Killings, Killing, and More Killings over comical cartoons

Started by sammy, February 22, 2006, 11:28:46 PM

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Here we go again, not too long I posted an article on this forum where I made a point that the majority of Nigerian Muslims (especially northern ones) are not very rational people.  The reaction I got from certain quaters here was that of anger, antagonism, opposition, and even boycott. Eventually, the admin in his dictatorial prowess, closed down the thread because it was apparently too sensitive for him, and he couldn't handle the truth. Fact is, as bitter as my remarks may have been, I was not far from the truth.

About a month after the initial Islamic riots began in the middle East over the comical depictions of the prophet in a Danish tabloid, the insane and irrational Northern Nigerian Muslims choose as usual in their follow follow nature, to stage their own protest. The difference is, their own protest is always extreme and bloody.  What should be baffling to anyone is the rationale for this demonstrations/protest in the first place.
These are factor rational human beings need to consider

1. The cartoons were published in Denmark.
2.. The publisher of the cartoon is a tabloid (one establishment), not the
    entire Danish society.
3.  Nigerians are not Danish people and have no cultural, ancestral, or
   any relationship with Danes.
4. The Christians/southerners in Nigeria had nothing to do with the
5.  Nigerian churches had no interest or participation in the publication
    and or distribution of any cartoon depicting the prophet of terror as
    a terrorist.

If there is any shread of sense in the head of rampaging northern Nigerian muslims, they would have stopped for a second to think about their terroristic actions.  Without provocation, the bloodthirsty fiends went on their usual killing spree of innocent people, and burning down scores of churches. Wow! I guess allah and his 'faithful' prophet are sitting up there in paradise and smiling in appreciation of the carnage that faithful muslims unleashed on innocent people going about their business.  This is supposed to be the religion of peace and tolerance right?

There are ignorant people on this site that have repeatedly bashed christianity where there was clearly no need for it. They accuse Christianity of condining immorality, etc. That is all fine.  However, one sect of people appear to be more rational human beings that the other. It is strange however, how people with "superior" religion prove to be animals and those with "inferior" ideaology always have the sense to exercise restraint.

Why was it necessary to burn down 22 churches? What wrong did the churches do? Why was it necessary to kill southerners and non Muslims? What was their crime? Do Muslims sit for a minute to think straight? No way.  The old cliche that 'not all Muslims are fanatics" is crap. There are no moderates in Islams. That term is just a passifist way of being politically correct. Truth is, all Muslim are fanatics, some are just more extreme than others. The less extreme ones are just distracted by other interests. If their status changed, they would be just as extreme as the bloodthirsty majority.

In the history of religions, no religion has proven to be as evil  and as destructive as Islam. It is a very unforgiving religion, killing is highly encouraged, and hypocrisy rules its affairs.  The religion cannot decide whether to be compassionate or flat out demonic. One minute it romances with compassion, but the next minute, it encourages its followers to seek conflict with non Muslims.  So technically, the murdering lunatics responsible for killings of innocent people in the north are indeed practicing true Islam, and are being 'good' Muslims.

When a religion becomes the main destabilizing force in a society, it really says a lot about the nature of such a religion. When a religion becomes a threat to World peace, it does say a lot about the religion. How Islam qualifies as a religion in the first place is beyond my imagination. To any right thinking person, Islam is a CULT.  Only a CULT will drive people to become blood thirsty animals as we have seen on several occassions in Nigeria and the rest of the World.

I think it is time the rest of the Non Muslim population in Nigeria say enough is enough, it is time to path ways with Fanatical Murderers. It is time for Muslims to have their own seperate nation. This way, they can freely practice their cultish rituals and madness, and keep it all within its borders.  That is now! American was not wrong a CIA report predicted the disintegration of that useless union in the next 15 years. I say that is stretching the inevitable demise of a nation. It should happen now, and let everyone be rid of the Islamists. Goodness! Enough is Enough!!!!!!!!


Sammy come here (*Paw*Paw*Paw*Paw) now go back home and tell your mum that the greatest mistake she made was giving birth to you but before you that that you should know that you are a real fool to group as an airhead and naming the members of your family who chair the airhead commitee and sitting on the board of directors.

Secondly take a trip to the nearest redeeeming point and redeem your self because I believe you are disturbed by the inner demons habouring your soul because your soul has definately been rejected by the gates of heaven so better spend your disturbed life ministering your lost soul.

