Started by Venom, January 01, 2003, 05:10:50 AM

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Masha Allah ...Alhamdulillah

Shukran, Shukran, Shukran... :)

Mun gode maka Borg da wannan info. Yanzu duk ma wanda ke doubting cewa music is HARAAM, to ga proof nan cewa it is HARAAM...

kuma it is not from weak sources, as u can see...

mun kara gode maka Borg...Allah ya biya...
greetings from Ihsaneey


... ur sayin poetry is haram?...

well, shouldnt music (especially with profanity) be "unwanted" or "disliked"... but haram? i dunno man.. music is a strong identity for culture and other things...
but there are other kinds of music that are allowed... Lord knows i listen to islamic songs ... and they even sell them in Mecca... so... ::)
da Hunniez Gettin Money Playin Niggaz Like Dummy


You see we have now started venturing into the doubtful or unclear areas. Even though the concencus agree that Music (Soul, Jazz, Instrumental etc) is haram there are some scholars that say poetry and songs without musical instrument and that are for the praise of Allah are permissible, while there are others that still say no. Others say unless its in a battlefield where it motivates courage and Jihaad in the Path of Allaah, the Almighty.

On the authority of Al-Numan bin Basheer, who said : I heared the messenger of Allah say :

"That which is lawful is plain and that which is unlawful is plain and between the two of them are doubtful matters about which not many people know. Thus he who avoids doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honor, but he who falls into doubtful matters falls into that which is unlawful, like the shepherd who pastures around a sanctuary, all but grazing therein. Truly every king has a sanctuary, and truly Allah's sanctuary is His prohibitions. Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh which, if it be whole, all the body is whole and which, if it be diseased, all of it is diseased. Truly it is the heart."

Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim


Borg...Allah ya sakama da alkhairi. You`ve solved the entire puzzle
Safety and Peace


not that am holy and that i dont litsen to music,
but there are only two instruments that are hala in Islam since our nobel prophet described the rest as "creation of shatan"
the two are
1) Daf (the arabian kinda drum)
and the second am not really sure though i guess its the arabian guitar.... i repeat am not sure maybe someone else knows :)


I'm compeled to ask of the guitar and piano...and they are mah favorites. What of flutes?
Safety and Peace


the arabs of the gulf love the flute,
i dont know if its the other halal instrument.
but i certainly have doubts on the piano or the guitar....
i mean come on, they are inventions of the europeans. I dont think guitar and piano's history belong to 1400yrs.
i havent read of any expedition of the Nobel Prophet into europe,
sorry man, i aint of help that much. :)


Just because the piano and guiter was invnted by the europeans doesnt mean its haram...don't press a thing, the pc is haram. I though haram products are the drums which are beaten, this are string instruments...being plugged in some way....who knows som'n?
Safety and Peace


Duff is permtted but only in some case..... all other instruments are forbidden.....
Proof is coming soon.


Singing accompanied by the beating of duff is an approved type of lahw (vanity) for women during the `Eid. `Aa'isha (R) said: "Allah's Messenger, sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam, entered (my house) when I had two little girls singing the songs of Bu`aath (pre-Islamic war lore) and beating on a duff; so he lay down on the bed and turned his face away. Then Abu Bakr came in and scolded me saying, 'The flutes of Shaytaan played in the presence of Allah's Messenger?' So Allah's Messenger (saws), turned toward him and said, 'Leave them alone, O Abu Bakr! Every people have a `Eid, and this is our `Eid.' [Saheeh al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad and ibn Maajah]

Al-Baghawi commented on this hadith by saying:

"Bu`aath is a famous battle of the Arabs, in which there was a great victory for the Aws over the Khazraj. The war between the two tribes went on for one hundred and twenty years - until Islam came. The two girls were singing poetry that described fighting and courage, the mention of which is supportive to the Deen. But as for songs that involve mentioning sins, announcing prohibited matters, and displaying evil deeds - it is all prohibited. And it is impossible that anything like that would ever take place in the Prophet's (saws) presence without him objecting adamantly to it. And as for his saying 'this is our `Eid', it provides the reason for displaying joh in the two `Eids as being a symbol of the Deen, because they are different from other days." [Sharh us Sunnah 4:322]

From this hadith, and other subsequent evidence, it is important to note the following:

A) The Prophet (saws) did not object to Abu Bakr's statement that the duff, being a musical instrument, is a flute of Shaytan. This is taken as an approval from him (saws) of this general rule, which conforms with other authentic evidence prohibiting the use of musical instruments.

