear say. They are the real thing. Meanwhile as expected Mr Niboro has come to the rescue of GEJ. His defence is that "the cables are 3rd party and not genuine". Why does he have to open his mouth for goodness sake? Must he always make a fool of himself and the President? Its high time GEJ replaces this guy with someone competent enough, who will know when to shut up.

Was this via bugging those offices? I read the Wikileaks chairman, Mr. Assange will be charged for espionage tomorrow in the court.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


The cables were obtained from some disgruntled soldiers and uploaded to wikileaks website.
The site has been brought down but its lovers mirrored the site to more than 500 location.

I learnt that the US has traced from where the cables came from and has arrested the person that leaked them. He has been released according to some sources.
Julian assange can haardly be tried for espionage as he did not spy on the US. His website hosted confidential and secret documents of the US.
They should then go ahead to charge the newspapers that publish the information of espionage too.

If i were them i would use the situatioin to my own advantage,but trying to forcefully bring wikileaks down will just garner more sympathy to wikileaks and Julian Assange. Right now Russia and China are touting him for a Nobel prize.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Saw a headline that a rival (I think website) for Wikileaks has just launched. Anyone know what that means?


It either means divide and rule
in trying to shut wikileaks down another wikileaks has sprang up.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: gogannaka on December 15, 2010, 02:13:46 PM
It either means divide and rule
in trying to shut wikileaks down another wikileaks has sprang up.

Reminds me of the days of "You are either with us or against us".