Started by ummita, March 05, 2003, 02:14:17 PM

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YeAh ?rrrrRRRRRRrrrrrright!!!!

more like his own natural lip gloss ko... I say, throw him in the ring!!! Where he will await his fate....and where is that Um**ta already.... i had to sell 7 of mah cars just to get the $$$ to see this fight of the century....where she @?
stroke of luck for Anwar....but it wont last long....

ooooh by the way....i booked for seven undertakers.. i have a very strong feeling we'll be needing them...

ohh why SEVEN undertakers?? ? emm...coz someone will be ripped and fanged apart sooo very badly.

Anywayzzz may the best win!!! (even though we know whoz dat ;D)


We have got information from both camps. Ummita has not shown up 4 any pre match interviews cause they say she is playing the psychological games she is trying to put Anwar off his game plan. The strategy of the Ummita camp is to Hit it Strong Hit it Fast. They want 2 get it over as quickly as possible and my source tell me that Ummita is in da best shape of her life.

In terms of camp Anwar, they are working on his footwork they say that they expect him to dance circles around Ummita.

We also have word that the Ref is a veteran, with 50 matches under his belt and it is expected that he would send a copy of da rules 2 both camps.

We r going to have a record number of attendance as tickets went on sale on the 26th and were sold out within 2 hrs. ?If u r a betting person the bookies have Ummita down for 8/2 and Anwar 20/1, the reason why they have him down for that is he is relatively new to the verbal fight sense. But of course we know that in the world of verbal fights upsets do happen.

So I guess its time 2 either put up or shut up. And of course Kanoonline would have all the action for u with xxxxxx reporting. Back to u xxxxxxxx ? ? ?


Hey, come here Ummita I will wet them 4 u ;)

wai wai wai Mallam Anwar, ka sayi rikici da kudinka!!! mhmm mhmm ana wata ga wata. Let me join the group of mazuga eg: Venom, Fulanicous, Twinkle, Ibro and the rest. I will purposely pay a daily visit here. Ina take, tagani kuwa?......

To jama'a my curiosity is burning like Iraqi oilfields I just want to see how ummita will retaliate, Nima bari na ja gefe nayi kallon ikon Allah. Nima dai :-X :-X :-X
m a man of ma own words


den, den den sai na fada. Anwar I will report you. You don sifoil pinnish. Who one liki lips (oh na ummita one em one wet) we go see kata kata for zis filas. tashin balagar tsuntsaye!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o ni ma dai :-X :-X :-X :-X why not thoday why noto towdai ehen? make them dig show make I watch


Come wo Anwar. You sho say no bi kwamo lips you get ;D we chop man pikin mouth finish wo. ;D


Nawa wonders shall never endddddddd. So I have read all the gossips and all the amebos that provided it. I have read about so many proposals by Papi and his marriege with Dyme. Gels wuna like him wuna jus dey front. ::)I juss hope you made the right decision Papi marryng Dyme. The 4 stoooges that arrived funky M, T gaye, & who.... I have also heard so many interesting messgaes surrouding peeps

Hey, come here Ummita I will wet them 4 u ;)
but whatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt :o :o :o Ori don spill, kini? I hear that one correct kuwa?????, or I read well, or maybe na venom eye problem dey infect. Peeps tell me please am I seeing what you is all seing?

Hafsy slaps herself for face [*POW*] but still she saw the same thing...Hafsy falls off her chair and crashes to the floor. BEFORE I faint make I nak one statement. Anwar you is shiga dubu uku, make I nak anoda statement, all of wuna pass Anwar all of wuna bi green snake only God knows  what all of wuna dey do sef.........but kain anwar  :o :o :oand Hafsy finally fainteddddddddd :-X :-X :-X[/color]
What you see is what you get[/b]


Hafsy falls off her chair and crashes to the floor and Hafsy finally fainteddddddddd

Good 2 HAVE U BACK, glad 2 see they did not tamper with ur funny bone. As u can see we r preparing 4 a major show down, so do u have any insider information that u could give us.


Kai!! kun ganku!! 'yan raka yarima asha kida!

Kai ma dai Anwar kasan yadda abun yake! ka zo ka kara shafawa kanka kashin kaji! (lol)...Allah ya fiida ka... ;)
greetings from Ihsaneey


Its been 4 days and we have not seen any action lafiya ku wa


LoL! Allah ya shirye ku

mohammedibrahim elopes with lover... anyone else heard sumthin? negroe juss dissappeared like that!!!  :o
da Hunniez Gettin Money Playin Niggaz Like Dummy



come on, lets not think dirty...
Amma, Allah sarki...maybe the poor boi meant he will wet um**ta's lips with a "chap stick" or by giving her a lip gloss to use..... :-/

HAHA SIS, dont be too nice
Safety and Peace


Kai venom, ka san we fit make chada from the match...

*he wispers to venom*
"Lets hike the tickets to the match....u know inflation and before u know it we r rich....Oh man, how do u think Nija guyz get rich...lets do it."

Hope she comes here soon...I can wait for the war...ah make I  :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
Safety and Peace


QuoteLoL! Allah ya shirye ku

mohammedibrahim elopes with lover... anyone else heard sumthin? negroe juss dissappeared like that!!! ?:o

Thats because its the end of the world...mata sun fi yawa, to keep it that way guyz ke bata....mohT, Maleeq, and goodfella sun bata.
Wait I jere foot might be ummitah :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
Safety and Peace


QuoteHey, come here Ummita I will wet them 4 u  

Quote:-X :-X.........
QuoteIf ummita sees this Oh I dont even wanna know how she will react.............
Quote:-X :-X :-X :-X :-X........
QuoteKan Ubaaaaaa today na today, I swear I do not want to miss.......
QuoteRound 1 Nine referee.......
Tashin sense.........
Rumble in the jungle..........
Sold seven car......booked undertakers....
Infro from camp booth.....
My curiosity is burning life Iraqi oilfields, I just want to know how ummita will retaliate......
We go see kata kata for zis filas. Tashin balagar tsuntsaye...why not today.......make them dig show make we watch
Slaps herself for face [*POW*]....Hafsy falls off her chair and crashes to the floor..Hafsy finally fainted...
Its been 4 days we havent seen any action. Lafiya kuwa
Venom kasan we fit make chedaz from di match

Guys ya'all cracked me up (so this is wat has been goin on 'ere) less deal with Anwar huh!?

Oh Anwarrrrr..........where ma baby boi @?, c'mon Pa' less hit d free way ;) Guys we r off 2 Hawaii Halalulu ;).......(she laffs)

Venom sannu.......kai ya'all sabi zuga. All of u r evil may d lurd b with u I hereby sprinkle ya'all with holy water. One luv onlyners.........ova 'n' out
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Duh!!! u guys think am gonna let Scooby doo off lyk that!!, juss lyk that......Oh hellz naw ::) ::)

Anwar the Orangutang. You are so inmoralisticated contaminated without braincated to thinketh wat is good for you animaletic  attitude. You bi the best Idioletic stupidletic disfigured deoriantated lacking ORT emaciated anorexic sickle cell anemiasticated boi. You will neva seen gene to match yuwa wife own and naso you go deliver those disfigured shilren. infakt infack infakt.............she signs*** abeg Anwar put then 4 kona less proceed 2 Hawai ::)(she laffs) Iz all 'bout puppy lav

Ibro u suprised me, hadda kai, u hav joined venom?
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!