Started by Abbas Bubakar El-ta'alu, November 06, 2008, 05:41:57 AM

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Abbas Bubakar El-ta'alu

          Having decided to share some aspects of a book I am writing on "Cigarette smoking", I hereby would start forwarding to you some of the aspects of the silent killer. Because there is less space to cover all that I would want you to read within one posting, I have decided to piece the topic to several ones. The postings would cover the following: Smoking in Islam (Islamic section), factors that influence 'Smoking Behaviour', ingredients in Tobacco and their effects to Health, and finally, what secondhand smoke intails.
            Click straight away to the Islamic section to read 'Smoking in Islam'. The rest of the postings would be under 'Health Matters'.
"It is not the strongest species that survive nor the most intelligent, but the ones that are more responsive to change"
                               ~ Charles Darwin ~

"You can not hold a man down without staying down with him".


Thank you for reminding us all about the danger of cigarettes bring to our health. We have to stop smoking while it is early to avoid diseases like lung cancer. Furthermore, we must be aware on that.