Think positive

Started by Anonymous, January 16, 2004, 09:46:39 PM

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   My message to you is as follows:-

1- Try to enlight our people to be access with internet

2- Wasan hausa ko Wasan Hauka/wasan Kwaikwayo ko Wasan
Kwaya this is topic i want eleborate critically soon.

3- There is need to include Pictures of Hotels in Kano like in other countries as a commercial city. you may have an apportunity to contact hotels for your benefit.

Yours on positive issues.


ka taba ganin inda bahause think positively? ??? :o ;D
color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]


Nice ...very nice Ibrahim.
Dear Gimbiya, isn't it true that your words are not only disappointing but also true? isn't it true that no condition is parmanent and everything has a begining? isn't it true that every issue has a solution? isnt it true that if you are given a chance to change the situation, you would? Lets start thinking possitively for a start, and hope it will begin here for the best reasons.

pluss, I think Kanoonline should go into could bring in something and at the same time, promote Arewa, and Nigeria as awhole!
Safety and Peace


Quoteka taba ganin inda bahause think positively? ??? :o ;D
Am sure u r bahausa, this basically means that u r also thinkin negatively & not positively bout oda hausaz. It renders all of u birds of d same feather :-/
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Am sure u r bahausa, this basically means that u r also thinkin negatively & not positively bout oda hausaz. It renders all of u birds of d same feather :-/

Ummita I guess so, since you can't yanke hannunka ka yarda. I see it that way and that's why I said it. I hope one day that we'll think positively about anything in life
color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]