Cigiya 'yan uwa

Started by Ihsan, January 31, 2003, 11:14:36 PM

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BKG is right. This forum still has some bugs that need to be fixed. I am using mozilla firefox, yet when i try to log in as a member, i always get a blank page that says service temporarily unavailable. I used to be really frustrated, but then i discovered that if i just press the 'go back' button to the welcome/hello guest/home page, I press the 'home'  button and the logged in page appears with my name.
Another thing is that if I am using internet explorer as the browser, and I post a reply, I get the message that tells me that I cant post the reply. However when I try resending the reply, I get another message which tells me that i have already posted the first time!. What I do is press the 'home' button again and it brings me to the home page and i then try to re enter the forum that i am interested in.  Then another thing is that, when I try to log in, I am given a time frame of 60 minutes to stay logged. I usually delete the number and try to be indefinitely logged in. The problem is if I am writing a post or  reply, I have to be careful when I am posting. When it takes me some time before sending the post, I get a timed out message and I am told to try resending the message, but I have to log in again. However, i cant retrieve my original post. it gets lost forever. That is the most frustrating thing that can happen to me. I try to craft a reply that  follows logical pattern especially when I am answering the bigwigs on general board. I can spend up to two hrs trying to find the right things to write. So to have the essay erazed automatically with no hope of retrieval sometimes sends my blood pressure soaring!..all the time wasted and I cant ever write what ever it is in exactly the same way that I did and maybe i had one or two inspiring moments which were split second  and gone forever . So I really become pissed.
What I do nowadays is to copy and paste into a word application file, then send the post, if the message is lost, I just copy and paste from the word document. I also just copy and send then if its lost, I just directly paste. However, I prefer to first save a copy as word and save a record of it.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Admin has a great work ahead of him.
When we complained about the server error message i noticed it hardy appeared anymore so i thot admin had fixed it.(once in a while it appeared though).
It's really frustrating when u finish typing such a long reply and hush it's gone in the blink of an eye.Usually if u click on the back button it should reappear.I remember in the old forum,when i want to make a reference while typing a post i use the back and forward buttons and the message never goes.The word solution is ok,at least u can have a backup.

Wa ya gane min myself ne?Kwana biyu shiru ko alkanawi ya boye ta ne?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Faduwa ta zo daidai da zama, muna cigiyar 'yar uwa...
Ni ma dai I have been wondering  where MYSELF has gone to. ta jima, since that fiasco da Nene, in 'a new member'. Har yau ban kara jin duriyar ta ba,  2 months kenan. MYSELF, Allah Ya sa dai lafiya lau.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Husnaa, seems like we have exactly the same problem, and the we've been trying the same solutions ;D Especially the "pasting of reply on "words application" before sending, in case of error message. however, my prob   goes beyond that as I find it difficult to even access the site most times. It is easier in an internet cafe, as they set up primarily for browing, as against Office connection/servers.


Great minds think alike BKG ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Hold On Hold on....haba my people...i neva die sef una wan berry me, sho? na you de spread rumor say i get too much paper work abi? N u Tizzle, how can u say my job is jinxed? TO even Bellatrix Lestrange cannot jinx me...u see your harry potter mind? HUsnaa dont worry am around you know been having problems with my browser for this new thing but er...i guessed i have found a way. Wait a minute? Hafsy fianced? Which kind of homosapian be dat wey commit such a fiasco? Him own don finish, make i shut my mouth sha!

My people i dey, kampe, no shaking, lifes difficult u knw, been thorugh a lot, school and exams, work and all such commitments...not to talk of how shitty kanoonline sofware operates now....amin really needs to do things about this site or else..hehehe it would get roudy in hurr. So Wuts up? Where my peeps at? Ummita...where art thou? D-Kay hasnt returned yet? Black_Sfyder my man, hum...where una dey now?
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Wai ina su Fateez da Myself da Precious suka tafi ne??? Muna cigiyar ku sisters
COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


wanted to come back to my good friends for long but it seems i have to put more effort, things are really tough!
t is my intention to make the neglected aspect of our societies viable


Haba MlBash! mu masu ciwon ido we find it difficult
to read with this font colour.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


bare su mu kuma.Fitilar kwai da kyandir sun wa idon mu murus.
"corgito ergo sum"


Quote from: HUSNAA on April 19, 2007, 11:16:46 AM
Wai ina su Fateez da Myself da Precious suka tafi ne??? Muna cigiyar ku sisters
COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So sorry for not posting, wallahi these days ko, abun ba'a cewa komai.

I dont even have time for family, thats how bad it is. But inshaAllah I'll

be posting more often now. But I might not be active for long, I might

have to zoom off again soon. How have you been Husnaa?  :)  :)  :) 
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


Lol I wish I could zoom off also!! Lucky you!!!!!!!!!!
I'm soso as usual. ;D
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


bamu gane irin wannan zoom zoom din ba
ke kuma husna in kin yi zoom waye za a bari
a forum din?  Kyale ita Fateez ta yi zoom,
A dawo lafiya.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Salaam Yan uwa!
2 long days, Hope you are all fine.
I was away to village ne, no computer to log on and say hi.

Husnaa, thanks for the concern, hope all is well with you.

Gogan, hope all is ok down there, thanks for the cigiya.

Dan barno, alkanawi, and rest duk gaisuwa nake.
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


Yar'uwa kenan, kwana biyu no communication.
Kin bar mu da babbar yayarmu muna ta brainstorming.
Baki da labari Husna ta sa an kori wannan Kaulasan.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak