What's your Sign?

Started by Gimbiya, December 19, 2003, 09:02:34 PM

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Quoteplz help an aquarius who knows not who he is.


   Aquarian's are very bright and most comfortable in the world of the mental and theoretical. They are good at developing an information network and generous about connecting those they feel should meet together. They have high standards for themselves, but are among the most tolerant of all the zodiacs, respecting others and going out of their way to avoid hurting other people. ?
   They are considerate and willing to help those in need, approaching the problems of other's as they approach their own, logically, detatched and without undue emotion. Although they have the reputation of being friendly, in many ways they are very private and dislike having their privacy invaded. They are humanitarians, free of prejudice and tend to have no trouble getting along with others. ?
   Aquarian's however, tend to be dreamers and may appear completely out to lunch about the common activities and objects of life. Sometimes they are unrealistic and their imagination runs away with them. They can seem a bit eccentric and out of touch with reality. They can also be critical of others and seldom admit their own faults. However, a mate will never lack for imaginative things.
   Despite your sincere belief in the brotherhood and sisterhood of all people, you can seem strangely detached when you're dealing with your significant other one-on-one. You're faithful lover in the sense of honoring an exclusive relationship once you commit to it, but your greatest loyalty is always to your ideals and creativity. In order to be happy you need diverse friendships and occasional solitude as well as the love and friendship of your partner.

color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]


Could Gimbiya say something about a Capricorn! ?:o

I don't really believe in all this stuff, but i would
like to hear something about my sign.


  Capricorn's are stable and patient, with a strong leadership ability. Generating ideas, delegating details to others and moving toward a fresh pasture may be perceived by other signs as lazy, but in fact they have a desire to accomplish everything with the greatest efficiency. They are not averse to hard work and are honest and serious about whatever they do. They are very practical and responsible.  
   Capricorn's are ambitious, determined and have a good head for business.They spend their money wisely and don't like waste. Their biggest asset is that they are self-reliant.  
Capricorn's mature early in life and detest the condition of being a child. They have a tendency toward conservative attitudes and they are high goal setters, rarely satisfied with results. They can be overly critical of others, sometimes appearing cold and distant.  
   Capricorns have high standards and expect others to live up to them. Capricorn's tend to have high opinions of themselves and can be materialistic. This is a sign of contrasts. There is a great potential for success in every Capricorn, though sometimes they refuse to recognize it and their outlook can be pessemistic. They can be hindered by inhibition and lack of self confidence which is sometimes disguised by a feigned laziness. While loyal and committed in love, they are often undemonstrative.

compatiblity with:
Fireworks(should look into)


Sparks(so so--- would get along with some work)


Hell NO( try to stay away0

color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]


leo monthly romance scope.

You don't mind taking the initiative in the beginning of the month (1st through 3rd). Although you may not be able to convince your date or significant other to do exactly what you want on the 7th and 8th, you should be able to reach a compromise that will be satisfying to both parties. You are easily bored on the 9th through 11th, so if you aren't having a good time on a date, you won't hesitate to end it abruptly and look elsewhere for what you consider a good time. No one understands the concept of love being a two-way street as well as you do on the 14th and 15th, but when you're being pursued by more than one person on the 16th through 19th, you may be able to get away with more selfish behavior than you did previously in the month. People with a superior intellect and quick wit catch your attention on the 22nd and 23rd, but it's the intense heat you feel from a chance meeting with an attractive stranger that stops you in your tracks on the 27th and 28th. A first or blind date may start slowly on the 29th, 30th or 31st, but it should pick up once you break the ice with a joke or funny story."





Rich, shy, love by peep, many adventures (short life) and long mr williams lol

So you know that you are not going to live a long life?
My brother, don't believe in this funny stuff. Ahmad Deedat
was a Sagittarius and he was very old. Go and read his
Gaskiya tafi komai..........هو الذي


Quotesagittarius pls?

Sagittarius [/b]

   Sagittarian's are honest and forthright, approaching life with earnesty and openess. Sagittarian's also have a restless nature and bore easily. Their enthusiasm, optimism and zest for life are second to none, but must be controlled. They are open minded and tolerant, they do not like pretension or deceit and have high standards. They tend to be very trustful and expect others to return that trust. They aren't prone to suspicion or envy and are easygoing and good humored.  
  Sagittarian's love to travel believing that exploration is the spice of life, whether mental or physical. They often have good fortune when it is needed the most. Sagittarian's are naturally gifted teachers, although they have difficulty with follow-through, procrastination and commitment, preferring to keep all options open. They are tempted to move on without materializing results. They love the outdoors and are often athletic.  
  Sagittarian's are restless and tend to take foolish risks and don't learn from their mistakes. Challenge is important in fulfilling the life of a Sagittarian. When an achievement is accomplished, they soon begin work on the next one. The compulsion to set new targets and meet them is so strong that it can become all-engrossing, with present activities being skimped because the eye is always on future plans.  They sometimes make promises they can't keep and waste a lot of their energy. They will be faithful however and always trusting, but often lean toward the single life.

