Nigeria Needs Prayers&fastings

Started by EMTL, October 12, 2004, 09:32:51 AM

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Yoruba Land

"Nigeria is a metaphor for a failed enterprise that defies orthodox management solutions. Consequently, one is compelled to suggest liquidation as a radical solution to Nigeria 's problem. It should be clear that there is nothing sacrosanct about the present composition of the county. Nigeria was a creation of the colonialists who due to selfish reasons brought different and largely incompatible ethnic nationalities together to ease exploitation and plunder of their resources. If at forty-four the country is more divided, liquidation remains as an only option. One thing should be to all, clear, there was when there was no Nigeria . So, if it ceases to exist today, it is not unprecedented. Unions are often formed and liquidated. Some years ago, there were Soviet Union , Czesclovakia, Yoguslavia and one Ethiopia , comprising the present Ethiopia and Eriteria, but today they no longer exist. Likewise, West and East Germany were two separate countries, today there is only one Germany .

One earnestly submits for a conference with whatever nomenclature where representatives of ethnic nationalities from all geo-political zones would gather at a round table, with a single agenda, liquidation of Nigeria . It is there they discuss modalities of separation and how common assets and liabilities can be shared. Through this multiple objectives of checkmating violence, ensuring most-sought resource control and charting clear direction by emerging sovereing states, based on their respective peculiarities, would be achieved. Therefrom, they could negotiate newly defined relationships through bilateral and multilateral agreements. In politics as the saying goes,"there is neither permanent enemy nor permanent friend, but there is always permanent interest." It is better that Nigeria is peacefully liquidated, rather thanit ethnic nationalities fighting costly and avoidable wars."

Sanusi, Publisher of Zabi-Sonka

Newspaper, Kano -based Vernacular news-

Paper, No: 16 Gyad-Gyadi, Zaria Road , Off

Babban Layi/ 'Yaudusa, Kano

Yoruba Land


Yoruba Land, why exactly would liquidation of Nigeria lead to better life for ANY of its people? Pretty much any country in Africa can use the excuse of colonial incemtion to break up. Is there any basis for conparison btw Nigeria and the Soviet Union? First of all, how big was is the Soviet Union, geographically and population-wise, as conpared to Nigeria? Do they compare in terms of the diversity of the populace? And consequently, how big are its splinter parts compared to what those of Nigeria would be?

Yoruba Land

lionger, this is the argument as shown in one of the threads dealing with the contentious issue:

" Let us take a brief review of the state of nation states in the last six decades, since the signing of the UN Charter in San Francisco in 1945. At that date there were about 50 countries. Twenty years later the states had multiplied to about 100, due largely but not only restricted to decolonization. Prior to that was the decline of the great multi-ethnic units which began at the end of the 1st World War with the dissolution of the:

(a) Austro-Hungarian
(b) Trsarist and the
(c) Ottoman; empires.

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to the independence of 15 Republics while the fall of Yugoslavia led to the creation of 5 republics. Today there are over 200 countries registered as members of UNO and the process is still continuing.

The examples stated above are admittedly at the international level, but ingredients of fragmentation are also to be found within countries, particularly in Nigeria where the landscape is dominated by the following trends:
(i) accentuation of differences to the detriment of whatever creates common causes
(ii) the decline of the centre in favour of the periphery

These trends are compounded by the following tendencies:

(a) Separatism

(b) Provincialism

(c) Parochialism

Some of the trends and tendencies will inevitably exist in any polity and need not ring alarm bells, but to exist in one polity at the same time with such vehemence, should make us think of the unthinkable, that this place may just fragment not out of our desire but as the logical consequences of the drift we have found ourselves in. Nigeria is like a ship that is rudderless or a plane on automatic pilot and may run into rocks or sand or crash in a wilderness.

Even at the integrative trends of globalization, the economic agenda which is basically to create not just a capitalist-world order but market societies, has the potentials of replicating the injustices of the global economy within national economies with devastating consequences for social stability. The state and its agencies will not be neutral in this."

Can you see the reason behind our bid for liquidation? At least to reduce our suffering to the minimal. going by the records of history nothing can stop the liquidation of this country whether we like it or not. It is not geography or size of population but it is all about worldview that makes it difficult for us to continue living.

Also I recommend you read all the postings of the legendary Waziri about this subject. I earlier think you agreed with him since you were not able to putforward stronger points.