Thirdly isnt there a passage from which ever religious book you follow, that you can recite to chase the evil spirits out of your body? Isnt there some holy water that you can bath and wash the demonic creatures harbouring your soul? Disturbed pieace of shit.....wished you came as a clot of blood & not a human being......I bet you a million bucks you are definately one of those who hate seeing all religion living in peace. Your useless & uncivilised self joined the forum and realising how all issues are discussed in a civilised manner didnt rest in your mind (though your mind is disturbed as I said). Anyway didnt like that idea at all that people are not hating but trying to discuss matters so you tried at all cost to stir trouble. Well NEWSFLASH, YOU HAVE NO FOLLOWERS HERE, EVEN IF THEY SHARE SAME RELIGION WITH YOU BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT AS STUPID NOR AS IGNORANT AS YOU ARE.

The real thing is you have flesh on your nasty bones, no brains for head......mumu....If you were within close proximity I would have just fed you to Bingo my dog :roll: but you wont even do for a good meat because of your diseased infested, retarded herpes infested, low life, low I Q'd, good for nothing, useless, shameless beast! The coming together or your mum and dad to breed you was certainly a mistake waiting to happen.

And you have the shining armour to judge the Admin for locking a topic up. Idiot didnt you know it was simply because of lthe ikes of you who have to show the animal part of their body. Your purpose in this forum is not to hold discussions but just pure hate. Charity begins at home, so it is your parents that you should hate for training, brainwashing & engineering you to hate!


There is a place called a mental institution for frustrated, disturbed mind, you will do yourself good there because you are a liability to the world at large as am sure you have no future ambition but to hate. You can say whatever you like it wont hurt cus the truth is you are what I said, every inch of yourself..........Finally, LOL LOL LOL Pls dont ever marry and if you do I am sorry for the loser woman to hook up with you because your children will definately be a product of the devil and as Dummy as their father Sammy and seriously I do not want my children and their generation to be contagious.....

You havent seen jack!......for the respect of the very few people here including all my inlaws I would have>>>>>>>>>>>>God damned, this computer sef no dey do me justice. Face-to-face for better.

And let me see the person that will open mouth and say what I said is wrong, I will tripple ehn own :evil:  
Goodnight......I need my beauty sleep.
What you see is what you get[/b]



Sammy, if you are a Nigerian, then you must know exactly what causes this kind on nonsense. There is hardly anyone on this forum who will condone or justify what happened in Borno. Murder is murder is murder and it is wrong. Of course this should not be tied to Islam simply because violence, especially mob violence, is detested in Islamic tradition.

Before you disagree, take note of the fact that more muslims are victims of terrorism than any other set of people. There have been more than 45,000 Muslims killed in Iraq, by other muslims, simply because the terrorists don't share their world view.

The underlying cause of this madness (in maiduguri) is SocioEconomic. If one looks closely at what the target is and who the targeted, it can be seen that the prosperous communities- the Igbos, are the ones who bear the brunt of this senselessness. Why? because the native Hausa (or kanuris) are envious of the kind of success these 'foreigners' achieved in 'their' lands. If this weren't the reason, then the protestors (who are infact murderous gangs) would have attacked european symbols in the metropolis.

Let me quickly point out that OBJ's obsession with his third term bruhaha played a part in the crisis. Maiduguri, as many know, is one of the cities where the JCRC is supposed to sit. Katsina's case is no different.

Just in case you have not heard, there have been reprisal attacks in Onitsha where over 200 Hausa (presumably Muslims) were killed. Does that make Igbo Christians 'blood thirsty animals'- as you described Hausa Muslims? The answer is no. Neither group of belligerents represents the true teaching of their respective faiths.

I believe you have already made up your mind on what islam is so there is no reason trying to reason with you. I will however leave you with this thought, what Muslims do does not necessarily represents what Islam requires them to do. If you can wrap you head around this line of reasoning then I guess you are not entirely a hopeless case.

May the Almighty guide you and I


What you see is what you get[/b]


Hafsy, perhaps you should address the issue of  Islamic violence. Your redundant blabbing is irrelevant and quite senseless. I am not among the bloodthirsty vagabonds killing innocent women and children, your brothers and uncles in Maiduguri and Bauchi are doing just that and praising allah in the process.

Quite frankly, I wonder why you should have an opinion about my post anyway. You are a woman and Islamic tradition dictates that a man think for you. So where do you whore come off responding to my well written criticism of your murdering in-laws? Obviouslyour Sharia law has not been fully implemented in your state otherwise what would a harlot like you be doing on the internet rather than taking your position as the 3rd or 4th wife in the harem of an Alhaji and excelling in your domestic shores. What an idiot! I suggest you remain mute and observe only. This argument is way above your head, so go get busy in a hut somewhere.