You are most compatible with


Might work with


No chance in hell

color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]

Hausa Error



? ?Aquarian's are very bright and most comfortable in the world of the mental and theoretical. They are good at developing an information network and generous about connecting those they feel should meet together. They have high standards for themselves, but are among the most tolerant of all the zodiacs, respecting others and going out of their way to avoid hurting other people. ?
? ?They are considerate and willing to help those in need, approaching the problems of other's as they approach their own, logically, detatched and without undue emotion. Although they have the reputation of being friendly, in many ways they are very private and dislike having their privacy invaded. They are humanitarians, free of prejudice and tend to have no trouble getting along with others. ?
? ?Aquarian's however, tend to be dreamers and may appear completely out to lunch about the common activities and objects of life. Sometimes they are unrealistic and their imagination runs away with them. They can seem a bit eccentric and out of touch with reality. They can also be critical of others and seldom admit their own faults. However, a mate will never lack for imaginative things.
? ?Despite your sincere belief in the brotherhood and sisterhood of all people, you can seem strangely detached when you're dealing with your significant other one-on-one. You're faithful lover in the sense of honoring an exclusive relationship once you commit to it, but your greatest loyalty is always to your ideals and creativity. In order to be happy you need diverse friendships and occasional solitude as well as the love and friendship of your partner. RAWAWUL GIMBIYA

shege ni !!! wato aquarius ba sauki kenan,it seems to me like we r da best from gimbiyas knowledge of stars.....

toya ke kuma farar aljana mu dan ji taki ruwayar mana. ni dan 28th january ne.
Life is a test. Try get a 'P' atleast.


Gimbiya how bout me????????

Was born 27th of May


QuoteGimbiya how bout me????????

Was born 27th of May

WOW! Waziri, you are a Gemini

You're an angel who can give your partner a lifetime of love and laughter -- or an imp who can't concentrate on anyone for more than the lenght of a kiss.  you can caotivate dates with your witty insights -- or wield words like weapons to keep them from getting too close. You're honest as a child and daithful as Fido -- or a two timing heart breaker.

Your ability is to live to fully in the present is asmirable, but it can be frustrating to a sweetheart who dreams of a feature that includes marriage and children. you have the right to live as you please, but also the resposiblity not to lead anyone on.

Many of Gemini's can go happily thorugh one brief encounter after another with never thought of permanence. when you do fall in love, it's often with two people at the same time.



Sparks in the air


No Chance In hell(rough road)

color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]


:-*thanks gimbiya for your star gazing stuff. iwas born on 25th october,pls what is my sign  and compatibility imeanwith whom am i compatible?


Quote:-*thanks gimbiya for your star gazing stuff. iwas born on 25th october,pls what is my sign ?and compatibility imeanwith whom am i compatible?

Okay Bazamfare you are a Scorpio

  You're dramatic, intense and mysterious, you're not known for your sense of humor, but cultivating one is the best thing you can do to improve your love life.
     If you're a typical Scorpio you have bountiful energy and powerful sex drive :o, but this doesn't mean you're as hyperactive as a bunny. Like everyone else, you have moods and whims and changing needs. Sometimes you're lusty and sometimes you're tender and sometimes you want to spend the evening alone with a good book.
  Scorpio is known to be a femine sign, so you tend to be introspective and a little shy. You may have your head in the clouds when you first fall in love, but you come back down to earth when it's time to make wedding plans.
 once you've found the love of your life, resolve not to let the green-monstered eyed to come between you two. you have too much pride to want anyone by your side who doesn't choose to be there.


*Gemini(with some help)
*Virgo(some help needed)
*Libra(give and take)
*Leo(with some help)


color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]


Yes ooo!!! Thats Gimbiya for you, the Star gazer.
Say no Evil and Do no Evil unto Me,   Kunji Ko!


this sh*t sound reall.

we need some Uztaz 2 intervein here :o


Quotethis sh*t sound reall.

we need some Uztaz 2 intervein here :o

Oh poor IBB I got you at a point huh? that's how I felt couple of years ago when I was just reading about myself.
color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]



shege ni !!! wato aquarius ba sauki kenan,it seems to me like we r da best from gimbiyas knowledge of stars.....

toya ke kuma farar aljana mu dan ji taki ruwayar mana. ni dan 28th january ne.

Dalwu (28th Jan - 18th Feb)

Mutum ne kai mai karancin magana, kana da yawan abokai masu kaunarka sosai, sa'annan ga saurin yarda da mutane, Allah zai azurta ka da dukiya mai yawa! Kana da yawan son nishadi kuma, amma kuma bazaka mutu ba sai akan hanyar allah. In kuma ka shiga kasuwanci, zaka samu alheri mai tarin yawa. *Kuma mafi yawancin nasarorinka akan abubuwan da ka saka a gaba ka kan same su ne ranar asabar!