German court upholds ban on Hijab-clad teachers

Started by NewEte, January 18, 2007, 03:42:36 PM

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A German court upheld a ban on female Muslim teachers wearing the Islamic headscarf, or Hijab, in state schools under a law stipulating that teachers' attire must be in line with "Christian Western" values.

A Berlin-based Islamic association had protested the law, which authorities in the conservative-run state of Bavaria have used to ban Muslim teachers from wearing the Hijab while allowing Roman Catholic nuns to wear their head coverings in schools.

The law effectively blocks any religious expression in schools that could be deemed incompatible with constitutional, "Christian and Western'' values, according to a statement on the Web site of the Bavarian Constitutional Court.

The court said in its ruling on Monday that the Hijab ban neither violated religious freedom nor was discriminatory.

It also ruled that veiled Muslim teachers are not in a position to "mediate and embody constitutional educational goals, particularly the equal treatment of men and woman".

According to the ruling, a nun wearing a head covering isn't in violation of the law, because such vestments represent "Christian and Western'' values.

Judge Karl Huber said that the Bavarian state law did not favor the Christian faith, saying that the religious feelings of students and parents must be considered because teachers must transmit the values of the constitution.

But the Islamic Religious Community denounced the court ruling, saying that it violates equal treatment.

"We consider this decision wrong,'' said Abdurrahim Vural, president of the Islamic Religious Community.

A law "exclusively directed at Muslims and that expressly makes an exception for Christian nuns'' violates equal treatment, he added.

The Islamic Religious Community is now considering taking the case to the Federal Constitutional Court, Germany's highest court, according to one of the group's lawyers.

The Hijab is meant to protect Muslim women from the eyes of men outside their family. It has been the subject of heated debate in several European countries for more than a decade.

The German Parliament debated banning Muslim students from wearing the Hijab in 2003, when such a law was proposed in France, where Muslims make up 8% of the population. The Hijab ban was adopted by the French parliament in 2004, sparking Muslim anger.

In 2003, Germany's highest tribunal, the Constitutional Court, ruled that it was wrong to ban Muslim teachers from wearing a headscarf in the classroom.

However, it said that Germany's 16 states could legislate independently to ban religious outfits.

There are now eight German states that imposed the Hijab ban on public school Muslim teachers.

The ban sparked a debate about religious freedom and integration and prompted the German government to begin a series of meetings with representatives of the country's five million Muslims to foster better relations with the Islamic community.

-- AJP and Agencies


Haba! I wonder what these Germans are thinking. Walahi they are very unfair by not allowing muslims practice their religion fully. Imagine this.  It is so unfair. I mean even though muslims have the freedom to worship, observe religious festivities, operate mosques anywhere in Germany, and even own their own Islamic schools, etc, they however deny muslim teachers the right to wear the hijab.

Let's think about it. In Islamic countries imagine the kind of liberal benefits Christians and non muslims enjoy. Nobody disturbs them. In Islamic countries, non muslims are not even bothered if they do not conform to the dress code. In Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, churches and synagogues are flourishing everywhere, and the unbelievers have all the rights that muslims are denied in the West. Mmm, this west is so wicked. Just because they allow muslims enjoy the same freedoms as native europeans have, they think they can draw a line somewhere.

I suggest the western people visit core Islamic states and see how non muslims enjoy more rights and freedom. Maybe such an experience will help them understand the imbalance and injustice between the policies of both sides regarding rights.

My goodness, Germans are sooooooooooooooooo inconsiderate. If this was how they were going to be doing shakara, they should not have given the muslim teachers jobs in the first place. They could have kept their jobs and Allah would have provided better ones later.


I find this news disturbing. For the life of me, I don't see how banning Muslim women from wearing the Hijab while allowing Catholic nuns to wear their head coverings qualifies as 'christian western values'. Do we value discrimination? It's not in line with Western values and its definitely not Christian. There's nothing Christian about stripping certain women of the choice to wear scarves (which, quite basically is what the hijab is, a scarf - correct me if I'm wrong guys) while allowing others to do the same. As far as Christian values are concerned, a woman can wear whatever she likes as long as it is modest.

This development is rather worrying. Obviously it is symptomatic of Europe's struggles in dealing with its increasingly heterogenous demographic, due in no small part to the influx of immigrants from Islamic countries. The past year was quite disastrous with respect to the Danish cartoons controversy; both sides did very poorly. Germany's attempt to protect its image and identity is probably commendable, but this development runs the risk of alienating the Muslim community and encouraging the radical elements among them.


