Is ASALI an Important Issue in Marriage?

Started by Eskimo, March 22, 2004, 01:08:45 PM

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Quote from: "Anonymous"What can someone say about (Auren mutu'a) ?

Do you think it's good or ?

for those that sleep their dreams is a reality, wake up is just an illussion."

jewel of d nile.


Quote from: "Eskimo"Honestly I cannot marry a woman who converted to Islam just to marry me or becouse she loves me...In case I died she may revert into kufr with some of my children may be.

But just a convert that I met and I happen to love why wont I marry her and her develop her faith..

I Dont know if my opinion is contrary to yours?????

A Muslim can marry slaves. It is also permissible to marry people of the book (Christian and Jewish women). Allah (SWT) says, " This day are (all) things good and pure made lawful unto you. The food of the people of The Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. (Lawful unto you in marriage) Are (not only) chaste woman who are believers but chaste women among the people of the Book, Revealed before your time, when you give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, or secret intrigues. If any one rejects faith, Fruitless is his work, And in the hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good)." Q (5:5)

It is strongly recommended for men to be cautious when marrying a Christian or Jewish woman; the 'People of the Book'. Many of such marriages (nowadays) run into hitches. The solution to such problems may be for the husband to endeavour to teach the new convert, with patience, the knowledge of Islam and he should fear Allah (SWT) in the affair. This is in the event that she (the spouse) converts to Islam.

Many conditions are attached to the marriage to Ahl-Kitab, such as, Islam allows Muslim men to marry only chaste Christian or Jewish women, but such marriages should stem from a selection based on the chastity and moral uprightness of the woman. It is wrong for somebody to have an unlawful affair with a woman and after that immoral 'friendship' then decide to propose to the lady to convert to Islam, so that they can get married. In the first place such marriages are built on weak foundations, owing to the indecent relationship that has taken place. What should attract a Muslim to any woman should rather be her love for Islam, not the exotic curves, shape or size of her body or likewise. It is therefore imperative to understand that there is a huge difference between love and lust. Lust is, of course, an imaginary delusion or illusion induced by Satan. Lust has been described by a wise saying: The higher the temperature of lust rises; the deeper it is implanted into the heart of the lover and the further away the man becomes from reason.

The consequences in marrying non-Muslims can be disastrous, the repercussions tend to preclude their legality. However, it is not at all prohibited in Islam, but it is important to note the following: -

(i)   The Holy Prophet (PBUH) did not marry a non-Muslims, though it was legal
(ii)   The marriage may expose Muslims' secrets to un-believers through the wife,
(iii)   There is no inheritance between a Muslim and non-Muslims,
(iv)   The lady does not purify herself after intercourse by Ghusl Janaba,
(v)   The intrusion of her family, who may also be un-believers may un-settle the couple,
(vi)   The man (apparently) did not love the woman for the sake of Allah (SWT), since she is not a Muslim. And the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "There are three qualities (and) whoever posses them may taste the sweetness of faith. Firstly, one who loves Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (PBUH) above all, secondly, one who loves someone simply for the sake of Allah (SWT), and thirdly, one who abhors return to disbelief, after Allah (SWT) has rescued him from it, as he would abhor being thrown into the fire (the Hell)." 11
(vii)   The wife may not dress islamically; may not wear Khimar and Hijab,
(viii)   Her religion may not prohibit fornication and adultery,
(ix)   The Muslim (man) had help in solving a social problem for the non-Muslims, with the growing number of unmarried Muslim ladies, why should a believer abandon these Muslim spinsters and marry a non-Muslim?
(x)   In the event of the husband's death the woman may revert to disbelief taking back also the children into disbelief and shirk,
(xi)   Another disadvantage is that if the love of the man is stronger, the woman may undermine his faith,
(xii)   Such a marriage also causes friction between the man and his immediate family, who may object to the marriage because of their in-laws being unbelievers,    
(xiii)   There is the need for intensive teaching of the new converts, the knowledge of how to go about doing her Ibadat from scratch. Most people may not have the ability and the patience to do that satisfactorily, thus the lady may not get the necessary knowledge to perform her worship as expected,
(xiv)   The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had cautioned us on the selection of wives because they would eventually be the trainers of our children and, moreover, offspring naturally inherit the characters of their parents especially mothers.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) warned men to marry good mothers for their to be children. The children inherit such characters as intellect or lack of it, the good manners such as temperament, kindness, etc.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).