Who Is My Pen ?

Started by Mahir, April 25, 2016, 07:52:59 PM

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Who is my pen?

By Sulaiman Badamasi (Mahir)

Dear esteemed reader,
Your pen is a dedicated entity that stands to purvey who you really are. It echoes that which has been cached in the minds, the writer's way of reasoning, angel of view and direction. A good writer writes at the behest of eagerness to convey what people ought to know from their  waving pool of knowledge or simply to present personal opinion. "Your writing voice is the deepest possible reflection of who you are. The job of your voice is not to seduce or flatter or make well-shaped sentences. In your voice, your readers should be able to hear the contents of your mind, your heart, your soul." - Meg Rosoff

A writer's view on a theme depicts their readiness to have the writing archived and read by the generations to come. Expression in writing further means coming to terms with every opinion presented:  dead-on or deadly , and preparedness to defend it anywhere - even before The Supreme Lord.

Using the above exordium as a foundation-stone, the worst thing a writer can do is to allow his pen to be ensnared or enslaved by writing to market other people's selfish interest or to build a bulwark for them. The virtue of a pen should be exploited solely by the penman and benefited by both the writer and his readers. While some think that the best reading writing is the one that interests the readers must, the best reading writing is the one that reads the readers and tells them about themselves.

To whack the nail sternly, "My pen," through my posts and comments via social media handles, forums, emails, publications on internet and prints presents and represents me and only me; Neither do I speak on any organisation's behalf nor individual(s) and not being triggered by anybody's urge- Should I do that, it would be made clear. Mine is my view and whenever it coincides with yours or any other's, it is an utter concomitant. In addition, I regret not standing by or echoing any view which I believe is right and decending on a perceived crap, but  all doors are left opened to welcome corrections warmly. Thus, MyPen can be hard and soft, logical and illogical, satiric and/or comic.

© Sulaiman Badamasi


"The Old Breed, Without The New Breed, Only Breeds Greed" Maitama Sule, Danmasanin Kano