QuoteLet's think about it. In Islamic countries imagine the kind of liberal benefits Christians and non muslims enjoy. Nobody disturbs them. In Islamic countries, non muslims are not even bothered if they do not conform to the dress code. In Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, churches and synagogues are flourishing everywhere, and the unbelievers have all the rights that muslims are denied in the West. Mmm, this west is so wicked. Just because they allow muslims enjoy the same freedoms as native europeans have, they think they can draw a line somewhere.

I suggest the western people visit core Islamic states and see how non muslims enjoy more rights and freedom. Maybe such an experience will help them understand the imbalance and injustice between the policies of both sides regarding rights.
Tongue-in-cheek, Ete  :P ?


Quote from: lionger on January 18, 2007, 05:28:10 PM
QuoteLet's think about it. In Islamic countries imagine the kind of liberal benefits Christians and non muslims enjoy. Nobody disturbs them. In Islamic countries, non muslims are not even bothered if they do not conform to the dress code. In Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, churches and synagogues are flourishing everywhere, and the unbelievers have all the rights that muslims are denied in the West. Mmm, this west is so wicked. Just because they allow muslims enjoy the same freedoms as native europeans have, they think they can draw a line somewhere.

I suggest the western people visit core Islamic states and see how non muslims enjoy more rights and freedom. Maybe such an experience will help them understand the imbalance and injustice between the policies of both sides regarding rights.
Tongue-in-cheek, Ete  :P ?

Right on target Lionger.  :(  I am always diffident when Ete starts 'protesting' injustices on muslims. And this one is so blatently tongue in cheek that one wonders what Ete is trying to achieve by riling muslims. Be more sincere Ete. You can achieve nothing through ridicule because in the end what goes round comes round, and it will be you that will end up with the egg splattered all over your face.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


See now? What crime have I committed now? I write here against an unfair treartment of muslims, and I get attacked by Husnna. would you be happier if I took a position against Muslims? It appears that's what you want Husnaa. It appears you just want conflict. Isn't my post clear enough for anyone to read? How clearer can I get?

I am seriously beginning to feel like the Isrealis. They give up land under the land for peace deal, they give up settlements, they bend over backwards, but can NEVER satifsy the Palestinians. They can never do right by the Arabs. I feel like them right now. I have accomodated, I have been friendly, I have been honest, I have written against muslims discrimination anywhere I see it, whether it is happening in the West, Asia, but Husnaa insist on fighting instead.

Husnna are you a palestinian? I mean what kind of example are you setting here? If everybody were to be this cynical, we wouldn't make any progress in this effort to promote harmony. As a matter of fact, the reason why global inter-faith harmony is difficult to achieve is becuase of your attitude Husnna.

Take it from me Husnna, I am a shinning example of a tolerant World citizen. You'll do well if you would follow in those footsteps rather than being an antagonist and a disruptor of a peace process because of your conditioned cynicism towards my honest intentioned commentaries.

I am convinced that you like terrible things to happen to Muslims so you can complain. I even think you secretly admire President Bush, because he gives you enough reason to complain about the west.
You better Change your mindset Husnna. A true believer should never be war-mongering. I am hoping the angel can pray for you. You like angels right?


U see the reason why it is hard to believe in yr sincerity is that u are only interested in topics that are very contentious for the muslims and u bring them on with such unending regularity. For example, just today u have brought the issue of Germany's upholding a ban on hijab wearing while at the same time allowing nuns to wear their habits which when u look at it closely is really like a hijab as well except that they dont completely cover themselves, but they even wear a head gear. Your chief intention was to bring to muslims this seeming setback to their welbeing in germany while masquerading as a champion for the muslim rights. Very predictable Ete.  Then I see there is another thread on whether muslim ladies should marry non muslim men, another tongue in cheek topic since you know very well that Islam doesnt allow it. U know it bcos this has been discussed in another thread sometime ago I think. Now u bring it up, why? To stir up a hornet's nest, or so you hope.
Incidentally, my remarks have given u an excuse to have a dig at Palestinians, by implying that they were ungrateful for the crumbs that israel throws at them. You say that u have been honest friendly etc, but yr true colors came flying right out in the Litvinenko thread. Wow!! You literally snarled at me. Did u know that? I was like 'take cover quick!!' and all this simply because i said stick with us kid, u will be our next When u react so negatively at the suggestion of becoming a muslim, how on earth can a muslim be anything but sceptical where u are concerned?  In Islam ppl with this type of attitude are termed  Munafiqqun or Hypocrites in plain English. Incidentally, dont be miffed, and dont misinterprete my words in relation to yrself.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: NewEte on January 18, 2007, 03:57:34 PM
My goodness, Germans are sooooooooooooooooo inconsiderate. If this was how they were going to be doing shakara, they should not have given the muslim teachers jobs in the first place. They could have kept their jobs and Allah would have provided better ones later.
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


It's pretty obvious to me that covering your face can conceal your identity and is very different from a nun's dress. However attempts in several European counties to ban the Hijab are disgraceful.


