
Ramadan Mubarak!

I pray that we get the full blessings of Ramadan and may Allah (SWT) grant us more blessings in the year to come.
Amin Summa Amin.

Ramadan Kareem,

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Started by Bagumel, February 07, 2004, 04:43:36 PM

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When Rasulullah (S.A.W) appointed Mua?az Bin Jabal Allah be pleased with him as the Governor of Yemen he gave him the following advice.
?O Mua?az I advise you to be pious with Allah and fear wrongdoing. Be truthful In speech, fulfil your promise and deliver what you are entrusted and avoid treachery. I advise you to be compassionate with the orphans and you should guard and protect your neighbour, swallow your anger be humble and lower your wing to the believers and maintain constancy with your faith learn and understand the Quran .You should love the Hereafter and prepare for your reckoning ( Day of Judgement) and curtail your hopes and you should do your best no matter whatever you do. I forbid you to insult any Muslim do not belie a truthful person or believe a liar no disobey a just Imam (Ruler). ?Rasulullah continued to advise Mua?az to always remember Allah (S.W.T).Remember him with each breath and keep His remembrance as you cross every rock and tree. Repent immediately whenever you commit a sin. If it is committed in secret you should repent privately if it is committed openly you should repent publicly.
Allahu Akbar such was the advice of our Prophet to Mua?az Bin Jabal who was regarded as the most knowledgeable person regarding Halal (Lawful) and Haram (unlawful) among the Ummah which was comprehensive and concise. In one of his discourses Mua?az himself (R.A) warned of awful trials that were coming in which he said Quran would be opened only for reference by believers, hypocrites and the disbelievers men and women young and old. Therefore in the end a preacher would ponder, saying to himself ?How is it that I happen to be reading the divine Book and people seem not be interested nor follow its admonitions.
This reminds me of the story of Salman Farsi another devoted Companion of the Prophet when he came to a Mosque in one of the Cities in Iraq it was said nearly
One thousand people came to greet him. He was so overwhelmed by the honour given to him and therefore asked them to sit down while he stood up and opened the Quran in which He began reading from Suratul Yusuf. In the end the crowd which thronged the gathering in the beginning started to diminish and ended up with about only one hundred people. Therefore Salman questioned the rest of the crowd as to whether they came to listen only to flowery ornate personal opinions or what? Stressing that when he read for them the Glorious Book of Allah they left which saddened him.
This is the unfortunate situation we find ourselves in today. People are more curious and interested in personal and useless harmful opinions that would bring no benefit rather than listening to a quotation from the Book of Allah or the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). They are more interested in the Science of polemics disputations and other unnecessary debates and useless talks which would be a source of regret for them on the Day of Judgement for not remembering Allah during such talks. This is why at the end of Tafsir or Hadith Session we read the Kaffara Dua that would atone the sin committed during the Session. Everyone knows this kind of gathering which are devoid of Allah?s blessing bring nothing but Woe and misery. It would in no way help uplift the Society instead it would bring about enmity, envy, hatred pride arrogance and rancour among the people cherishing friendship outwardly ?but inwardly cherish hatred against one another for turning away from the truth. It is said in Hadith the most sinful people among the Muslims are those who cater to confabulations (i.e. talking together) sinful casual conversions In the World. So therefore we have to be very careful as the Kiraman Katibin (the two Scribes Angels) are busy writing all the good and the evil we do and we say.
So therefore it is up to continue to do and say good or entertain our friends only for the sake of entertainment but remember Allah will call us to account. Abu Darda (R.A) another distinguished Companion said I laugh at someone who stretches his hopes in this World being unmindful of death which is steadily seeking to end his life. He also said I laugh at someone who is heedless and unaware that Allah is not unmindful of him and finally I laugh at someone who grins from ear to ear unaware whether his loud laughter is pleasing to his Lord or perhaps incurring His wrath. So therefore if someone is doing it out of ignorance is unfortunate had it been the will of Allah He would have taught him but however awful doom awaits such person even seven times more who is learned but does not act upon his knowledge according Abu Darda (R.A). That is why one of the four questions that everyone would be asked on the Day of Resurrection is whether he puts his knowledge into practice. This Deen is not Deen of following desires or fancies and talking rubbish but Deen of Action and Practice. If Allah gives somebody the ability to put into practice what he/She knows well and good because it is from Allah otherwise do not blame anybody but you. May Allah give us Taufiq. Amen.

Babandi Abubakar Gumel


Jazakallah Khair................mashallah 4 this write up................Allah bless yah.
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!