The women performing the taraaweeh prayer at home and the masjid

Started by bamalli, July 21, 2013, 10:25:51 AM

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Question: I am a woman, [and] I pray the taraaweeh [prayer] in my home
because the scholars say that the prayer of the woman in her home is better.
However, during the last ten nights [of Ramadhaan] I become lazy of
taraaweeh and because of that I am forced to go to the masjid so I can
guarantee [for myself] that I can perform this action (the taraaweeh prayer)
in its complete form, so what is your opinion?

Response: No doubt the prayer of the woman in her home is better, whilst it
is also permissible for her to go to the masjid for the prayer with the
Muslims [in congregation] with the condition that she is protected from any
fitnah and that she is covered [by hijaab] and is separate from the men. So
in both situations there is reward for her from Allaah (Subhaanahu wa
Ta'aala) , even though the first situation (praying in her home) is better.

Shaykh Saailh ibn Fowzaan

ad-Da'wah - 1481, Ramadhaan 1415AH

ad-Durar an-Naadhirah fil-Fataawa al-Mu'aasirah - Page 235