Quote from: Dave_McEwan_Hill on January 19, 2007, 01:34:40 AM
It's pretty obvious to me that covering your face ...........

Hijab is not all about covering the face, it is the identity that they are fighting, must of the sisters that wore hijab dont cover their faces, the same dressing with the nuns except that for the muslim sisters, it extended to cover most part of their body.

The issue of covering the face is optional, but the later is compulsory.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Gosh! Religious intolerability over Islamic dress code seems 2 b a never ending story! I think the media, politicians & set of bylaws need a kind of reality check 2 get a balance on this issue bcoz no doubt, it is having a corrosive impact.

Wth Islamaphobia coming of age in western countries, I sometimes don't blame some Muslims becoming excessively sensitive 2 judicual criticisms & controversies, which is wider, amongst western European societies, denying mostly women d right to manifest their religion & belief, by disallowing them 2 wear hijab. European critics & commentators declared that "justified reasons" was founded to b on security grounds, as an anti-terrorism measure & d value of hijab coflicts wit d value of civilization thus making it incompatible with western values of enlightment & liberalism. (total crap!)

Ete, the likes of this news is not predominantly in Germany: Check on it: hijab wearing was considered a "mark of seperation" against those who do not believe in any religious identity & for 'state neutrality' reasons in France. The Belgians also felt wearing hijab caused a feeling of insecurity & by-law was activated for its ban. UK felt left out & soon joined the cruise with their own apparent reason from a politician that banning female teachers who wear hijab in schools is; since face-to-face communication & eye contact is required in the line of (teaching) it "denys the right of children to full education" The Turks also bought tickets & went on board for the cruiseship against Islamic dress code & banned headscarves in unis & other educational institutions, even public places & on official photo documentations because it stands as an obstacle to secularise & modernise Turkey (of all places lolz)! Infact a court in Turkey sentenced a girl to six months jail for "obstructing the education of others," for wearing a headscarf at her college final exams. (I remember reading news headlines on this & going berserk! That was so out of line!)

Ete, now, it aint even like that anymore. Other denominations r no exception. Some atheistic notions shows just how their intolerability is becoming contageous & cancerous to just about any religion. Islam just happens to be the main target. France banned all clothing recognised as a religious symbol & explicitly prohibits any "visible sign of religious affiliation", It prohibits the wearing of any "symbol" which is too obvious, including the Islamic hijab, the jewish kippa, large christian crosses, stars of David & hands of Fatima.

One British Airways staff , a devoted catholic was banned from her line of duty for wearing a crucifix necklace last yr! A boy was also banned from attending school for wearing a turban likewise an employee because their system of faith which is Sikhism orders them to wear a head turban. There is now a huge outcry from French Sikhs. A Rastafarian whose religious obligations permits the smoking of cannabis & growing of dreadlocks was sacked for hygience purpose despite the fact that he kept his dreadlocks clean & covered! A christians term of employment was also terminated because her computer screen saver read "Jesus is lord" and her manager an atheist found it offensive!

Now, I witnessed this first hand, a crazy friend of mine (luv her 2 bits) who religion is different from mine & I were out shopping on a bright sunny day & arguing on who should have the last (Bino jelly sweets) My friend has an obession for wearing T-shirts with statement on: ranging from love, to rude, to humour, to religion....... Anyway on dis particular day she had a white T-shirt on, which read: Am a believer & I love God! Anyway den came dis "ok" lukin guy, who walked up really close to us & whispered "and atheists like me don't give a s**t " So, other religion r also under indirect attack!

Despite all this, I once read of an existing European anti-discrimination law. I don't know much about it. I just read it.....but I believe 99.9% of the lucky globe trotters in this forum, who have travelled far n wide in Europe or r domiciled there Oya, (stand up!) :P would know about this, that there is a law set in motion prohibiting religious intolerability against any religion, religious or similar philosophical belief but confers right to the manisfestion of religious belief.
The ban of hijab on the female teacher in Germany is "old cake". In the same Germany, they have banned any woman who wears a hijab from driving motor vehicles! Talk about transportation inequality!!!! And ban on other religious dressings is speading!

Thank God this type of intolerability is not happening in 9ja, otherwise we would have raised our eye brows though injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere, so........ >:( Why doesn't all this happen in Africa? Don't u think the whole racket some European bodies r making about hijab is all down to the escalating phobia which is primodial to the nine eleventh event? (hiss).

Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


"corgito ergo sum"


(lolz)...........Repercussions of being fired........All I got is free time & am beginin 2 like it!

Try tracing some old threads......u will b out of breath!
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


"corgito ergo sum"