My Proposal for Nigeria Islamic Intelligentsia(NII)

Started by Nuruddeen, October 21, 2007, 12:39:41 PM

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Salam brothers and sisters, how is life generally? Hope fine.

Find below my proposal for the Islamic Movement.
Until I hear from you. You can e-mail me or get me on 080-63234-772.
Regards and Ma'assalam.
Jibo Nura.


1.         Name: Nigeria Islamic Intelligentsia (NII)

2.         Organograms:
i.          Chairman Board of Directors ( who shall be a seasoned scholar and academic)
ii.         Members Board of Directors: Renowned scholars residing in Nigeria and abroad
iii.        Members/ Membership (which we have to meet and decide).For example, all Muslims living within Nigeria and in diaspora.
iv.        Visiting scholars: Registered OUTSTANDING Scholars who will be invited to give maiden lectures from time to time.
3.         Programmes:
i.          Islamic comparative studies
ii.         Islamic research and development (IRD)
iii.                Annual general meeting(AGM)
iv.                Annual National Islamic Intelligentsia Conference(ANIIC)
v.                  Quarterly symposium
vi.                Islamic propagation via media i.e. print, video, audio and internet
vii.              International Islamic Conference (IIC): To hold a year after the NII inception.
4.         Aim:

To propagate Islamic ideals and principles through research and development

5. Objectives:

i.                    To promote Islamic awareness and understanding among Muslim Ummah
ii.                  To create room for dialogue for Scholars and muslims within the Islamic National  and International  Communities(INICs)
iii.                To provide memorandum of understanding on topical issues that affect Muslim Ummah around the globe.
6.         Funding:
i. Donor agencies such as International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), Islamic Development Bank(IDB) etc.
ii. Individuals
iii. Members
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


Assalamu alaikum,
Many thanks Brother Nuradden for your interesting and important proposals- may Allah (SWT) reward you bountifully.

In addition to above one of the objectives could be to explore how to develop the capacities of the Muslim Umma, one of our biggest problems are poverty and dependency syndrome. 
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).