Insanity Unlimited: OBJ's Poverty Insult

Started by alhaji_aminu, November 11, 2004, 05:27:19 PM

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Those who are in doubt of the senelity and utter out-of-touchness of Obasanjo have to read this article. It can be found through this link

Only God can forgive the kind of verbal assault OBJ is subjecting hapless Nigeria to everyday. Perhaps he is forgetting that fuel pricse went up twice without a commensurate increase in salaries. Or that he is introducing tuition for Nigeria Varsities (rumored to be around N 80,000) without adequately explaining how a minimum wage employee of the FG (@ N 7500 a month) can afford that.

Almost everthing OBJ has done is wrong and anti-people. You can make the arument that he either has a jelly brain or that he is controlled by the IMF and World Bank crusaders. Only the latter holds more weight as evidenceb byhis appointing a World Bank executive as the helmswoman for Nigerias finances.

Quite simply, Obajanjo is an imbecile....

Need I say more?????????????????????


Assalamu alaikum, maong the worst things that have ever befell Nigerians is having OBJ as their president. Allah (SWT) ya bamu chanji na kwarai kwana-kusa.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


dan kauye

that fool is still an undergrown baby with tooth and a beard, with a bottle of feeding bottle placed in his mouth to drink, still wearing pampers and some trace of urine seen on the floor.IT is exactly what Obasanjo is, he should go to h*ll. i'm just pissed off by dis yeyye govt kawai!
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke

dan kauye

Quote from: "myadudu"Need I say more?????????????????????

no myadudu..u needn't say more coz  seriously speaking OBJ  isn't worth discussing anymore!
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke


the issue of nigeria and the leadership style of  our  so call elders was seriously heart breaking. all this nonesense which obj was subjecting nigerian's to was tactfully crafted and designed by his masters in IMF with connivance of some few class among us. so long for fuel increament,tuition fee,insecurity, and corruption at the upper class which becomes the order of the day.we believe in one thing that...WHAT'S GO UP MUST COME DOWN!!! komai nisan dare gari zai waye.

Radina billahi Rabban,
Wa bil Islami Dinan,
Wa bi Muhammadin Nabiyya!"




I think it's unanimous, OBJ's govt is not performing. And part of the reason it's not is because he has concentrated so much power in the hands of a few vampirish officials. They, with the approval of OBJ, think increasing the min capitalization of banks will help the economy. Or, building a 60 billion naira stadium will give a positive image to the country. Or, increases in fuel prices will stimulate private investments in refining petroleum.

Thus far, none of those intended results have been achieved. I mean, isnt this an indictment of his miserable failure of leadership and economic mismanagement?

But no, the apostles of free markets and globalization- read IMF and WB- think otherwise. Nigeria's credit rating is slated to improve this year because of the excess cash she earned due to the rise in prices of crude oil.

As we have all said and I am now saying once more, Allah ya taimakemu gaba daya.... ameen.