Ma True life Story

Started by ummita, April 01, 2003, 05:01:53 AM

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Guysssssssss.......I juss wanted to share with you all about me furreeeeel.

Bismillahir-rahmanir-raheem(I start in d name of Allah)

.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................& I hereby say I was born in...I am  (she laffs till she cud laff no more). Oh hellz ur dreams......see their eyes ::)

Efery wan helse hia wan hiya ma life story. Oh hellz naw........Well iz all about me sayin I law view all of u r ma sweethat. We all luv awaselves. But a big APRIL FOOLS TO YOU ALL

::)Abeg........all of u kuroni wajumi jare....take all ya prerri, burriful hensum face outta 'ere........ ::)werrin u wan hiya/ Ma tori in ur dreamz.

Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Between God and Mighty I really felt for this. You need to see how I was so eager to start reading. But :-/ Nice one Ummita ;)


I shoud have known that you tell your story dama I know you must be up to something. Har jikina na rawa but
ha ha ha he he hehe he I am laughing at Anwar. Guess she fooled us all. We will get to back farrael  ;)



Quote. Oh hellz ur dreams......see their eyes ::)
Efery wan helse hia wan hiya ma life story. Oh hellz naw........Well iz all about me sayin I law view all of u r ma sweethat. We all luv awaselves. But a big APRIL FOOLS TO YOU ALL

::)Abeg........all of u kuroni wajumi jare....take all ya prerri, burriful hensum face outta 'ere........ ::)werrin u wan hiya/ Ma tori in ur dreamz.


Kai Ummita I just dey laugh like mad. Where you get those grama. (biruful,werrin, prerri,hensum, ) those na real phoeney accent that Yoruba & Ibgo people use especially if they want to act cool & kuma that I LAW VIEW(I luv u) he he he he damn that was so funnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy



Check these outtt..................
San Serriffe
In 1999 a newspaper published a special supplement all about San Serriffe, an idyllic holiday spot in Indian Ocean composed oof two Islands, Upper Causse and Lower causse. Readers fell for the stroy and there were so many people booking for a flight to San Serriffe, in whihc the airport went under night mare. But San Serriffe was in fact a fictional place and the names of its Island, towns and leaders were all based on printing terminology!!!

A UFO was spotted on the eve of 31st March in 1999,  police were called to investigate a mysterious glowing object a flying saucer that was descending towards US in what was feared to be the begining of an ALIEN INVASION!! The UFO was in fact a hot-air ballon piloted by a 15yr old boi..Guess he had them fooled!!!

Mountain Edgecumbe  
In 1992, the residents of Sitka, Alaska feared a nearby dormant Volcano was about to erupt!! when they saw it producing black smoke. Town was in great shock as ppl started packing & leaving. Luckingly the volcano was still dormant........juss a bunch of men who set off old tyres on fire to fool the ppl of Sitka......on 1st April........

I fooled fellow classmates
I tricked my class mates into thinking we had an xzam presentation. Actually it was three of us. We kinda got or shud I stole stole d head of dept letter headed paper. Typed up a well notifable script informin students & sticked it on the wall. Amongst the rules, all students must dress up in suits. Come along with a mini tape recoder, for those that can come with camcorder...blah blah...well we had it planned a wk b/4 1st April.....boi...I saw all them boiz scutted in suits even d geek of ma class.....nah it was one gurl in particular....(who finally confessed afta we blew it out) that she purposely bought a suit...Lurd d funny thing was a boi who had 2 run of 2 a nearby shop 2 purchase battery 4 his mini tape recorder...another had to ring his mum to quickly deliver him a VHS empty cassette....anoda was busy retying his tie..anoda was busy brushing his hair....other were busy practising..... well door open ma lecturer was lyk :o :o :o why are you all in suits? And why are these camcorders here?
well every one begins to look @ each other...finally d courageous gurl stands out & shouts April by then I was headin 4 d doors...... so I heard ma fellow classmates are really mad that they hav made a written report....we were called in by d skool sec that the displinary committee will like 2 c those who pranked 2day..I was tremblim(head spinnin, mind buggin,heart thumpin, palpiatin) all I was duin...(gaskiya I no lky ma skool wahala)..I know d rules......we were ushered into an empty room...were we began hittin up on who started...I was lyk I did nefink iz all their fault..I was thinkin d suspension letter that awaits us....juss then all ma classmates came in shouting April foolllllllllllllllllllllll.............guess wat d annoyin thing was......our scary, vulnearble faces were on tape....sum dude was secrectly filmin.......I went weak on ma kneessss....guess they had us fooled real sounded so real....(eniwez d skool sec helped them) Eniwez I didnt fall 4 tha april was juss a lil reaction ::)
Eniwez Tit 4 Tat.........

So share with us.........d scenario of who u fooled or who fooled u? Keep 'em cumin peeeeeeps
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


That was hillarious but you know I hate laughing ;)
Yes I was also fooled but I picked it up to early. Guess I was so damn clever 8)


I was fooled that I was to go for an another Operation reported that my doc rang me and left a message wai what they wanted in my belly wasnt what they took out..actually I kinda taught it was some joke but a heard a voice mail & it was a mans voice. I quickly rang my mum to tell her the dillema I was in and I was crying by then my mama was like mene? naso I com tell her naso I hear, well some one quickly vut off my fone line, ke aprilllllllllllllllll foolllllllllll. I was mad pissed off. The voice on the fone was even my brothers hissesssssss I didnt even fall for it nima ;D
What you see is what you get[/b]


a personal priced possessed property (are all  women)!!