Aminu, honestly I and millions of non Muslim Nigerians are tired of the bogus excuses given for this constant and evil massacres of innocent Nigerians. The Muslim leadership has proven over and over again by their inaction that they secretly support these acts of violence. And I am not talking about Iraq. I could careless if they completely annihilate themselves in Iraq. If it is socio-economic inequality, that argument does not hold sway. The power brokers and controllers of allocated resources are not the igbos, but the fulani overlords who control all the federal allocations handed out by the Federal govt.

If these murdering criminals want to honestly take out their frustration on anyone due to economic inequality, they should be looking at their own kit and kin. How come this isn't the case?  Similar socio economic inequality exist in other regions and communities in Nigeria, how come other affected Nigerians do not react in similar barbaric manner?

And yes I have heard of the reprisal attacks aainst Hausas in Onitsha. Do I condone it? No! But should it come as a surprise to anyone that it would come to this? How long did you think non Muslims would sit by at take the violence and assault on their lives? How many of them had to be murdered before they decide to take up arms themselves?

When this country disintegrates, just keep in mind that Northern Nigerians Muslims were key factors for the disintegration because they apparently cannot co-exist with anyone.  In may this year, I had an athletic event scheduled to hold in Abuja. I had a scouting event organized and 20 US college Basketball coaches were on board to attend. The main purpose was to scout for talents in Nigeria and offer athletic scholarships to kids that qualify. Do you know how much it cost to attend an accredited Division college in the states? For international students, it cost on average, $40,000 a year. We had a leadership program scheduled, and  coaches that were going to hand it to some poor kids for 4 years of sound education and an opportunity to better their lives and hopefully be a productive citizen and contributor to Nigeria.

Well, since CNN has been carrying news of this riots and killiings, the participating schools have withdrawn citing heightened insecurity in Nigeria. Several of the kids we had penciled down as prospects for this program were northern Muslims from Kadunar , Kano, and Niger. It took us over a year to coordinate this effort, and now it has gone down the drain all because of some intolerant lunatics.

It is amazing how some people try to build something while others simply destroy it.



t is my intention to make the neglected aspect of our societies viable


Quote from: "Hafsy_Lady" If you were within close proximity I would have just fed you to Bingo my dog :roll: but you wont even do for a good meat because of your diseased infested, retarded herpes infested, low life, low I Q'd, good for nothing, useless, shameless
A'a Auntyyyyyyyy e' don do!!!! (she laffs)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: :lol: Couldnt helpt it!.........

People calm down!
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


hmm hmm hmm, kai!!! Sammy, Sammy wow what an out burst!!  Your postings were generally rude, unfair and uncalled for.  One understands your frustration and anger but it is still not an excuse.  Please I beg you appologise to all.  I am not sure if you are a christian but if you are I am sure you know that one of the ten commandments is that you love your neighbour as yourelf (note it did not say your fellow christian).  You will also know that the scriptures tells says you must not let the sun go down while we are still angry in other words we must see God's love for us and on your anger, we must forgive those that trespass against us.  The scriptures futhure tells us that we must be slow to anger because anger leads to sin.  I needed to remind you of these just in case you were a christian.  None of the people in this forumn no matter what they may have said deserved what you have said and there millions of nigerians that do not deserve what you have said either.  I am really shocked with your postings remember in every society there are good people and bad people criminals and honest people.  It will be very unfair for someone to say all nigerians are crooks and 419ers just because of  a handful of nigerians, it is equally wrong to say all southerners in nigeria are armed robbers or drug pushers because of a handful etc I hope you get the drift.

kiyi hakuri, banji dadin rubutun sa ba nima ama yaya za ayi sai hakuri.

Thank you for a very calm contribution.  I agree with you in most instance however, I think we must start moving away from giving excuses and i am not saying this for this type of occurances but for other things that are not happening in the north.  as a northerner I believe it is time to own up on things that we or our people do that is wrong, it is the only way that we can arrest the moral and social decadance that is begining to show in the north


I am very sad to read the ravings of Sammy and even sadder to read the response from Hafsy Lady.

Human beings of whatever religion are capapble of great evil.
I will repeat what I said some time ago on this forum.
Until a Christian church can be safe in Kano or Maiduguri and a Moslem mosque safe in Onitsha or Owerri Nigeria will find all advance blocked.
Thank you Alhaji Aminu for your wise words and thank you Mallamt for pointing out that he communities of Nigeria have to look at themselves and take action against their own dangerous faults rather than blaming the other side and excusing murder and violence by their own people.


Hmm.......maybe we should condole sammy.. he probably lost his head in the riot and is using a tokunbo second new from a bend down boutique.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum