Started by alhassan007, October 28, 2004, 04:37:57 PM

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Ahlan Ahlan Ya Ramadhan
Shahrul Khayri wal Ihsaan
Qulu Ahlan Ya Atfaal
Ahlan Ahlan Ya Ramadhan
WelcomeWelcome O Ramadhan
The month of goodness and piety
Say welcome to it, O Children
Welcome Welcome, O Ramadhan

Shahrul Khairi yunaadika
Hayya tahayya' ya Tifli
La Tukhdhib la tu'dhi ahadan
Kay la tughdhibur Rahman
The good month is calling to you
Hurry and get ready O children
Do not lie, don't hurt anyone
So that you don't anger the Lord

Ahlan Ahlan Ya Ramadhan
Shahrul Khayri wal Ihsaan
Qulu Ahlan Ya Atfaal
Ahlan Ahlan Ya Ramadhan
Welcome Welcome O Ramadhan
The month of goodness and piety
Say welcome to it, O Children
Welcome Welcome, O Ramadhan

Shahrul Khaiari yunadeeka
Qum fatawadhdha' ya tifli
Salli wad'uwir Rahman
Kay tadkhul alal Jinan
The good month is calling to you
Rise and do Wudhu O children
Pray and do Dua to the Lord
So that you may enter Heaven

Ahlan Ahlan Ya Ramadhan
Shahrul Khayri wal Ihsaan
Qulu Ahlan Ya Atfaal
Ahlan Ahlan Ya Ramadhan
Welcome Welcome O Ramadhan
The month of goodness and piety
Say welcome to it, O Children
Welcome Welcome, O Ramadhan

Shahrul wasli lil arham
Shahrul atfi alal Insaan
Az zakatu wal ataa'
Fiha Itqun minan naar
The month of getting close to relatives
The month of being kind to humans
Giving of Zakat and charity in it
Frees you from the fire

Ahlan Ahlan Ya Ramadhan
Shahrul Khayri wal Ihsaan
Qulu Ahlan Ya Atfaal
Ahlan Ahlan Ya Ramadhan
Welcome Welcome O Ramadhan
The month of goodness and piety
Say welcome to it, O Children
Welcome Welcome, O Ramadhan
e are nothing but pencil in the hand of the creator.

dan kauye

Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke


that was tıght!!!!!!!!

remınds me of the songs ı wrıte wıth mıxed languages...

nıce nıce