France new immigration bill "migratory apartheid"

Started by Baruti M. Kamau, June 16, 2006, 12:34:02 AM

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Baruti M. Kamau

Alpha Blondy likens France new immigration bill to "migratory apartheid"
By Baruti M. Kamau, Senior Staff Writer
The Barutiwa Daily Times

Paris, France - June 15, 2006 -- While France's upper house is preparing for national debate on a controversial immigration bill passed by parliament last month, many people in the English speaking world are beginning to take notice of several angry remarks made by famous West African raggae artist, Alpha Blondy, concerning the new law.

In essence, the new immigration bill states that foreigners with qualifications which are judged to be important for the French economy and labor market will be granted entry.  Those who lack such qualifications will not acquire entry.  This new policy, pending final approval by the French Senate, is officially couched in terms of selective immigration.  It is considered by the French establishment as productive, modern and fair to the French people.

Responding to this development, Alpha Blondy stated in an AFP/BBC interview: "This notion of chosen immigration, this migratory apartheid takes us back to the time of slavery, when the traders chose the strongest or those with the best teeth to take them to the west."

Alpha Blondy is generally known for his social and political commentary on African corruption, poverty, war and CIA meddling in the internal affairs of African countries.  His recent remark of relating chosen immigration to "migratory apartheid" and slavery angered several French politicians.

Nicolas Sarkozy, author of the bill and France's Interior Minister, emotionally retorted:  "African slavery was one of the worst tragedies of history and it is essential not to trivialise this crime against humanity by inapt comparisons.  Chosen immigration means regulated immigration, organised with reference to the reception capacity of our country..."

There are currently 4.4 million foreigners living in France and every year 140,000 arrive through legal venues.

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In essence, the new immigration bill states that foreigners with qualifications which are judged to be important for the French economy and labor market will be granted entry.  Those who lack such qualifications will not acquire entry.  This new policy, pending final approval by the French Senate, is officially couched in terms of selective immigration.  It is considered by the French establishment as productive, modern and fair to the French people.

They are just being smart man! THE WHOLE LIFE IS ABOUT GIVE AND TAKE.
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).