why cant i log in?

Started by madam, September 16, 2004, 09:14:42 AM

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i registered about two months ago but i have not been able to log in under my registered name.something about user name already taken or inactive.Do i have register again or are you restricting topics and reactions from us newcomers?


But you are logged in otherwise you woudlnt be able to post your complaint as "madam", Or are you one of those  multiple personality members?


Kitkat, I think madam here is logged in as a guest...

madam What you have to do is try to register again. This time use a user name that is not already taken by another member again. Good luck.
Kaini Kano ko a buhun barkono!!!


which means ur figure of registered users may be incorrect.it's a shame i have to register again wid another name.i kind of like my other name.



All that this means, is that someone has already registered with that name before you... This forum has been here for about 5 years now. Just use another user name please!

Kaini Kano ko a buhun barkono!!!


Admin but madam has posted a topic b4 using the name mutuniyar,meaning that she has used the name b4...
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment



I did not know that madam has posted a topic b4 using the name mutuniyar...

In that case madam should just send me an e-mail stating that username and madam's e-mail address, then I can reset it up for madam.

Kaini Kano ko a buhun barkono!!!