B) He (saws) modified Abu Bakr's understanding by indicating that there is an exception to this general rule on specific occasions.

C) The occasions in which Islam permits women to beat on the duff are the following:
1. The two `Eids
2. weddings, and
3. to celebrate the arrival from travel of a respected individual.

D) On these occasions, hearing the beating of duff is permissible for men, for Allah's Messenger (saws) did so and approved of it as is seen in the above hadith. However, it is not permissible for men to listen to women's singing, because this is a unjustifiable source of great fitnah. The Prophet's (saws) listening to two little girls does not constitute an evidence in this regard.

E) Because of the general texts prohibiting the use of musical instruments in general, the only musical instrument that the women are permitted to use is the duff; deriving any analogy from this to other instruments, and is in clear violation of simple principles of fiqh and reason.

F) This privilege of using the duff is not granted to men on any occasion - as will be discussed below.

G) The permission given to sing during the `Eids applies only to acceptable poetry that encourages good deeds and behavior. It cannot be extended to the songs calling to sins and disobedience, as is common in many cultures (see above earlier citation from al-Baghawi).

As indicated above, there are no reports that the male companions beat on the duff. Thus, beating the duff is allowed for women because it is typical of them, and Allah's Messenger (saws) permitted them to do it, but he (saws) forbade men's imitation of women and vice-versa. This view is upheld by the majority of the scholars; for instance Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (r) said:

"The Prophet (saws) permitted some types of rejoicing on the occasion of weddings and their like. He permitted the women, as well, to beat the duff during weddings and festivities. As for the men, during his time, not one of them would beat the duff nor clap their hands. Rather it is confirmed in the Two Sahihs that he (saws) said: "Clapping the hands is for women; and raising the voice with tasbeeh is for men." And "Allah curses those men who imitate women, and those women who imitate men." And singing and beating the duff are of the acts typical of women. Because of this, the righteous Salaf labeled the man who did that, effeminate." [Majmoo` ul-Fatawa 11:565]

And Ibn Qudamah (r) said:

"As for beating it (the duff) for men, it is makrooh (despised act) in all situations. It was only done by women; and if men do it, they would be imitating the women; and the Prophet (saws) has cursed those men who imitate the women." [Al-Mughni 9:174]

Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, commenting on Ibn Qudamah's words, said: "It is obvious that his words mean its prohibition (for men)." [Kaff ur-Ru`aa 35]

And al Hafidh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, the author of the great commentary of Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, said: "The hadith that says, "Announce (masculine plural command) the weddings and beat (masculine plural command) the duff for it,' is used by some people as evidence that beating the duff is not specific to women. However, this hadith is unauthentic; and the authentic hadiths (in this regard) give that permission to do that for women. Men cannot be included in that because of the general prohibition for men to imitate them." [Fath ul-Bari 9:226]

Al-Mubarakpuri agreed with this statement of Ibn Hajar, and he added: "The fuqaha (scholars) have said that the duff is that which has no bells, as ibn al-Hammaam mentioned... Likewise, the permissible singing during weddings is specific for women; it is not allowed for men." [Tuhfat ul-Ahwathi 4:210]

And the great commentator of the Qur'an, Ibn Kathir (r) said: "...Nothing is excluded from that prohibition of musical instruments, except beating the duff for the young girls - during `Eid days, at the arrival of a respected individual from travel, and during weddings - as has been indicated in the hadiths, and as has been established in various places. And permitting that in some situations does not lead to permitting it in all situations.

Common in our times are the ugly scenes prophesized by Allah's Messenger (saws) in which men and women gather to entertain themselves with musical instruments and other prohibited acts. [al-Bukhari, Abu Dawud, al-Bayhaqi and others] May Allah guide us to what is good for us in both lives.


well.. too much doubt... so i juss pray..GOD FORGIVE ME!!
da Hunniez Gettin Money Playin Niggaz Like Dummy


Just because the piano and guiter was invnted by the europeans doesnt mean its haram...don't press a thing, the pc is haram. I though haram products are the drums which are beaten, this are string instruments...being plugged in some way....who knows som'n?

excuse me son,
you have highly mis-understood me and i expect an appology
my statement were expressing the fact that these musical intruments are not very old, and even if they are..... The nobel Prophet might not have come across them


Safety and Peace

Aydee Fella

never rat out yur friends n alwaiz keep yur mouth shut"


QuoteAllah ya rufa mana asiri but music kam,,

Amin, man if u have not got Meteora yet u should go out and get it its really good.