Do you know that:

Started by gogannaka, August 23, 2003, 10:48:57 AM

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Yes i'm about to commit an act of matchmaking

Involved in what? ???

do u know that im the first person to post a message in konline in the yr 2004 8) 8) 8)

May The almighty shower his blessings on all of us thruout this year...Ameen
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


salam to you all!and happy new gregorian year :-*
sannu goga sarkin aiki! when you start your matchmaking do not forget about me ooo! ;D


me neither! ?;)

tall is the first preference. After all the basic specs of course!  8)
 just realised that nothing is what it seems.


Heyy guys i'm not the matchmaker,ummita is...

Do u know that about half the inhabitants of the city of Bam in Iran were killed in the earthquake that rocked the city some days ago...........may their souls rest in peace...
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


 just realised that nothing is what it seems.


Thank you,that was more than enough crazy info to last me a life time(+ 9 years since im right Handed ;D).
   And did you know that the average guy thinks of sex not atleast once every 8 minutes!!!!!!!(Oops! i just had a thot;8 mins gone already?!!!!!!)
Life is a lesson,learn it_


Do u know zat 1/2_sy (ze most talked about ferson by hausanicious) is missing?
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Do you know that venus crossed the sun on the 8th of june 2004?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Did u know that:

-the total number of bicycles in the capital city of China are 4x Nigerians population.

-Nigerians are the most talkative people on phone.

-What a man wants with a woman is to remain young and beautiful, while she is looking for financial security.
  (National Geographic Channel)


Do you know that

-reasoning is the God's greatest gift to man?

-Domestic conflict is what poses greatest threat to sustainable democracy in Nigeria?


do you know that:

-the joy of being a mother is giving all to your children?

-the two things you should give your chlid: roots and wings?


do you knw that

-to every generality there must be exceptions?

-to hate an individual is wrong, but rather the group?


Do you know that our mallam shiekh is out on a mission to make the most posts on konline?

do you know that Phillips corp was the inventor of the compact disc technology?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: "gogannaka"Do you know that our mallam shiekh is out on a mission to make the most posts on konline?

do you know that Phillips corp was the inventor of the compact disc technology?

aa baha ka bane, u no de fiya God ne?


Gogannaka there is no any mission what soever in kanoonline(understooded?).

do you know that mosquitoes dont see they only Perceive?