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Started by moray, October 02, 2006, 12:19:51 PM

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Pope Ratzinger and the Vatican are what can be described as 'a goodly apple rotten at the heart'.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


You saw what happened in Brazil, a poor country where the church still has enormous power. Is Brazil so different from Nigeria?


Yes Moray, Brazil is vastly different from Nigeria. There are a lot of bad eggs of course who pass themselves off as preachers and ppl of God in Nigeria, however, if what happened to that kid happened in Nigeria and ppl got to know about it, the priest would have been long dead and buried. Nigerians do not openly tolerate paedophilism. I think it is high time the catholic church allowed priests to get married. Celibacy is not a natural physiological condition for human beings. It should just be a means to an end  that has a short time span.

The power of the catholic church should also be curtailed since it doesnt serve the interests of its followers, and Ratzinger should never have become the pope as he was responsible for the misery of so many ppl for so many yrs.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Husnaa, I am glad to hear what you said about Nigeria.
However, the operative word was Nigerians don't OPENLY tolerate paedophiles. It is not openly tolerated anywhere, that is why the Catholic church kept quiet about it and simply transferred filthy priests to other parishes where they continued to abuse children.
Husnaa please do not take offence at this, but how do you know it is not happening in Nigeria, do you know any catholics, would they confide in you. It frightens me when people claim their own societies are free from child abuse, it happens everywhere.
The only way the Catholic Church will deal with it is if they are subject to outside pressure.


The reason why I said openly is because if u look at the case of the first priest who was interviewed in the program, the one who was jailed for seven yrs, he has been deported to Ireland. He is an acknowledged paedophile in the States, so there are restrictions on imposed on him with respect to contact with children. However, he has gone to Ireland where for all intents and purposes, the Irish public has now got to know that he is a paedophile, but that level of protection that children  get from him in the States, doesnt apply in Ireland and he gets easier access to children there, simply because he is not registered as a paedophile in Ireland. So that is in a way openly tolerating paedophiles albeit unwillingly, but there is nothing anyone can do unless he molests a child.
I dont know any catholic paedophiles in Nigeria either. Maybe there are one or two, but it is not a widespread phenomenon amongst Nigerian catholic priests.
There is no society in which children are not abused unfortunately. The level of abuse differs from one society to another.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Husnaa, please could you give me any contact number for Hausa organisations here in Britain. I would love to meet some of you people.


Sorry Moray
I dont live in England. I think what you can do is go to Bush House in London, to the BBC Hausa section. You will meet the Hausa news team and they can give u all the information u are looking for. Good luck
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Dear Husnaa,
Thank you for what you said before, it has helped me alot.
I just thought you might like to look at this


Click on Brian Darcy, he is an Irish priest who was abused. It is very moving to watch.
Thank you.